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Webinar for the aged care sector

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The Department of Health and Aged Care and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, are holding a webinar on effective IPC practices. The panel will include experts from the Department and the Commission along with a special message from the Minister for Aged Care, the Hon Anika Wells MP.

The panel will talk about the importance of effective IPC behaviours to assist with building knowledge and capability in the delivery of timely IPC and quality care.

We strongly recommend that all IPC Leads and Directors/Coordinators attend, but anyone working in the aged care sector is welcome and will benefit from the presentation.

When: Thursday 16 March 2023, 10:00am to 11:00am (AEDT)

To register please visit:

There will be a moderated Q&A session with the panel, and we encourage you to submit questions in advance through the registration link.

For those that are unable to attend on the day, the event will be recorded and published on the Department’s website: