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Kanengoni, Tendayi

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  • in reply to: Public access to alcohol based handrubs #68202
    Kanengoni, Tendayi

    Kanengoni, Tendayi




    Hi Fiona,
    Canberra Hospital in the ACT firmly supports the ABHR placement in
    public areas; there is an active campaign about to be rolled out where
    public education and awareness is being supported at every level. Our
    approach is that it is every ones business keeping our patients safe.

    This facility has brackets with Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR) at point
    of care (end of bed), in the hospital foyer, all main entrances and
    close to each lift on every level. Hand hygiene posters, with good
    messages and clear directions in use have also has been placed just
    above the ABHR on walls in everyone’s sight.

    We are in the process of building four hand hygiene stations or hubs to
    be placed in the main foyer in preparation of the WHO Hand Hygiene day
    on 5th May 2010. These will be big and bold, inviting patients, visitors
    and their children to participate in good hand hygiene practice.
    Information will be available for them and children’s packs will
    encourage all ages to participate, as we believe education, support and
    participation is the only way to ensure good and safe practice.

    We will continue to support this very important cause in keeping our
    patients safe and we welcome enquiries in how we intend to do this.
    we do not have it on the ends of the beds in women’s and children’s but
    at point of care in the NICU.
    Please feel free to contact us on 62059484.


    Tendayi Kanengoni
    Hand Hygiene Project Nurse
    Canberra Hospital

    —–Original Message—–
    Behalf Of Wilson, Fiona L (Infection Control)

    I would like to know if any members have placed their alcohol based hand
    rubs in public areas such as near lifts, entrances etc in their
    If so where have you put it and what form has this taken (bracket on
    wall, hand hygiene station etc) and have you had any issues with this.


    Fiona Wilson
    Manager, Infection Control
    Western Health

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    in reply to: BCG instillations and staff Mantoux screening #68166
    Kanengoni, Tendayi

    Kanengoni, Tendayi




    Hi Michael,
    Here at The Canberra Hospital, we do BCG instillations and Mantoux
    screening yearly.
    Tendayi Kanengoni
    Hand Hygiene Project Nurse
    Canberra Hospital


    Behalf Of Wishart, Michael
    Mantoux screening

    Thanks for all who have replied so far. I just need to clarify my
    question a bit.

    I need to specifically know if any other organisations have a specific
    health surveillance program for staff handling BCG used for bladder
    instillations. Whilst knowing whether all HCW’s are screening for TB is
    useful, I have been advised that we should have a specific health
    surveillance program for staff who handle BCG (specifically the
    reconstitution of the freeze dried powder and the administration of the
    solution). Does anyone out there have any such a program? If so, how
    frequently do you conduct Mantoux on this group of staff?

    If anyone has any comment or opinion on this form of health surveillance
    I would also be very interested.



    Michael Wishart | GPH – Infection Control Coordinator

    GPH – Quality & Safety Unit (Infection Control) | Greenslopes Private
    Newdegate St, Greenslopes QLD 4120
    t: 07 3394 7919 | f: 07 3394 7985
    e: | w:

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    Behalf Of Wishart, Michael

    For those ICP’s involved in staff health, I am interested in knowing how
    many organisations offer routine Mantoux screening to staff involved in
    BCG instillations / immunotherapy. If you do offer routine Mantoux for
    this group of staff, how frequently are they performed?

    Any comments or opinions appreciated!!



    Michael Wishart | GPH – Infection Control Coordinator

    GPH – Quality & Safety Unit (Infection Control) | Greenslopes Private
    Newdegate St, Greenslopes QLD 4120
    t: 07 3394 7919 | f: 07 3394 7985
    e: | w:

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