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Paul Smollen

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  • in reply to: CRE in Australian hospital – media report #69866
    Paul Smollen

    Paul Smollen




    Hi Michael,

    The MJA have once again dedicated an issue to all things infection
    related, including antimicrobial resistance, HAIs and infinitely
    interesting parasites, to coincide with this week’s combined
    Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) and Communicable
    Disease Control Network Australia conference in Canberra. And includes
    the article that news source refers to.

    Paul Smollen

    Project Manager, Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI)

    Clinical Excellence Commission | Level 14/227 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
    NSW 2000

    T: (02) 9269 5586 |F: (02) 9269 5599 | E:

    Behalf Of Michael Wishart

    Hi all

    I thought some list subscribers may be interested in the above media
    report of carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) in an Australia
    hospital, given the recent release of the US CDC report on CRE (see )

    Has anyone in Australia / New Zealand seen outbreaks of infection with
    these resistant organisms this year?



    Michael Wishart

    CNC Infection Control

    Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital

    627 Rode Road, Chermside, Qld 4032

    t: (07) 3326 3068 | f: (07) 3607 2226


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    in reply to: Operating Theatre Attire #69796
    Paul Smollen

    Paul Smollen





    I do enjoy this chestnut. While it is a public perception, facilities
    and us at the Ministry receive multiple complaints from visitors about
    this issues. One of the complaints we get is that the public see them in
    the gowns in the cafe and are worried they are going off to operate on
    their family member. This alone could convince your OT staff against the

    The problems lies with no valid evidence. This comment may open a can of
    worms….. but I find this should be a two way street and if OT staff
    want to walk around a hospital and outside and do all normal activities
    in their scrubs, then they should allow people to walk into an OT in
    street clothes. I really see no difference. While we are concerned with
    levels of evidence about scrubs outside an OT what level of evidence is
    there about wearing scrubs inside an OT? The scrubs are usually kept on
    open shelves in open change rooms with toilets and showers nearby.

    I do know of facilities that have a lunch ordering system with their
    cafe and the food is delivered there. This may be an option you could

    Good luck with it all.

    Paul Smollen

    Project Manager, Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI)

    Clinical Excellence Commission | Level 14/227 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
    NSW 2000

    T: (02) 9269 5586 |F: (02) 9269 5599 | E:

    Behalf Of Toni Schouten

    Dear All,

    The issue of where you can and cannot wear operating theatre attire
    (blues) has arisen at our facilities – again.

    I would be interested to know if your facilities/organisations allow
    theatre staff to eat and drink in the on-site cafeteria if they have
    clean blues that are covered.

    Food is not supplied to the OT; staff are permitted to collect food from
    the on-site cafeteria if in clean blues that are covered; there is a tea
    room but it is said that it can be over crowded at peak times.

    The public perseption (and complaints received) says that they should
    not be allowed to eat and drink there.

    What valid evidence is there and what do others do or say to back up
    that they should not eat and drink in on-site cafeterias (if at all).

    Look forward t your comments.

    Regards, Toni.

    Toni Schouten CICP

    Clinica Quality Manager

    Sydney Local Health District

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    Paul Smollen

    Paul Smollen




    Dear Lindy,

    As the CEC are the creators of the poster, I thought I might be able to
    provide you with an answer.

    The data to be displayed for the BSI is NSW Clinical Indicator SABSI 2.1
    and 2.2. It was just given the title “Blood Stream Infection” to
    simplify so the general public could understand.

    It is up to each facility how they want to display the SABSI data, so a
    facility can choose to use their monthly data and change the insert each
    month or use quarterly data or even year to date figures.

    You may even choose 3 times a year to coincide with the Hand Hygiene
    data. Apart from the monthly figure you should have a year to date rate
    as well. It may be appropriate to use the year to date rate when it is
    time to update the poster insert which should be a minimum 3 times a

    Hope this has made it a little clearer. Happy for the NSW clinicians to
    contact me to further discuss if there is still confusion.

    Paul Smollen

    Project Manager, Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI)

    Clinical Excellence Commission | Level 14/227 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
    NSW 2000

    T: (02) 9269 5586 |F: (02) 9269 5599 | E:

    Behalf Of Lindy Ryan

    Dear all

    just a question for my NSW ICP colleagues out there.

    We are in the process of distributing and using the newly released “Help
    us Beat Infections” posters we were recently sent for us to join in
    with the rest of the state public facility’s in displaying the one
    standard hand hygiene results posters for each of our wards however i
    have a question that i am hoping for some consensus on as i have been
    unable to get any standard answer to date in my calls around (& maybe I
    am not understanding the instructions we were sent ..maybe I am just
    having a slow day?)

