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NECT Writes to Minister Butler

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Dear Members,

Some of you may be aware that last week it was announced last that funding for the National Clinical Evidence Taskforce (NCET) group has ceased. The Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care will not be continuing the contract to develop clinical guidelines for COVID-19 beyond 31 December 2022.

As a collaboration of 35 member organisations (including ACIPC) this shared work over the last 33 months has been invaluable. All 35 organisations wrote a letter of support which was sent to Minister Butler today.
NCET_Member Letter_Minister Butler

The letter highlights:

  • It is essential that Australian healthcare professionals have access to regularly updated guidance to ensure they can provide the best possible care for Australians with COVID-19
  • The COVID-19 guidance produced by the National Clinical Evidence Taskforce is the principal source of clinical advice for Australian healthcare professionals
  • There is no viable alternative to the Taskforce guidance
  • Evidence-based guidance will be particularly important for healthcare professionals caring for Australians with long COVID
  • The Taskforce has recently demonstrated the potential to respond to other urgent and emerging diseases

Warm regards,
Kristie Popkis