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Jane Tomlinson

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  • in reply to: Infection control research project #70600
    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    HI Terri
    What a great discussion, here at RCH Brisbane we use P2 masks until vomiting has ceased, then we swap to contact precautions – we also see significant long standing norovirus colonisation in our oncology patients.

    My rationale is that the vomiting is likely aerosol and that I should provide the best protection to my HCW.

    We find outbreaks are usually from environmental persistence of a child’s vomit, and usually once we do a disinfectant clean – and find this usually stops any new cases in outbreak (of course we also close area to admission and have all exposed pts ‘at risk’ under contact precautions).


    We Passed Accreditation – met with merit for standard 3 Infection Prevention – many thanks for your assistance and great work

    Jane Tomlinson RN
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Management and Prevention Service
    Royal Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Health Queensland
    T: 07 3636 7856 | M: 0408 236 266
    | F: 3636 5505
    Ground Floor, South Tower
    Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029

    >>> TERRI CRIPPS 25/10/13 15:52 >>>

    Hi everyone,

    Always on a Friday afternoon!
    We have had a great debate here about what sort of precautions Norovirus requires and what sort of isolation room they need to be nursed in.

    The NSW Ministry of Health Infection Control policy PD2007_036 states:
    Contact and Airborne precautions.
    P2 mask when there is potential for aerosol dissemination e.g. patient vomiting or toileting (diarrhoea), disposing of faeces.
    Airborne = negative pressure room if available and P2 mask
    Contact = gown/apron, gloves
    Ensure consistent environmental cleaning and disinfection.

    I have always advised the staff that contact and DROPLET precautions are required if the patient is vomiting or has profuse/explosive diarrhoea. I have also advised that a surgical mask is sufficient (if worn correctly). Our little ones dont vomit and expel faeces as far as adults do too.
    We do not have the luxury of having a negative pressure room for them to be nursed in either as we do not have that many.
    I think CDC simply suggests single rooms and contact precautions.

    Just thought I would ask the other experts out there what they think about this topic?
    Also if I advise staff to follow the contact and droplet precautions and surgical mask route, am I going against policy?

    Any help on this matter would be appreciated. Happy to admit I am wrong!

    Terri Cripps | Clinical Nurse Consultant Infection Control | Sydney Childrens Hospital
    ‘: (02) 9382 1876 | fax: (02) 9382 2084 |8 :| “| page: 47140


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    in reply to: TGA change to listing of 2% CHG in 70% ETOH enquiry #70114
    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    Hi Lindy
    our generic branded liquid solution seems to now also have the ‘hospital grade disinfectant and the surface cleaning” directions, however our single use swabs and packets do not. Has anyone contacted the manufacturer yet?

    We Passed Accreditation – met with merit for standard 3 Infection Prevention – many thanks for your assistance and great work

    Jane Tomlinson RN
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Management and Prevention Service
    Royal Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Health Queensland
    T: 07 3636 7856 | M: 0408 236 266
    | F: 3636 5505
    Ground Floor, South Tower
    Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029

    >>> Lindy Ryan 3/07/13 9:03 >>>

    Dear Colleagues

    Just wondering if anyone; facilities/ service had been using 2%CHG in 70% ETOH (tinted pink /red/blue) for skin antisepsis for their pt. s for insertions of CVADs or preop skin prep? and if so were you notified of the change to the physical labelling from it previously being labelled for use as skin prep – use as a preoperative treatment of unbroken skin to it at some date being relabelled as a hospital grade disinfectant with the direction of apply to hard surfaces e.g walls and floors

    Can I ask then if you were aware can I ask are you still using it as a skin antisepsis even with the label change or have you stopped using for this purpose and if so what are you now using instead?

