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Workshop Interest?? Infection Control In Construction, Renovation & Maintenance

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  • #69852
    HIP Consultancy

    HIP Consultancy




    Hi All,

    I recently flew down to Adelaide to attend the 1 day Workshop by Glenys

    The workshop came highly recommended & was excellent.

    On speaking with Glenys & the coordinator of the workshop, if there is
    enough interest for the Sydney region, a workshop could possibly be

    I would be happy to do the liaising with ACIPC to help arrange a workshop.

    If people are interested & could let me know I will start the ball rolling.

    I have quite a few clients who would be interested not only from healthcare
    but also from the building industry.

    Many Thanks

    Cath Wade


    Healthcare & Infection Prevention

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    Marija Juraja

    Marija Juraja




    Hi Cath,

    Thank you for your post re the workshop that was held in Adelaide on March 1st. The success of these educational opportunities is in part to the organisation behind the scenes, the facilitator on the day but more importantly, it is due mostly to the enthusiastic attendance of members who want to gain new knowledge, skills and network.

    I would encourage anyone who would be interested in attending/holding a workshop in their state to please contact the college secretary in the first instance directly ( who will forward your requests onto the chairs of the Education and Research Committee. If anyone is interested (like Cath) in leading or supporting the workshop on the day, please let us know as per above.

    Thank you again Cath for starting the ball rolling through the discussion list and providing such positive feedback to the college and your support.

    Kind Regards

    Marija Juraja
    President ACIPC


    Hi All,
    I recently flew down to Adelaide to attend the 1 day Workshop by Glenys Harrington.
    The workshop came highly recommended & was excellent.
    On speaking with Glenys & the coordinator of the workshop, if there is enough interest for the Sydney region, a workshop could possibly be arranged.
    I would be happy to do the liaising with ACIPC to help arrange a workshop.
    If people are interested & could let me know I will start the ball rolling.
    I have quite a few clients who would be interested not only from healthcare but also from the building industry.
    Many Thanks

    Cath Wade
    Healthcare & Infection Prevention

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