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Lincoln Fowler

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  • Lincoln Fowler

    Lincoln Fowler




    Dear Marie

    I would view this as an occupational health and safety risk firstly and
    present it as such to the managers of the theatre and/or service
    executive. The management may not agree with the theatre staff
    assessment of practical or practicable.

    Clearly there are infection implications for staff too.


    Lincoln Fowler / Infection Control

    Child and Adolescent Community Health

    Department of Health


    L3 WASON, 151 Wellington St, PERTH WA 6000

    Delivering a Healthy WA


    Behalf Of Marie Daws


    I have been informed that our hospital blood and body fluid exposure
    policy has not been followed since 2005, regarding first aid, as it is
    impractical for scrubbed theatre staff to rinse the affected site with
    soap and water (or normal saline for mucous membrane exposures). Current
    practice involves pouring betadine on the site.

    Has anyone else encountered a similar problem? And have you any ideas
    how I could manage this?

    Many thanks

    Marie Daws

    Infection Control Coordinator

    Hospital & Day Surgery


    32 Payneham Road

    Stepney SA 5069

    T: (08) 8130 1100

    F: (08) 8130 1101




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    in reply to: Transport of sharps container within community #69385
    Lincoln Fowler

    Lincoln Fowler




    Hi Tara

    Our Sharps Management Policy requires:

    Transport sharps containers for use in mobile clinics, secured in a
    dedicated bracket in the rear of the vehicle.


    Lincoln Fowler / Infection Control

    Child and Adolescent Community Health

    Department of Health


    L3 WASON, 151 Wellington St, PERTH WA 6000

    Delivering a Healthy WA


    Behalf Of Tara Stanway


    I was wondering if anyone was able to share their policy/ procedure of
    transporting sharps containers within the community,eg. travel form base
    to school and return or home visits.

    Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.



    Tara Stanway

    A/ CN Infection Prevention and Control

    Cape York Hospital and Health Service


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    in reply to: Community needlestick injuries #69365
    Lincoln Fowler

    Lincoln Fowler




    Hi Cathy

    I have developed a pack for the use with Community HCWs.

    I can send to you if you wish.


    Lincoln Fowler / Infection Control / CACH

    Department of Health


    L3 WASON, 151 Wellington St, PERTH WA 6000

    Delivering a Healthy WA


    Behalf Of Cathy Mowat

    Just wondering how other places manage those from the community who
    present to the Emergency Department following a blood or body fluid
    exposure incident? Often our staff packs are used to manage the incident
    which sends the results back to us in infection control. We are
    considering that maybe a community exposure management pack should be
    developed and used for these people- the number of presentation is
    fairly low.

    Cathy Mowat

    Infection Control

    Central Gippsland Health Service

    Sale Victoria 3850

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    in reply to: Preparing intravenous fluids in advance #69275
    Lincoln Fowler

    Lincoln Fowler




    Dear Helen

    I believe that a risk-management approach is best applied to this issue.

    The intravenous fluids are sterile prior to insertion of the giving set.
    At this point there is the possibility of contamination of the fluid.

    The longer the hang time the longer there is for any contaminating
    bacteria to multiply in the fluid.

    In my opinion it would be better to prepare as you need it to minimise
    the risk.

    I think that it should be up to those who want to pre-prepare to show
    why it is OK with evidence.


    Lincoln Fowler / Infection Control / CACH

    Department of Health


    L3 WASON, 151 Wellington St, PERTH WA 6000

    Delivering a Healthy WA


    Behalf Of Helen Scott


    Can anyone give me any evidence or articles that state why we shouldn’t
    be preparing intravenous fluids and priming giving sets and then leaving
    them for periods of time, in theatres or anywhere else (I’m looking more
    at a contamination point of view than a risk of inadvertent use on
    another patient).

    Or, does anyone have anything that states it is not harmful to leave
    intravenous fluids, primed and ready to be connected, for a specified
    period of time?

    Thank you,


    Helen Scott

    Clinical Nurse Specialist |

    Infection Control |

    Anaesthetics & Recovery

    Nepean Private Hospital

    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4732 7333 |

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    in reply to: Aseptic non-touch technique #69075
    Lincoln Fowler

    Lincoln Fowler




    Hi John

    Assuming the acronym is to promote using the correct steps I would suggest: LOCATE

    L: Location of procedure

    O: Order of procedure

    C: Cleaning and disinfection

    A: Aseptic field established

    T: Technique non-touch

    (E: evaluate performace)

    The last is to encourage reflective practice.

    Perhaps someone can dream up something better based on this.


    Lincoln Fowler / Infection Control / CACH

    Department of Health

    Telephone: +61 8 9224 1407 / Fax: +61 8 9224 1612

    Mobile: 0467 771 233


    L3 WASON, 151 Wellington St, PERTH WA 6000

    Delivering a Healthy WA


    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [] On Behalf Of John Ferguson
    Sent: Monday, 4 June 2012 9:46 AM
    Subject: Aseptic non-touch technique
    Importance: High

    Dear Aicalist members,

    As you will know, the new ACSQHC Safety and Quality Standards include these (stretch) requirements:

    3.10 Developing and implementing protocols for aseptic non-touch technique

    3.10.1 The clinical workforce is trained in aseptic nontouch technique

    3.10.2 Compliance with aseptic non-touch technique is regularly audited

    3.10.3 Action is taken to increase compliance with the aseptic non-touch technique protocols

    It is quite a challenge to put in place a system that goes across all practitioners as I’m sure you know!

