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Release of Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare 2010

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  • #68470
    Wishart, Michael

    Wishart, Michael




    Posted on behalf of ACSQHC
    Claire Boardman (President AICA)

    Dear all,
    I am pleased to announce that the Australian Guidelines for the
    Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare 2010 have now been
    released, and are available for download from the NHMRC website at or the Australian Commission on
    Safety and Quality in Health Care website at
    t/PriorityProgram-03 .

    The Guidelines were developed in collaboration with the NHMRC to
    establish a nationally accepted approach to infection prevention and
    control, focusing on core principles and priority areas for action. They
    provide an evidence base on which healthcare workers and healthcare
    facilities can develop detailed protocols and processes for prevention
    of infection that are appropriate for their specific situation.

    The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC),
    in conjunction with the NHMRC, will be conducting a range of activities
    to coincide with the release of the Guidelines. As part of the
    implementation strategy, the Commission has invited States and
    Territories to collaborate in hosting a series of workshops across the
    country to introduce health care workers to the resources available, and
    to provide direction on the implementation of the Guidelines’ key
    recommendations. Letters of invitation have been sent to the Director
    Generals of each State/Territory, and we anticipate that workshops will
    be held between November 2010 and March 2011, and will be advertised by
    the individual States/Territories.

    The Commission has also worked on several key educational resources such
    as a clinical educators’ guide, and online interactive modules for use
    in public and private hospital orientation programs. It is anticipated
    that these resources will facilitate learning for all practitioners,
    regardless of geographic location in both public and private health

    May I also please take this opportunity to advise that the Commission
    has recently changed its phone numbers. It would be appreciated if you
    could please update your records with the following numbers for members
    of the HAI team:

    Switch / Reception (02) 9126 3600
    Marilyn Cruickshank (02) 9126 3586
    Emily Parker (02) 9126 3631
    Tom Sanders (02) 9126 3641
    Sue Greig (02) 9126 3565
    Elizabeth Hanley (02) 9126 3647
    Neville Board (02) 9126 3587

    With kind regards,


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