ACIPC is excited to announce that we are holding a Lunch and Learn webinar on Monday 24 February at 12:00pm AEDT.
Topic: Indoor Air Quality: Your questions answered
Presenter: Distinguished Professor Lidia Morawska, PhD
Our September 2024 webinar ‘Indoor Air Quality: Science, Practice, Legislation’ was a big success. Thank you to all those who attended, and as there were so many great questions and not enough time to answer them all, we are delighted to announce that Distinguished Professor Lidia Morawska will present this follow-up webinar. She’ll be answering those questions; if time permits, you’ll have the chance to
pose new ones to her.
Join us for an even deeper dive into this fascinating and important topic
About the presenter:
Lidia is a Distinguished Professor and Australian Laureate Fellow in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane, Australia. She is the Director of the International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health (ILAQH) at QUT, a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre on Air Quality and Health; the Centre Director for the ARC Training Centre for Advanced Building Systems Against Airborne Infection Transmission (THRIVE) hosted at QUT; a Vice-Chancellor Fellow, Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE), University of Surrey, United Kingdom; an Adjunct Professor at the Institute for Environmental and Climate Research (ECI), at the Jinan University, Guangzhou, China; and a Co-Director in Australia for the Australia – China Centre for Air Quality Science and Management (ACC-AQSM)
To register for this webinar, please click the link below: