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Glenys.Harrington@HEALTH.VIC.GOV.AU Subject: Re: Routine replacement of peripheral IV catheters In-Reply-To:

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  • in reply to: Routine replacement of peripheral IV catheters #68372
    Glenys.Harrington@HEALTH.VIC.GOV.AU Subject: Re: Routine replacement of peripheral IV catheters In-Reply-To:

    Glenys.Harrington@HEALTH.VIC.GOV.AU Subject: Re: Routine replacement of peripheral IV catheters In-Reply-To:




    The CDC Guideline for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related
    Infections recommends the following:

    “In adults, replace short, peripheral venous catheters at least 72–96
    hours to reduce the risk for phlebitis. If sites for venous access are
    limited and no evidence of phlebitis or infection is present, peripheral
    venous catheters can be left in place for longer periods, although the
    patient and the insertion sites should be closely monitored”

    This is a Category IB recommendation – Strongly recommended for
    implementation and supported by some experimental, clinical, or
    epidemiologic studies, and a strong theoretical rationale.

    However having noted the above recommendation it should be read in context
    with other statements in the guideline including the following:

    “Recommendations should be considered in the context of the institution’s
    experience with catheter-related infections, experience with other adverse
    catheter-related complications and availability of personnel skilled in
    the placement of intravascular devices”.

    While the reviews conclusions are of interest consideration of local
    factors before a change in clinical practice (as per the CDC guideline)
    would be judicious.


    Glenys Harrington, Infection Control Consultant |Communicable Disease
    Prevention and Control | Public Health
    Department of Health | Level 14 50 Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria 3000
    t. 1300 651 160 (03 909 65123) | f. 03 909 69174 | e. |

    “Wishart, Michael”
    16/07/2010 08:28 AM
    Routine replacement of peripheral IV catheters
    Sent by:
    AICA Infexion Connexion

    There has been a recent Australian published review of routine
    replacement of peripheral IV catheters as recommended in the current
    HIPAC guidelines. The review concludes:

    The review found no conclusive evidence of benefit in changing catheters
    every 72 to 96 hours. Consequently, health care organisations
    may consider changing to a policy whereby catheters are changed only if
    clinically indicated. This would provide significant cost savings
    and would also be welcomed by patients, who would be spared the
    unnecessary pain of routine re-sites in the absence of clinical

    [NB Here is a short link in case the longer link gets broken – ]

    Have any facilities considered this recommendation and made changes to
    current routine replacement of peripheral IV catheters?

    Personally, I am concerned that such a recommendation does not take into
    account the variety of settings in which peripheral IV catheters are
    inserted and managed. It appears possible that all of the six included
    studies were in settings where additional resources were available to
    manage peripheral IV’s (eg dedicated IV teams), which could in part
    account for the improved outcomes of catheter management.

    Whilst we should review and challenge current standards, I feel we
    should be cautious in making changes which have the potential for harm
    to patients. Bacteraemias associated with peripheral IV catheters are
    reasonably rare events, and a rise in incidence may not be readily noted
    in an individual facility.


    Michael Wishart | GPH – Infection Control Coordinator

    GPH – Quality & Safety Unit (Infection Control) | Greenslopes Private
    Newdegate Street, Greenslopes QLD 4120
    t: 07 3394 7919 | f: 07 3394 7985
    e: | w:

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