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Claire Boardman

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  • in reply to: AS4187 Public Comment #69480
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    Thankyou for your posting Skye,
    College members will be invited to participate in a coordinated response to the AS4187 revision which will be lead by the SIG and P&P Committee chairs. Terry McAuley, our long term representative on this AS4197 working group will also be participating in this process.

    More information on how this will occur will be posted shortly.


    Claire Boardman
    B. App Sc (nsg), Grad Cert IC, MPH, CICP
    Past President, ACIPC

    Mail: GPO Box 3254, Brisbane Qld 4001
    Mob: 0419 549 834
    Tel: (07) 3211 4695
    Fax: (07) 3211 4900

    >>> Michael Wishart 29/10/12 12:09 pm >>>

    [Posted on behalf of Skye Mentjox Moderator]

    Hi Michael – I haven’t see this come up on the AICA discussion list but I believe will be of interest to many members.

    Please be advised that the period for public comment on the AS/NZ 4187 draft has been extended to Tuesday, 23 January 2013

    A free Draft can be downloaded from SAI Global at the following link:

    1) Click on Log In Required next to the pdf icon. Then login under Registered User, or Not registered? if its your first time.
    2) Then, click on the Free Download icon directly under the title of the Draft. (This icon appears once you have logged in.) Then save this document.

    Comments from the public may be made on Standards Australia website, using the PUBLIC ACCESS icon, at the following link:

    Skye Mentjox
    Product Manager
    Whiteley Corporation
    m. 0412068053

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    in reply to: assist dogs in acute hospital #68921
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    Hi Nicky,
    AICA developed a position paper on Pet therapy and pet visitors in Healthcare which can be accessed via the AICA website at:
    Claire Boardman
    B. App Sc (nsg), Grad Cert IC, MPH, CICP
    President, ACIPC
    As of 1/1/12 AICA became the Australasian College of Infection Prevention & Control (ACIPC)

    >>> Nicola Swindells 20/03/12 8:04 am >>>

    Hi All,
    Does anyone have guidelines or a policy they would like to share with me regarding assist/guide dogs in an acute hospital? Also is anyone aware of any discrimination legislation attached to the visits of these dogs in hospitals. Many thanks in advance for any assistance you may be able to offer me.
    Kind Regards
    Nicky Swindells CNC
    Infection Control Coordinator/Wound Management
    Mater Hospitals Central Queensland
    Rockhampton Yeppoon Gladstone
    07 49313420

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    in reply to: Reprocessing of infant feeding equipment #68606
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    Hello Catherine,
    There was an excellent article published in the AICA Healthcare
    Infection 15(3) 8992 that makes recommendations for:

    Achieving best practice in the management of infant-feeding equipment

    Carmel Scott A C, Jenny Bradford B, Elizabeth Gillespie A

    AMonash Medical Centre, Southern Health, Clayton Road, Clayton,
    Victoria 3168, Australia.
    BCNC Infection Control, VICNISS Hospital Acquired Infection
    Surveillance Coordinating Centre, 10 Wreckyn Street, North Melbourne,
    Victoria 3051, Australia.
    CCorresponding author. Email:

    The article in full and abstract is available from the HCI journal

    Kind regards,

    District Infection Prevention & Control Consultant
    B.App.Sc Nsg, Grad Cert IC, MPH, CICP, Adjunct Griffith University
    Torres Strait and NPA Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology Unit

    Office location: Thursday island Hospital

    >>> “Jones, Catherine (KEMH)”
    5/6/2011 11:46 am >>>

    We are currently reviewing our policy/protocols for infant feeding
    equipment and there appears to be a difference of opinion when it comes
    to the cleaning/sterilisation process, especially with formula feeding
    equipment. My question is do you advise mothers to;
    1. wash equipment in warm soapy water, rinse in hot water, and air dry
    and store in a clean container, or
    2. wash equipment in warm soapy water, rinse in hot water, air dry and
    store in a clean container, and sterilise once every 24 hours, or
    3. wash equipment as above and sterilise after each use.

