Good Afternoon Everyone
I’m looking for guidance on the recommended number of Infection
Prevention/Control Nurses required for an Infection Prevention program.
The data I have ranges from 1 FTE to 250 acute bedsto 3 FTE per 500acute beds
and long term care of1 FTE per150-250 beds.
I cover a Mental Health Servicewhich hascommunity and inpatient populations
stretching over15 sites.
Looking at the recent 2010 Infection Control Guidelines from the Commission it
recommends HCF “managers should ensure that there are sufficient human and
fiscal resources available to support all aspects of the ICP program…” but it
doesn’t give guidance on FTE requirements.
If anyone has come across any recent FTE recommendations to assist in ensuring
an adequately resourced ICP program I would greatly appreciate it.
Elva Mac Donagh
OSH/Infection Control Nurse
NMAHS Mental Health
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