    The resources attached are available from UK (we have them on order).

    The Commission would be interested to know about programs around the country that have developed ANTT policies and procedures.

    Has anyone started regular auditing (other than say for CL insertion)? If so would you please share your audit tool(s)?

    What examples of action taken to increase compliance do you have?

    Have people had experience with the above UK resources?

    In Hunter New England, in addition to central line insertion, we’ve chosen to focus on IV insertion, wound dressing and IV medication preparation as our initial procedures to codify and audit. We already do skills lab training for IV inserters.

    We’ve also been throwing around the following guiding principles list for ANTT – would welcome your comments! Could we perhaps come up with a natty acronym for these 5 ‘moments’ of ANTT?

    Aseptic non-touch technique (ANTT) : core principles of practice

    1.WHERE TO PERFORM the physical environment for the procedure- where should it be performed; what are the situations where it should not be performed?
    2.SEQUENCING the most efficient and safest sequencing of procedure preparation and performance needs to be known by the operator and followed closely
    3.DISINFECTION- Hands, procedure trolley and the patient procedure site; correct disinfectant, method of application and avoidance of recontamination
    4.ESTABLISH AND PROTECT ASEPTIC FIELDS sterile drapes, plastic trays, sterile glove use, correct procedure sequencing and performance
    5.NON-TOUCH PROCEDURE TECHNIQUE specific to the procedure



    Dr John Ferguson
    Chair, Healthcare Infection Advisory Committee, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare

    Locked Bag 1, Newcastle Mail Centre, NSW 2310
    Tel 61 2 4921 4444 | Fax 61 2 4921 4440 | Mob +61 428 885 573 | |

    From: Stephen Rowley ANTT []
    Sent: Monday, 4 June 2012 1:57 AM
    To: John Ferguson
    Subject: Re: Purchase of ANTT package
    Importance: High

    Dear John,

    Thank you for your email and sorry for the slow response. We will post you the ANTT Guideline CD which includes ANTT Audit Tools and the ANTT Practice Framework to the address provided.

    To implement ANTT effectively it is important to blend education with practical training. To support this, The Association for Safe Aseptic Practice (ASAP) provides ANTT Accredited training resources to help support training and implementation. The Implementation Pack includes all the resources required to implement ANTT across a large organisation.

    We charge a small amount for these resources to help support the ongoing development of ANTT resources. I have attached the Resource List along with a information sheet.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.

    Best regards


    Patricia Fernandes

    Administrator and PA to:

    Stephen Rowley

    Clinical Director ANTT

    +44 (0)7739 000597

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    in reply to: Gloves use during Immunisation clinics #69050
    Lincoln Fowler

    Lincoln Fowler




    Hi Jan

    The school based and community based immunisation nurses for Child and
    Adolescent Community Health in Perth don’t wear gloves. They are
    required to perform hand hygiene between clients using alcohol based
    hand gel.

    I hope this helps you.


    Lincoln Fowler / Infection Control / CACH

    Department of Health


    L3 WASON, 151 Wellington St, PERTH WA 6000

    Delivering a Healthy WA


    Behalf Of Roberts, Jan

    Hi all

    I have a question about the wearing of gloves and the use of hand
    hygiene during vaccination clinics, in particular in schools or
    community based clinics. The Immunisation guidelines state ‘that gloves
    are not routinely recommended for immunisation service providers’ and
    that standard precautions should be used.

    Would be interested to know what others are doing.

    1. Do the immunisation staff wear gloves or not?

    2. If wearing gloves do they change them and perform hand hygiene
    between each client/ individual?

    3. If not wearing gloves do they perform hand hygiene between each



    Jan Roberts RN,ICP

    Infection Prevention & Control

    Community Based Services, ACT Health

    (W) 61745352

    (M) 0435966792



    Care Excellence Collaboration Integrity


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    Lincoln Fowler

    Lincoln Fowler




    Hello Wendy

    I have used the tool on the HHA website and found that it is more of a
    survey than an audit.

    I am attempting to develop something else and when I have something will
    gladly forward it to you.


    Lincoln Fowler / Infection Control / CACH

    Department of Health


    L3 WASON, 151 Wellington St, PERTH WA 6000

    Delivering a Healthy WA


    Behalf Of Beckingham, Wendy

    Good afternoon all

    Would anyone have such a hand hygiene audit tool that they have found to
    be effective. If so would you be happy to share?

    Thank you

    Wendy Beckingham
    CNC Infection Prevention and Control
    ph. (02) 6244 3695 or pager 50390

    Care Excellence Collaboration Integrity


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