    Catherine Jones & Liesl Sibma
    CNC’s Infection Control
    King Edward Memorial Hospital
    Womens and Newborn Health Service
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    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    Please note that the deadline for response to the Autralian Healthcare Standards is on Friday 15th October (previously circulated on Infexion Connexion). As discussed in my President’s address to the members at the recent AICA conference your input is highly desired and encouraged. If you read the document (just the Infection Control component) and it makes no sense or you think something might be missing/not clear then please put your comments in writing and send to

    This may be our only chance to have a say so please take the time to review these 6 essential pages. (40-47). Links to the document are available on the AICA website.

    Claire Boardman
    (President AICA)

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    in reply to: Request for representation #68389
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    Further to my email, interested parties will need to contact me so I can
    send them the AICA application form for completion prior to any
    appointment/representation on external bodies/workshops. The Commission
    will fund travel and accommodation to/from the event.


    >>> Claire Boardman 4/08/2010 1:27
    pm >>>
    Please find below an invitation to AICA requesting representation from
    2 additonal AICA members to particapate in a National C. diff workshop.
    If you are interested in applying please contact me via email for
    further information no later than Friday 6th August.

    AICA President

    Dear Ms Boardman

    I am writing to invite you to nominate two representatives of the
    Australian Infection Control Association to attend a National
    Clostridium difficile Workshop sponsored by the Australian Commission on
    Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC).

    In December 2008, Health Ministers endorsed a Commission recommendation
    that all hospitals monitor and report Clostridium difficile infections
    through their relevant jurisdiction into a national data collection.
    Currently, a limited range of surveillance systems is in place
    nationally. However, in May 2010 the first cases of locally transmitted
    hypervirulent Clostridium difficile were diagnosed in an Australian

    The main objective of this workshop is to develop a strategy to contain
    and manage hyper-virulent strains of Clostridium difficile. To commence
    the workshop, an introduction of the pathogenesis/genetics,
    epidemiology, and background of Clostridium difficile infection will be
    provided, followed by subsequent discussion on surveillance and future
    management options in the health care setting. This workshop will also
    be attended by representatives of the state and territory health
    departments, public and private hospital sectors, laboratories, key
    stakeholder groups, and the Commissions HAI Advisory Committee.

    Venue:Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport Hotel, Cnr O’Riordan & Robey
    Streets, Mascot
    RSVP:By Friday 6 August 2010

    Attendance at the workshop is by invitation. Please RSVP by Friday 6
    August to Emily Parker by email on
    or telephone (02) 9263 3631.

    If you would like more information please contact Marilyn Cruickshank
    on (02) 9263 3786 or by email on marilyn.cruickshank@safetyandquality.

    Yours sincerely

    Professor Chris Baggoley
    Chief Executive
    July 2010

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    in reply to: Routine replacement of peripheral IV catheters #68370
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    Thankyou Michael,
    I too share your concerns and note that these trials did occur with dedicated IV teams in place. If more hospitals had these types of services that are training and assessing HCWs then yes it would seem viable however, in Australia for the most part we have no such dedicated teams. Where an extended deadline for replacement is instigated we are possibly more at risk of having catheters insitu that really should have been removed much earlier but because the time line has been extended the belief may be that it is OK to leave them there up to the 96 hours. It has taken a long time to educate HCWs about the necessity of replacing lines at 72 hours, an extension of this would be problematic.
    As most of the State surveillance centres are not undertaking RCA of LC-BSIs (although this may be done at a local level) we may never know how many are attributed to poor line care/ number of days insitu.