    Any advice or feedback would be grateful

    Many thanks



    Lindy Ryan
    Infection control CNC
    Nepean Hospital NBMLHD
    Phone 4724 2228

    Infection Prevention and control is everyones business

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    in reply to: Clearance of MRO post-discharge #70108
    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    HI Michael
    I do try to follow up our repeated hospital stayer patients at home, I provide information on home decolonisation process & suggest same to treating team, and I send a home screening pathology package, in line with MRO clearances as you noted.
    Happy to discuss further if requested

    How long until Accreditation Visit?
    Jane Tomlinson RN
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Management and Prevention Service
    Royal Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Health Queensland
    T: 07 3636 7856 | M: 0408 236 266
    | F: 3636 5505
    Ground Floor, South Tower
    Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029

    >>> Michael Wishart 28/06/13 12:45 >>>

    Hi all

    I am seeking some information on current practices on clearing patients from requiring transmission based precautions for MRO carriage on re-admission. I am aware of different guidelines about clearance for MROs, but wondered if any facilities actively tries to clear a patient after discharge to the community (not via facility outpatient visits). We are looking at trialling a program for providing patients with information and pathology forms on discharge to have specimens collected with their GP or private pathology collection centre to assist to clear them from the MRO prior to the next admission. Obviously this will need to done in conjunction with our current clearance guidelines (eg no current wounds, no antibiotic treatment within a specified time frame, no indwelling devices, correct specimen types, etc).

    Is anyone doing this currently? Has anyone tried this and stopped?

    I hope you this question is clear. Thanks for any responses.


    Michael Wishart
    CNC Infection Control
    Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital
    627 Rode Road, Chermside, Qld 4032
    t: (07) 3326 3068 | f: (07) 3607 2226
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    in reply to: Electronic Sensor Taps #69759
    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    HI Sue
    Queensland Children’s hospital – currently under construction – go live in 2015 went with a mix of sensor taps for type1 sinks, and hand control but levers on wall not on basin top for type 2 and 3 sinks

    Jane Tomlinson RN
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Management and Prevention Service
    Royal Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Health Queensland
    T: 07 3636 7856 | M: 0408 236 266
    | F: 3636 5505
    Ground Floor, South Tower
    Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029

    >>> “Draycott, Sue (DHHS)” 27/02/13 11:53 >>>

    Dear All
    Here at the Royal Hobart Hospital we are in the detailed design stage of our major redevelopment project, and we are currently investigating the pros and cons of the electronic sensor taps for our clinical hand basins. I have undertaken a literature search and it appears that some facilities that have installed the newer sensor taps, as an infection prevention and control improvement activity, are now removing them and returning to the more traditional elbow taps.
    The literature suggests that the complexity of the internal workings of the electronic tap and the lower dynamic water flow, could contribute to the higher level of legionella and other waterborne bacteria found by some studies.
    I am very interested to hear from facilities within Australia, regarding what type of tap ware has been installed within newly refurbished areas or new construction projects.
    Kind Regards

    Sue Draycott
    Infection Control Manager
    Redevelopment RHH and CCC Services
    Southern Tasmania Area Health Service

    Level 9, A Block, Royal Hobart Hospital
    Liverpool Street
    Hobart, 7000

    Phone: 6222 6865
    Mobile: 0400 981 344

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    in reply to: Hand sanitiser – Food Services #69650
    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    In our hospital we have a bracket on bulk food mobile trolleys. Staff who access to inpatient areas have wall mounted brackets at entry and exit points with alcohol foam and handwash sinks to use when wash is required.

    Brand used is Cutan by Deb which has a small bracket that can be afixed to a pole.

    Other areas such as food prep have hand wash sink.

    Jane Tomlinson RN
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Management and Prevention Service
    Royal Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Health Queensland
    T: 07 3636 7856 | M: 0408 236 266
    | F: 3636 5505
    Ground Floor, South Tower
    Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029
    >>> “SAWMH.ICC” 22/01/13 6:58 >>>

    Dear All,

    We are currently looking for a alcohol based hand sanitiser to use in our Food Service Department. I was wondering what the practices are out there, and what product you are using in your Food Service Departments and on your food delivering trolleys?

