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Reminder – applications closing this Friday for ACIPC SIG Advisory committee

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  • #68967
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    A reminder that applications are closing this Friday for the ACIPC Special Interest Group (SIG) Advisory Committee. The inaugural committee will be responsible for establishing a framework for special interest groups of ACIPC and will act as a conduit between SIGs and the ACIPC Executive Council (EC).

    SIGs will provide ACIPC members with an opportunity for education and support in a specific area of interest or geographical location. A small number of groups will be established in the first 1-2 years of the commencement of ACIPC to ensure a suitable model is chosen and while the other related ACIPC Committees become established.

    The SIG Advisory Committee will initially comprise of 4 members including the Chairperson who is an appointed member of the ACIPC Executive Council. Three vacancies currently exist for membership on this committee.

    Applicants who meet the criteria outlined in an earlier Infexion Connexion posting (and available from the AICA website) should send the following information electronically to: Claire Boardman (President ACIPC) via by 1700hrs Friday 11th May 2012.

    Please note ACIPC will also be seeking applications for the 3 other subcomittees which will be advertised shortly:
    – Professional Standards and Credentialling Committee
    – Policy and Publications Committee and,
    – Education & Research Committee

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