    District Infection Prevention & Control Consultant
    Torres Strait and NPA Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology Unit
    Office location: Thursday island Hospital

    >>> “Wishart, Michael” 16/07/2010 8:28 am >>>
    There has been a recent Australian published review of routine
    replacement of peripheral IV catheters as recommended in the current
    HIPAC guidelines. The review concludes:

    The review found no conclusive evidence of benefit in changing catheters
    every 72 to 96 hours. Consequently, health care organisations
    may consider changing to a policy whereby catheters are changed only if
    clinically indicated. This would provide significant cost savings
    and would also be welcomed by patients, who would be spared the
    unnecessary pain of routine re-sites in the absence of clinical

    [NB Here is a short link in case the longer link gets broken – ]

    Have any facilities considered this recommendation and made changes to
    current routine replacement of peripheral IV catheters?

    Personally, I am concerned that such a recommendation does not take into
    account the variety of settings in which peripheral IV catheters are
    inserted and managed. It appears possible that all of the six included
    studies were in settings where additional resources were available to
    manage peripheral IV’s (eg dedicated IV teams), which could in part
    account for the improved outcomes of catheter management.

    Whilst we should review and challenge current standards, I feel we
    should be cautious in making changes which have the potential for harm
    to patients. Bacteraemias associated with peripheral IV catheters are
    reasonably rare events, and a rise in incidence may not be readily noted
    in an individual facility.


    Michael Wishart | GPH – Infection Control Coordinator

    GPH – Quality & Safety Unit (Infection Control) | Greenslopes Private
    Newdegate Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
    t: 07 3394 7919 | f: 07 3394 7985
    e: | w:

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    in reply to: Re bronchoscopes and ureteroscopes #68277
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    Dear AICA members,
    It is timely that there has been some discussion regarding scopes,
    reprocessing and sheaths on Infexion Connexion as the GENCA Infection
    Control In Endoscopy 3rd ed. is currently available for review. On
    behalf of AICA Elizabeth Gillespie (Healthcare Infection Journal editor
    and manager Southern Health Infection Control & Epidemiology Unit) will
    be reviewing the document.

    AICA members are invited to send their comments to Elizabeth no later
    than May 21st for inclusion in the AICA submission to GENCA. Please
    contact Elizabeth via email for more information if you would like to
    contribute your feedback via the AICA submission process:

    The GENCA Guidelines are available from:

    Claire Boardman
    AICA President

    >>> Debbie Macqueen 4/05/2010 4:34
    pm >>>
    Hello Wendy
    We have both intubating bronchoscopes and video bronchoscopes. Our
    intubating Bronchoscopes are Ethylene Oxide gas sterilised off site
    (wrapped), our video bronchoscopes are also wrapped but go through our
    Sterrad (wrapped). We also follow the GENCA micro testing guidelines. We
    have decided to follow the first guideline where the Bronchoscopes
    (including the Intubating Bronchs), Duodenoscopes and Cystoscopes are
    tested monthly – even though they are wrapped and sterilised. Some
    institutions follow the guideline that recommends 3 monthly testing of
    wrapped, sterilised scopes.
    My philosophy is to sterilise scopes that can tolerate a sterilising
    method. the companies are happy to assist your queries.
    I guess we err on the side of caution, so it will be interesting once
    the new Infection Control guidelines are released. We will probably need
    to alter our practice to conform with the new guidelines.

    Debbie McQueen
    Endoscopy Coordinator
    Hobart Private Hospital
    phone : 03 62143158
    mobile: 0419320211

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    >>> “Beckingham, Wendy” 4/05/2010 8:32 am
    Currently we have bronchoscopes that are cleaned and high level
    disinfected through the soluscope and micro tested as per the GENCA

    We have another facility on our campus that uses the Sterrad to
    sterilize the bronchoscopes and ureteroscopes. We also do micro
    of both of these scopes.

    We are wondering what other facilities around Australia are currently
    doing in relation to instruments going through the STERRAD and micro

    Wendy Beckingham
    CNC Infection Control
    The Canberra Hospital
    pager 50390 or phone 43695

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