    Thank you and regards

    Marlize Senekal
    Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator
    St. Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital
    457 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill
    Ph. 07-3834 4444
    Ext. 4328, Pg. 0328

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    in reply to: Floor coverings for new hospital #69579
    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    from a different perspective here in Paediatrics but I vote no to carpet, will send my details off line.

    I have had experience with ‘flotec’ carpet which is very hard to clean as the glue holding the fibre to backing can’t tolerate any detergents and only allows steam cleaning, and is thus the an attractive low drag flooring but was a source of an outbreak of norovirus.


    Jane Tomlinson RN
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Management and Prevention Service
    Royal Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Health Queensland
    T: 07 3636 7856 | M: 0408 236 266
    | F: 3636 5505
    Ground Floor, South Tower
    Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029

    >>> Kerry Addlem 20/11/12 13:55 >>>

    We are in the planning stages of building a new hospital. It is time to decide on floorcoverings.

    I would be interested on your thoughts regarding carpet verses vinyl in residents bedrooms in a high care facility.

    Also, does anyone have any experience with a European design Bolon textured vinyl.

    I look forward to your thoughts.


    Kerry Addlem
    Infection Control CoordinatorPO Box 159 Charlton VIC 3525 Tel: 03 5477 6867 Fax: 03 54912010
    Mob: 0419534673


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    in reply to: Community needlestick injuries #69366
    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    HI Cathy
    At RCH – Brisbane we refer these patients to the ID physicians for follow up and support

    Jane Tomlinson RN
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Management and Prevention Service
    Royal Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Health Queensland
    T: 07 3636 7856 | M: 0408 236 266
    | F: 3636 5505
    Ground Floor, South Tower
    Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029

    >>> Cathy Mowat 26/09/12 9:39 >>>

    Just wondering how other places manage those from the community who present to the Emergency Department following a blood or body fluid exposure incident? Often our staff packs are used to manage the incident which sends the results back to us in infection control. We are considering that maybe a community exposure management pack should be developed and used for these people- the number of presentation is fairly low.

    Cathy Mowat
    Infection Control
    Central Gippsland Health Service
    Sale Victoria 3850
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    in reply to: Special care nursery #69253
    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    HI Rebecca
    Great question, I guess the risk lies with the capability for the
    department for screening of children who may be visiting the nursery to
    exclude signs of droplet or gastrointestinal infection? As you know
    influenza is infectious for two days prior to symptoms.

    Here at the RCH Bris we have see several cases of ‘hospital acquired’
    infection in at risk patients brought in by siblings, children will
    randomly vomit when they have norovirus and have limited personal

    In fact 3 years ago we excluded all children under 14yrs from visiting
    in the inpatient baby area due to the repeated infections brought in
    this way. Yes this is difficult logistically for parents and siblings
    and less family centred care but we felt protecting the already
    compromised infants had to be foremost in our recommendations. We find
    that visitors/siblings minimise their infections and potential risks as
    they are so keen to visit with the sick patient and they don’t well
    understand the consequences to the sick patient.

    It is left up to the nurse in charge of the ward in special
    circumstances to adjust this on a case by case basis such as for those
    with multiple births.
    Also our baby room has ‘viewing’ windows for siblings to see the baby
    rather than directly visit.

    In my experience working at NICU and SCN who did not allow any visits
    from children under 14yrs this screening and control of visitors would
    then conceivably fall to the nurse at bedside and could potentially
    create some quite challenging interpersonal situations.

    Being creative I would wonder if you could incorporate a infectious
    symptoms screening tool for use at the bedside, could this require some
    discussion and or documentation with each group of visitors.


