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  • #68297
    Eden, Keryn (DFC)

    Eden, Keryn (DFC)




    Good Morning all,

    Can anyone please advise where I might locate documented guidelines on the recommended number of Infection Control Personnel that should be assigned to a facility.

    We have been operating on 0.5 FTE for some years with an 0.5 FTE Occupational Health Nurse attached. The client group is around 8500 active clients across metropolitian and rural South Australia and 2470 staff. Around 1800 of the staff are in Nursing/carer positions or Allied Health providing direct care both in facilties, community or individual homes.


    Keryn Eden
    Nurse Education Facilitator
    Disability SA
    Level 9B – 103 Fisher Street
    Ph (08) 8372 1482
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