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whether manual disinfection for used endoscopes is not allowed in Australian

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    Sony SO

    Sony SO




    Dear All,

    My hospital is preparing for the hospital Accreditation in accordance with Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS)’s audit criteria.

    We are not familiar with the Australian’s infection control practices, and we would like to have your comment for whether manual disinfection process for used endoscopes is allowed in Australian.

    We have reviewed The Gastroenterological Society of Australia. Infection Control in Endoscopy Second Edition 2003. Reprinted 2006, and manual disinfection is recommended. Refer to page 31 fro details.


    Sony SO
    Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team
    Kwong Wah Hospital
    Tel:+852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348
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    Fiona de Sousa

    Fiona de Sousa




    Hi Sony,

    The latest version of these guidelines is the third edition published in
    2010. Section 2 (2.1 – 2.7) outlines the manual disinfection process.

    Our facility uses manual cleaning, with automated disinfection using an
    Automated Flexible Endoscope Reprocessor.

    Kind Regards,

    Fiona De Sousa

    Infection Prevention & Control Coordinator

    Sydney Adventist Hospital

    185 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW, 2076


    Behalf Of Sony SO
    endoscopes is not allowed in Australian

    Dear All,

    My hospital is preparing for the hospital Accreditation in accordance
    with Australian Council on Healthcare Standards
    (ACHS)’s audit criteria.

    We are not familiar with the Australian’s infection control practices,
    and we would like to have your comment for whether manual disinfection
    process for used endoscopes is allowed in Australian.

    We have reviewed The Gastroenterological Society of Australia. Infection
    Control in Endoscopy
    Edition 2003. Reprinted 2006, and
    manual disinfection is recommended. Refer to page 31 fro details.


    Sony SO

    Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team

    Kwong Wah Hospital


    Tel:+852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348

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    Louise Davis

    Louise Davis




    Dear Sony,
    There is a 3rd edition available of Infection Control in Endoscopy
    (ICE) which is produced by GESA & GENCA but unfortunately it isn’t yet
    available electronically.
    I have been in touch with GENCA and pointed out to them that the 2nd
    edition is still available on the GESA website and this will be
    rectified shortly.

    No editions of ICE have ever recommended any form of disinfection per
    se but give instructions for both manual and machine disinfection. The
    latest version addresses the emergence on the market of machines that
    have been approved for both cleaning and disinfection processes.

    Although the 3rd edition is not currently available electronically the
    text on the Endoscope Reprocessing website (available at has been updated
    to reflect the changes made in the latest edition of Infection Control
    in Endoscopy. An audit tool is available on this site also which was
    developed to allow staff to identify whether their practice is in
    compliance with the guidelines.

    There are World Gastroenterology Organisation guidelines on endoscope
    reprocessing which take a tiered approach to the requirements, based on
    the economic level of the country. So there are baseline-all-must-do
    steps then additional ones for the more developed sites and then the
    ultimate for the 1st world countries.

    kind regards

    C. Louise Davis
    CHRISP (Centre for Healthcare Related Infection Surveillance and
    Queensland Health | Web:

    >>> Sony SO 21/06/2011 1:00 am >>>

    Dear All,

    My hospital is preparing for the hospital Accreditation in accordance
    with Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (
    ) (ACHS)s audit criteria.

    We are not familiar with theAustralians infection control practices,
    and we would like to have your comment for whether manual disinfection
    process for used endoscopes is allowed in Australian.

    We have reviewed The Gastroenterological Society of Australia.
    Infection Control in Endoscopy ( )
    Second Edition 2003. Reprinted 2006, and
    manual disinfection is recommended. Refer to page 31 fro details.


    Sony SO
    Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team
    KwongWah Hospital
    Tel:+852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348
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