    Q1. In the section where we are asked to enter our BSI rate what are
    folks entering?

    I am assuming this figure it would be NSW CI 2.1 & 2.2 (HA SABSI)????
    given we all collect it (I have had this feedback form another iCP which
    sounds fair)

    Q2. where it indicates to add your quarterly rate what is everyone
    putting in this section

    I would be assuming then that we use the last 3 months worth of 2.1 &
    2.2 numerators & denominators and divide by 3 to get our quarterly rate
    to provide a figure each month for our managers to add to this chart

    I would be interested to hear what other from NSW sites are doing …or
    if I have it totally wrong and I can locate our quarterly BSI rate else
    where or work it out differently. Adding our HH scores is the easy bit the BSI i am not clear on so any thoughts on what you guys in NSW
    are doing would be greatly appreciated



    Lindy Ryan

    Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Control Services, Nepean Hospital.
    Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District PO Box 63 Penrith NSW
    2751Tel 02 4734 2228 | Fax 02 4734 2517 |

    Infection prevention & control is everyone’s business


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    in reply to: Community needlestick injuries #69367
    Paul Smollen

    Paul Smollen




    Cathy I would consider contacting the PEP services that are offered by
    most states. NSW, Vic, SA and WA all have a PEP services for the
    community that covers sexual exposure, IUD sharing and community

    The NSW PEP service is run by Albion St Centre I know it is extremely rare to
    place a community needlestick on PEP unless the needle had directly come
    from another person. If a person is placed on PEP it is the same PEP
    pack given to sexual exposures and follow up at the hospitals that
    administer PEP is with the HIV CNC.

    Hope that helps.

    Paul Smollen

    Project Manager, Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI)

    Clinical Excellence Commission | Level 14/227 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
    NSW 2000

    T: (02) 9269 5586 |F: (02) 9269 5599 | E:

    Behalf Of Cathy Mowat

    Just wondering how other places manage those from the community who
    present to the Emergency Department following a blood or body fluid
    exposure incident? Often our staff packs are used to manage the incident
    which sends the results back to us in infection control. We are
    considering that maybe a community exposure management pack should be
    developed and used for these people- the number of presentation is
    fairly low.

    Cathy Mowat

    Infection Control

    Central Gippsland Health Service

    Sale Victoria 3850

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    in reply to: Public Toilets – Individual Urinal Versus Trough #69280
    Paul Smollen

    Paul Smollen





    I agree with Matt and Terry. In addition the single units reduce water
    consumption and in fact in across a number of government departments and
    office towers in Sydney we use a waterless single mounted urinal. I have
    had no reports or complaints from anyone about the waterless units.

    Paul Smollen

    Project Manager, HAI

    Clinical Excellence Commission | Level 14/227 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
    NSW 2000

    T: (02) 9269 5586 l F: (02) 9269 5599 | E:

    Behalf Of Fiona de Sousa

    Hi All,

    We are currently considering bathroom furniture for male toilets and
    there is a debate over floor troughs versus wall mounted single urinals.
    I have been told that the floor mounted trough poses a greater infection
    control risk for the spread of infection than the wall mounted urinal
    but am unsure why this is. Has anyone else looked at this issue for
    their facility and what was the outcome?

    Kind Regards,

    Fiona De Sousa

    Infection Prevention & Control Coordinator

    Sydney Adventist Hospital

    185 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW, 2076

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    in reply to: Laundry detergent #69267
    Paul Smollen

    Paul Smollen





    If the patient is washing their own clothes then a disinfectant is not
    required. I would imagine it is a domestic washing machine that you have
    purchased and not a commercial washing machine. AS4146 is quite clear
    about chemical disinfection. Most commercial washing machines achieve
    disinfection through thermal methods of above 65degrees. I would say if
    you require the items to be disinfected I would use a commercial company
    to do it as you would have to conducting monitoring and testing.

    A cheap and efficient way to disinfect clothing is to use a tumble
    drier, it can reduce bacteria in clothing by a 100fold.

    Paul Smollen

    Project Manager, HAI

    Clinical Excellence Commission | Level 14/227 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
    NSW 2000

    T: (02) 9269 5586 l F: (02) 9269 5599 | E:

    Behalf Of SAWMH.ICC

    Good afternoon Everyone,

    Our Rehab Unit has purchased a washing maschine as part of their rehab
    program for inpatients. I need to find a detergent with disinfecting
    qualities. Is there anyone that can help me with the name of a product
    or company that I can contact?

    Thank you

    Marlize Senekal

    Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator

    St. Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital

    457 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill


    Ph. 07-3834 4444

    Ext. 4328, Pg. 0328


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