    Jane Tomlinson RN
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Management and Prevention Service
    Royal Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Health Queensland
    T: 07 3636 7856 | M: 0408 236 266
    | F: 3636 5505
    Ground Floor, South Tower

    Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029
    Jane Tomlinson RN

    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Management and Prevention Service
    Royal Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Health Queensland
    T: 07 3636 7856 | M: 0408 236 266
    | F: 3636 5505
    Ground Floor, South Tower

    Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029
    Jane Tomlinson RN

    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Management and Prevention Service
    Royal Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Health Queensland
    T: 07 3636 7856 | M: 0408 236 266
    | F: 3636 5505
    Ground Floor, South Tower

    Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029
    Jane Tomlinson RN

    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Management and Prevention Service
    Royal Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Health Queensland
    T: 07 3636 7856 | M: 0408 236 266
    | F: 3636 5505
    Ground Floor, South Tower

    Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029
    Jane Tomlinson RN

    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Management and Prevention Service
    Royal Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Health Queensland
    T: 07 3636 7856 | M: 0408 236 266
    | F: 3636 5505
    Ground Floor, South Tower

    Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029
    Jane Tomlinson RN

    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Management and Prevention Service
    Royal Children’s Hospital
    Children’s Health Queensland
    T: 07 3636 7856 | M: 0408 236 266
    | F: 3636 5505
    Ground Floor, South Tower

    Herston Rd, HERSTON QLD 4029

    >>> “Rebecca O’Donnell” 7/08/12
    11:23 >>>

    Good morning,

    I would love some feedback regarding restrictions of visitors to
    Special care nurseries.

    Who do you restrict? Other siblings?

    I feel as long as Hand hygiene is performed and the visitor is well I
    personal feel that there is no real significant risk.

    Some of our staff feel that in the case of twins, one goes home and one
    stays in the nursery then the well twin shouldnt visit as the baby
    might pose a threat to the babies in Special care (perhaps from a
    whooping cough point of view).


    Rebecca ODonnell | Infection Control Co-ordinator
    St Vincent’s Hospital Toowoomba | 22-36 Scott Street TOOWOOMBA 4350
    T07 4690 4042|F 07 46904400 (
    http://rebecca.o’ )|W ( )

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    in reply to: Re: Single-use Disposable Tourniquets #69145
    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    HI all
    I have recently seen a single patient use elasticated tourniquet made
    by Midmed that functions much the same as the reuseable items with the
    clip which may meet your need. We are also ensuring that the reusable
    tourniquets are batch washed in CSSD each day.

    Jane Tomlinson RN
    CNC Infection Management and Prevention Service (IMPS)
    Royal Children’s Hospital

    South Tower Ground Floor
    mobile 0408 236 266
    via switch 3636 8111
    office 3636 7856
    “Working together to provide better healthcare for children and young
    people throughout Queensland”.

    >>> “Paull, Gwen (Health)” 28/06/12 8:21

    Hello Everyone,
    The Queen Elizabeth Hospital has been using the single patient use,
    blue, latex free Multigate tourniquets for general ward use for some
    time now. These do not have a clip, but are pulled and looped under
    itself. (there is a Youtube video of how this is done) These have been
    cost effective and proven to be satisfactory. The emergency trollies
    have the traditional style of tourniquet with a clip, as it was found
    that the Multigate would sometimes snap in the urgency of an emergency
    situation use.

    Kind regards
    Gwen Paull
    Gwen Paull |Clinical Service Coordinator, Infection Prevention &
    Control Unit|
    Division of Acute Care and Clinical Support
    The QueenElizabethHospital| Central AdelaideLocal Health Network
    Level 8 TowerBuilding| 28 Woodville Road, WOODVILLE SOUTH 5011
    t: +61 8 8222 7588| p: 47757| f: +61 8 8222 6461 | DX: 465432

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    From:ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On
    Behalf Of Chard, Colette

    Hi Maureen Id be keen to hear of any other success stories on this

    Kind regards

    Colette Chard
    Quality & Risk Manager
    North West Private Hospital
    137 Flockton Street
    Everton Park
    QLD 4037

    07 3246 3142

    From:ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On
    Behalf Of Maureen Mckenzie

    Hi all

    We are currently looking into replacing reusable tourniquets with
    single-use disposable tourniquets throughout the hospital.

