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Sue.Greig@HEALTH.GOV.AU Subject: Re: On line Infection Control Orientation [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] In-Reply-To:

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  • in reply to: On line Infection Control Orientation #68790
    Sue.Greig@HEALTH.GOV.AU Subject: Re: On line Infection Control Orientation [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] In-Reply-To:

    Sue.Greig@HEALTH.GOV.AU Subject: Re: On line Infection Control Orientation [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] In-Reply-To:




    Hi Maree,

    We will have an on-line Orientation
    package ready for release soon (just how soon is in the lap of the gods
    due to hosting issues). The package will cover both clinical and non-clinical
    HCWs for IP&C. This may save you from doing the work for your facility.
    I agree with you that new staff need to know the face of services such
    as IP&C and online resources will never replace the human factor completely
    but they do have a place.

    So watch this space. In addition, you
    could also utilise the online IP&C modules that are currently available
    on our website and the Hand Hygiene Australia education resources as part
    of your on-going professional development program.



    Sue Greig

    Senior Project

    Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

    GPO Box 5480
    Sydney NSW 2001 | Level 7, 1 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

    direct (02) 9126 3565 |
    switchboard (02) 9126 3600 |
    (02) 9126 3613 |



    Maree Sommerville <MSommerville@MERCY.COM.AU>

    Sent by: AICA Infexion Connexion <AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU>

    25/10/2011 04:24 PM

    Please respond to
    AICA Infexion Connexion <AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU>


    On line Infection Control Orientation
     [SEC=No Protective Marking]

    My organisation is moving to On-line
    orientation for all new staff.  This will include Infection Control
    Orientation.  One part of me is glad and the other part thinks staff
    should at least be able to put a face to Infection Control.  

    My colleague and I will be required
    to develop an On-line Infection Control orientation program to cover the
    whole network that includes a general hospital, womens health, community
    care and aged care. (One size fits all).

    I would appreciate some comment
    or tips on this subject.


    Maree Sommerville

    Infection Control Nurse Consultant

    Mercy Hospital for Women

    163 Studley Road

    Heidelberg, Victoria, 3084


    Phone:  8458 4759

    MOB: 0408 789 798

    FAX:     8458 4751




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