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Reply to comments on ACIPC Sharps Injury Survey

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  • #72975
    Terry Grimmond

    Terry Grimmond


    Grimmond and Associates, Microbiology Consultants


    Dear ACIPC colleagues,

    The comments from Cath Murphy, Irene Wilkinson and Joe-Anne Bendall are
    worthy and welcome and we the investigators would like to address each
    point as we need and value your support and participation

    *Intended purpose*. To obtain national sharps injury exposure data to
    facilitate informed discussion on the resources needed for reducing SI
    among Australian HCW.

    *Study Background*. Australia has no national sharps injury (SI) database
    enabling incidence estimates or comparison with other countries. Apart from
    Cath Murphys own work there has been no SI peer-reviewed studies in the
    last 10 years. As Cath says, Australia is notoriously difficult to obtain
    SI incidence data. We simply do not know how many injuries are occurring
    annually. Several states collect SI rates annually but do not publish them,
    apart from the valuable quarterly reports from HISWA in WA. Requests for SI
    information to state health departments are met somewhat coolly and require
    many administrative hoops to be met. Reliable, national incidence data is
    urgently needed.

    *Request to ACIPC*. The ACIPC Sharp Injury Study commenced out of a
    discussion at Sharps Alliance, a group formed several years ago by Cath
    Murphy for raising awareness and lobbying for greater resources to reduce
    HCW exposures (Terry is Aust Soc for Microbiology rep and Nicole is an
    ACIPC rep on the group). Our research proposal was put to the ACIPC
    Research Committee who vetted and approved it as a one-time survey, and
    approved use of ACIPC Survey Monkey and use of Infexion Connexion.. As part
    of the submission we stipulated: Member names would not be supplied by the
    College; all data would be published anonymously; the results would be
    submitted only to the Colleges journal for publication.

    We believe our members are interested in reducing SI – at the ACIPC
    conference session last Nov, where preliminary survey data was presented,
    there was standing-room only so we are certain there is high interest among
    ACIPC members.

    *Study Methodology & potential bias*. Obtaining contact details and writing
    to several hundred individual hospitals is extremely labour intensive.
    Without funding, using ACIPC members is the most efficient mode possible
    and association members is a mode oft used in overseas surveys. One of
    us (TG) has conducted five national studies in USA using the US Assoc of
    Occup Health Professionals, resulting in large exposure studies being
    published annually. It is this research model we are using with ACIPC,
    however, unlike USA, Australia does not have an association of healthcare
    OSH professionals so ACIPC members is the closest we can get to accessing
    exposure data. And using ACIPC members is one of few modes available for
    obtaining incidence in the non-hospital sector. Apart from surveying all
    249,000 members of the ANMF (an additional 52,000 registered nurses are not
    members), ACIPC represents our best option for exposure data for all HCW
    work groups.

    Do member-surveys introduce bias? Yes. This is a limitation in all member
    surveys and we are striving for a large number of responses to try and
    reduce this bias.

    And, as Irene stated, hospital permission may be needed prior to releasing
    their SI data, and several hospitals have requested a formal request which
    we have supplied.

    The issue of low response is definitely related to IPC workloads and the
    need for some of the data to come from other departments. Members of the
    ACIPC Research Committee are also conscious of this and stated in their
    approval, ***As you can appreciate, there are an increasing number of
    requests for access to ACIPC members via ACIPC for research purposes. Each
    request must be taken on merit and reviewed in larger context of what is
    reasonable and in the interests of the members and the College.*

    *Integrity of study and authors*: The study is in no way aligned with any
    commercial entity or purpose; none of the investigators are being
    remunerated or funded for the study; the study was vetted by the ACIPC
    Research Committee, use of ACIPC Survey Monkey and Infexion Connexion was
    approved by ACIPC Exec; the study has IRB approval, and publication in the
    Colleges journal is a stipulation. We briefly summarised this on the
    College website and hope this extra detail may satisfy members as to the
    studys integrity and purpose, and prompt greater participation.

    We have worked hard to get the study off the ground and hope our 2nd call
    will gain sufficient responses to reduce bias and enable us to publish
    scientific data to enable informed decisions on this vital issue of HCW

    We truly appreciate all comments, and together, hope we can make this a
    representative survey. But as Cath and Irene say, we need far more

    Kind regards,

    *Terry Grimmond *

    FASM, BAgrSc, GrDpAdEd

    Consultant Microbiologist

    Grimmond and Associates

    Ph (NZ): +64 7 855 3212

    Mob (NZ): +64 274 365 140


    *Nicole Vause*
    RN, Masters Adv. Prac. (IC&P), Grad. Cert. (IC&P), CICP.

    Clinical Practice Consultant in Infection Prevention & Control
    Mount Gambier & Districts Health Service, South East Health Service,
    Country Health SA Local Health Network.


    *Jane Woodley*

    Worker Health Clinical Service Consultant

    Workforce Directorate|Workforce Health

    Southern Adelaide Local Health Network|SA Health
    Ph*:* (08) 8204 4322



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