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ventilation parameters (relative humidity, temperature) excess the recommended limits of sterile store room

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  • #70097
    Sony SO

    Sony SO




    Dear All,

    At present, I am drafting the emergency protocol for dealing the ventilation parameters (relative humidity, temperature) excess the recommended limits of sterile store room.

    If packages are visibly wet or damaged (e.g., label peeling due to moisture, or visible moisture on the package), the packaged items should not be used. The contents should be repackaged and sterilized, or discarded if they are single-use medical devices. This scenario is the easy task.

    If relative humidity is measured to be greater than upper limit, however, the packages are not visibly wet or damaged. I would like to have your comment for how to handle this particular scenario, whether we would use the questioned packages, or we need to repack and sterilize all the questioned packages.

    Yours sincerely,

    Sony SO
    Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team
    Kwong Wah Hospital
    Tel:+ 852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348
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    Roel Castillo

    Roel Castillo




    Hi Sony
    The prescribed ventilation parameters delivers the environmental conditions to maintain sterility of processed items. Not all sterile stock rooms have round the clock monitoring of these parameters and values vary from continents. There must be an immediate response based on your risk assessment to correct the deviation, and provide the pristine conditions once again. On the sterility of your processed items however, the packing integrity must be the basis of the sterility of its contents. As long as the packing integrity is not compromised, it remains a qualitative basis of items that have gone through to a validated process of sterilisation, hence sterile. If it is compromised in any way, it is pretty straight forward, or in your own words “easy task”.
    Please browse a study in Infection Control Today website, Processed Items Exposed to Extremes in Environmental Conditions, i.e. RH and Temperature for further readings, I couldn’t locate it but there is one, it will be an eye opener.


    Roel Castillo
    Project Officer SSD
    [The Chris O`Brien Lifehouse at RPA]
    Level 5, 119-143 Missenden Road
    Camperdown NSW 2050
    PO BOX M5 Missenden Road NSW 2050

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    Dear All,

    At present, I am drafting the emergency protocol for dealing the ventilation parameters (relative humidity, temperature) excess the recommended limits of sterile store room.

    If packages are visibly wet or damaged (e.g., label peeling due to moisture, or visible moisture on the package), the packaged items should not be used. The contents should be repackaged and sterilized, or discarded if they are single-use medical devices. This scenario is the easy task.

    If relative humidity is measured to be greater than upper limit, however, the packages are not visibly wet or damaged. I would like to have your comment for how to handle this particular scenario, whether we would use the questioned packages, or we need to repack and sterilize all the questioned packages.

    Yours sincerely,

    Sony SO
    Nursing Officer, Infection Control Team
    Kwong Wah Hospital
    Tel:+ 852 3517-2409 Fax: +852 2332-3348
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