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Share your stories from the frontline – deadline extended

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As we count down the weeks to the 2022 ACIPC conference, we would like to invite you to contribute to this year’s ‘Stories From The Frontline’ segment.
ACIPC is incredibly proud of the efforts being made by our members to support Infection and Prevention and Control throughout what has been some very challenging few years. It is very important to us to showcase your work.

ACIPC invite all members to submit a 30 second – 1-minute video that will feature during our upcoming conference.
This might highlight:

  • Unique challenges you/your team may have experienced
  • How your day-to-day practice has been adapted to meet new demand
  • Significant achievements
  • New opportunities emerging
  • Anything else you’d like to share!

These videos will be compiled and displayed at regular intervals during the online event. You will be advised prior to the event if your video has been included in the reel.
Submission guidelines:

  • Videos should be uploaded as a MP4, WMV, MOV, AVI file
  • Submissions do not need to be professionally shot, however, where possible, high-quality images and sound are preferred
  • Content should be respectful and suitable for all audiences
  • Individuals are responsible for ensuring the content of their submission meets the expectations and code of conduct relevant to their institution/employer
  • Please note, files may be altered by the ACIPC conference organisers to fit time-limits and merge videos into a single reel, however alterations will not be used to change the meaning or intent of the author
  • All contributors will be asked to complete a film/photo consent form.

All submissions will go into the running to receive a $100 Coles/Myer Gift Card – this will be selected at random, and the winner will be notified on Monday 10th October.
If you would like to contribute to ‘Stories From The Frontline,’ please contact Emily Larsen

Call for Submission closes Sunday 9th October 2022