ACIPC has released a new position statement – Terminology for pathogens that transmit through the air.
Inconsistencies in key terms has resulted in confusion of the use and understanding of transmission pathways. Standardising terminology as knowledge evolves is important for effective communication across all aspects of health.
ACIPC recommends:
Terminology for pathogens that transmit through the air is standardised including;
- Introduction of the term “infectious respiratory particles” (IRPs) to describe respiratory particles containing pathogens that travel through the air.
- Recognition of the spectrum of IRP particle sizes and moving away from using aerosols and droplets to define IRP size.
- The use of “transmission through the air” as the overarching term to describe the movement of IRPs, with subcategories of “airborne/inhalation” and “direct deposition”.
- The term “particulate filter respirators” (PFR) is used to replace P2/N95 respirators to provide consistency.
The Position Statement considers current terminology and provides further recommendations for standardising terminology used to describe PPE, and to describe procedures and behaviours that can increase the release of IRPs and form part of the risk assessment for PPE use.
Read the full position statement by clicking the link below:
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