    Just wondering if anyone has implemented a similar strategy in their
    facility and what were the pros and cons you encountered?


    Maureen McKenzie

    Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Control
    Concord Repatriation General Hospital
    C/- Microbiology Dept.
    Hospital Road Concord NSW 2139
    Tel 02 9767 6898 | Fax 02 9767 7868 | (
    ../../../../Desktop/ACIPC_2012_web_banner_300x100.jpg )

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    in reply to: Microfibre cleaning cloth #68899
    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    HI Maree
    We have just a few months back had this roll out using microfibre with detergent, if you wanted to discuss this with our wonderful cleaning supervisor Chris Collie his process for rolling this out (07) 3636 4040 or mobile is 0429168270
    Jane Tomlinson RN
    CNC Infection Management and Prevention Service (IMPS)
    Royal Children’s Hospital

    South Tower Ground Floor
    mobile 0408 236 266
    via switch 3636 8111
    office 3636 7856
    “Working together to provide better healthcare for children and young people throughout Queensland”.

    >>> Maree Sommerville 5/03/12 10:34 >>>

    The Environmental Services Team at MHW is keen to trial Microfibre cleaning cloths in clinical areas.
    Do any other services use these cloths and if so how were they implemented?

    Infection Control NurseConsultant
    MercyHospitalfor Women
    163 Studley Road
    Heidelberg, Victoria, 3084

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    in reply to: On line Infection Control Orientation #68787
    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    Have thought this was a pretty good summary

    Jane Tomlinson RN
    CNC Infection Management and Prevention Service (IMPS)
    Royal Children’s Hospital

    South Tower Ground Floor
    mobile 0408 236 266
    via switch 3636 8111
    office 3636 7856
    “Working together to provide better healthcare for children and young
    people throughout Queensland”.

    >>> Maree Sommerville 25/10/11 15:24 >>>

    My organisation is moving to On-line orientation for all new staff.
    This will include Infection Control Orientation. One part of me is glad
    and the other part thinks staff should at least be able to put a face to
    Infection Control.
    My colleague and I will be required to develop an On-line Infection
    Control orientation program to cover the whole network that includes a
    general hospital, womens health, community care and aged care. (One
    size fits all).
    I would appreciate some comment or tips on this subject.

    Infection Control NurseConsultant
    MercyHospitalfor Women
    163 Studley Road
    Heidelberg, Victoria, 3084

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    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    Hi Ruth
    We isolate in our medical Infectious Diseases unit only and don’t allow shared play. Will send our procedure to you directly as reference.
    Jane Tomlinson RN
    CNC Infection Management and Prevention Service (IMPS)
    Royal Children’s Hospital

    South Tower Ground Floor
    mobile 0408 236 266
    via switch 3636 8111
    office 3636 7856
    “Working together to provide better healthcare for children and young people throughout Queensland”.

    >>> Ruth Barratt 7/10/11 13:43 >>>

    Hi there,
    We are currently reviewing procedures for managing children who are colonised with ESBL or other GNB MDRO, specifically in relation to them going to the play room or other shared areas on the ward. I would like to know what you may do across the ditch in paediatric wards for this. There are only a few specific paediatric departments in New Zealand so more experiences would be really useful.
    Do you have exclusion or inclusion criteria for these children attending the play room or other shared areas? An example may be that they can NOT go if still in nappies and / or have a PEG feeding tube. A written guideline/protocol would also be useful.
    Kind regards
    Ruth Barratt
    Clinical Nurse Specialist – Infection Prevention and Control
    Room 8 (old Wd31), Level 5 Riverside
    Christchurch Hospital

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    in reply to: baby bottles in an infectious baby #68756
    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    Hi Nicola
    Here at RCH we often have this issue, we have changed over to using
    dishwasher in wards for ‘special’ feeding items, and we use a basket and
    box to assist in transfer from patient to washer. Any other baby bottles
    and teats we use are disposable. We have a procedure and are happy to
    share this resource with any interested area. Please contact me via

    Jane Tomlinson RN
    CNC Infection Management and Prevention Service (IMPS)
    Royal Children’s Hospital

    South Tower Ground Floor
    mobile 0408 236 266
    via switch 3636 8111
    office 3636 7856
    “Working together to provide better healthcare for children and young
    people throughout Queensland”.

