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Borrell, Sue

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  • in reply to: TGA change to listing of 2% CHG in 70% ETOH enquiry #70115
    Borrell, Sue

    Borrell, Sue




    I have emailed the manufacturer of 100ml 2% Chlorhexidine in 70% Alcohol
    with the same labeling- will share the response when it arrives
    I note the 500ml bottle of 0.5% Chlorhexidine in 70% Alcohol also now
    has this labeling
    Have had a look around the TGA website and have not seen anything about
    category changes
    Sue Borrell
    Infection Prevention Nurse Consultant
    Infection Prevention & Hospital Epidemiology

    t 03 90763139
    m 0429 806356

    Alfred Health
    55 Commercial Road
    Melbourne VIC 3004
    PO Box 315 Prahran
    VIC 3181 Australia

    Alfred Health incorporates The Alfred, Caulfield Hospital and
    Sandringham Hospital

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    Behalf Of Jane Tomlinson
    in 70% ETOH enquiry

    Hi Lindy
    our generic branded liquid solution seems to now also have the ‘hospital
    grade disinfectant and the surface cleaning” directions, however our
    single use swabs and packets do not. Has anyone contacted the
    manufacturer yet?
    We Passed Accreditation – met with merit for standard 3 Infection
    Prevention – many thanks for your assistance and great work
    Jane Tomlinson RN
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Management and Prevention Service
    Royal Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Health Queensland
    T: 07 3636 7856 | M: 0408 236 266
    | F: 3636 5505
    Ground Floor, South Tower

    Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029

    >>> Lindy Ryan 3/07/13 9:03 >>>

    Dear Colleagues

    Just wondering if anyone; facilities/ service had been using 2%CHG in
    70% ETOH (tinted pink /red/blue) for skin antisepsis for their pt. s
    for insertions of CVADs or preop skin prep? and if so were you notified
    of the change to the physical labelling from it previously being
    labelled for use as skin prep – ‘use as a preoperative treatment of
    unbroken skin’ to it at some date being relabelled as a “hospital
    grade disinfectant ” “with the direction “of apply to hard surfaces e.g
    walls and floors”

    Can I ask then if you were aware can I ask are you still using it as a
    skin antisepsis even with the label change or have you stopped using
    for this purpose… and if so what are you now using instead?

    Any advice or feedback would be grateful

    Many thanks



    Lindy Ryan

    Infection control CNC

    Nepean Hospital NBMLHD

    Phone 4724 2228


    Infection Prevention and control is everyones business


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    in reply to: Returning explanted medical devices to patients #69726
    Borrell, Sue

    Borrell, Sue




    Thank you for your responses.
    If you are interested in a summary of policies on returning explanted
    devices to patients:
    2 health services – returning explanted devices to patients is
    discouraged, although considered under certain circumstances with the
    patient signing a disclaimer. In this case the device is sterilised
    1 health service- generally discouraged but if considered a risk
    assessment is performed- if cannot be cleaned without risk- the device
    is discarded
    2 health services- never returned to patient
    Department of Health WA operational directive as posted is very
    comprehensive- photograhping the implant to give a copy of the photo to
    the patient or if available, giving the patient an opened, unused
    implant is a good way around the problem

    Sue Borrell
    Infection Prevention Nurse Consultant
    Infection Prevention & Hospital Epidemiology

    t 03 90763139
    m 0429 806356

    Alfred Health
    55 Commercial Road
    Melbourne VIC 3004
    PO Box 315 Prahran
    VIC 3181 Australia

    Alfred Health incorporates The Alfred, Caulfield Hospital and
    Sandringham Hospital

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    Behalf Of Borrell, Sue
    to patients

    Hi all,
    Does anyone have a policy they would be willing to share on:
    Returning explanted medical devices to patients?
    Appreciate any responses to my email below and I will summarise for the
    Sue Borrell
    Infection Prevention Nurse Consultant
    Infection Prevention & Hospital Epidemiology

    t 03 90763139
    m 0429 806356

    Alfred Health
    55 Commercial Road
    Melbourne VIC 3004
    PO Box 315 Prahran
    VIC 3181 Australia

    Alfred Health incorporates The Alfred, Caulfield Hospital and
    Sandringham Hospital

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