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Sewage contamination of ambulance station

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    I am seeking advice about checks that could be done to an ambulance station to ensure health and safety of staff as well as patient safety, following a sewage contamination of the station (half a metre of raw sewage through most of the station). Stock and equipment disposal and thorough cleaning has already occurred as well as new plaster board walls, flooring and coverings installed as was necessary.

    Are there any guidelines around this sort of occurrence? Would micro sampling of surfaces or air sampling be necessary or appropriate?

    Ambulance stations are rest quarters for staff. They also store sterile and other stock, and are the location where patient care equipment is cleaned.

    Thanks in anticipation.

    Kate Hipsley
    Ambulance Service of NSW

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    Terry Grimmond

    Terry Grimmond




    Hi Kate,

    CDC do not advise microbiological sampling unless an infection issue needs investigating. Having said that, sewerage flood is not your everyday occurrence! However, as an environmental surface, thorough cleaning with water and detergent will render it decontaminated, and addition of a disinfectant will give the staff added assurance.


    Terry Grimmond FASM, BAgrSc, GrDpAdEd
    Consultant Microbiologist
    Grimmond and Associates
    Ph/Fx (NZ): +64 7 856 4042
    Mob (NZ): +64 274 365 140
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    —–Original Message—–

    I am seeking advice about checks that could be done to an ambulance station to ensure health and safety of staff as well as patient safety, following a sewage contamination of the station (half a metre of raw sewage through most of the station). Stock and equipment disposal and thorough cleaning has already occurred as well as new plaster board walls, flooring and coverings installed as was necessary.

    Are there any guidelines around this sort of occurrence? Would micro sampling of surfaces or air sampling be necessary or appropriate?

    Ambulance stations are rest quarters for staff. They also store sterile and other stock, and are the location where patient care equipment is cleaned.
    Thanks in anticipation.

    Kate Hipsley
    Ambulance Service of NSW

    Sent from my iPhone
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