    >>> Nicola Swindells 20/09/11 13:58 >>>

    Hi All,

    We have an eight week old baby on transmission based precautions.
    Normally we would use hospital bottles which go to CSSD for re
    sterilizing. This baby has some sucking issues and requires specialized
    teats. Therefore is required to use there own bottles.

    The problem is where to rinse the bottles before sterilsing or cleaning
    for re use.


    The anti room sink No because this is where nursing staff wash there
    The parents bathroom This sink is where the parents wash there hands
    following using toilet.
    The dirty utility If they are rinsed in here they then have to go
    from the dirty utility back to the patients room and potentially
    contaminate from the dirty utility.
    The milk room cannot be used as potential for transmission to other

    If anyone has had a similar issue or can advise on what would be the
    safest option given the above options. Many thanks for your time in
    considering this.

    Kind regards

    Nicky Swindells CNC
    Infection Control Coordinator/Wound Management
    Mater Hospitals Central Queensland
    Rockhampton Yeppoon Gladstone
    07 49313420

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    in reply to: FW: Disposable curtains #68730
    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    Have not been convinced of sustained antimicrobial effect on any reading I have on support materials from any product maybe you have found a new item? We change our curtain whatever the product after every infectious patient
    Jane Tomlinson RN
    CNC Infection Management and Prevention Service (IMPS)
    Royal Children’s Hospital

    South Tower Ground Floor
    mobile 0408 236 266
    via switch 3636 8111
    office 3636 7856
    “Working together to provide better healthcare for children and young people throughout Queensland”.

    >>> “SAWMH.ICC” 7/09/11 10:27 >>>
    Good morning Everyone,
    I have a few questions today on disposable curtains and their use in general and Transmission based precaution rooms. The company claims that the curtains in anti-microbial and can hang for up to 12 months, unless contaminated. Does anyone currently uses these curtains in your facilities, and if so:
    1. How often do you change them?
    2. Do you throw them out when a patient gets discharged from a Transmission based precautions room?
    3. If it gets thrown out, do you do it for all organisms, or just for Droplet and Contact spread organisms?
    Thank you
    Marlize Infection Prevention and Control is Everybody’s Business
    Marlize Senekal
    Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator
    St. Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital
    Wickham Terrace
    Spring Hill, Brisbane
    Ph. (07) 3834 4328
    Ext. 4328, Pager 0328

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    in reply to: Cost of HAI #68687
    Jane Tomlinson

    Jane Tomlinson




    HI Carien
    Have found helpful
    Graves N, Harbarth S, Beyersmann J, Barnett A, Halton K, Cooper B. Estimating the cost of health care-associated infections: mind your p’s and q’s. Clin Infect Dis 2010; 50(7): 1017-21. some other articles relating to Australian research can be found on this link
    Jane Tomlinson RN
    CNC Infection Management and Prevention Service (IMPS)
    Royal Children’s Hospital

    South Tower Ground Floor
    mobile 0408 236 266
    pager #43698
    office 3636 7856
    “Working together to provide better healthcare for children and young people throughout Queensland”.

    >>> Carien Coleman 13/07/11 12:50 >>>

    Does anyone know of a generic formula or assessment tool to calculate the cost of HAIs?
    Kind regards,
    Carien Coleman
    Carien Coleman | Infection Control CNC
    The Sunshine Coast Private Hospital
    Syd Lingard Drive | BUDERIM QLD 4556
    PO Box5050 | Maroochydore BC QLD 4558
    T: (07) 5430 3245 | F: (07) 5430 3436

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