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Re: TGA change to listing of 2% CHG in 70% ETOH enquiry

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  • #70111
    Tim Spencer

    Tim Spencer





    I’m unsure why there is reference to apply to hard surfaces or walls?
    This solution is not meant for that type of disinfection and is purely
    for skin antisepsis prior to an invasive procedure.

    It sounds like this solution you mention is a general purpose surface
    disinfectant solution instead.

    I’m thinking there may be some wires crossed somewhere along the line

    I have been using the large maxiswab for some time now. We use the
    tinted pink solution.

    However, looking at the individual packaging, which solution of ETOH are
    you specifying? Ethanol or isopropyl alcohol(IPA)?

    We use IPA and there is not mention of hard surfaces on the item or the
    boxes they come in.

    And to answer your question, I won’t be stopping using this skin prep at
    the moment (unless a new chlorhexidine antiseptic skin preparation is
    released in Oz)


    Timothy R. Spencer, RN, APN, DipAppSci, Bach.Health, ICCert.
    Clinical Nurse Consultant, Central Venous Access & Parenteral Nutrition

    Conjoint Lecturer, South West Sydney Clinical School | Faculty of
    Medicine | University of NSW
    Dept of Intensive Care, Level 2, Clinical Building, Liverpool Hospital,
    Elizabeth Street, Liverpool, 2170, NSW, Australia
    Tel (+61) 2 8738 3603 | Fax (+61) 2 8738 3551 | Mob +61 (0)409 463 428 | |

    Behalf Of Lindy Ryan

    Dear Colleagues

    Just wondering if anyone; facilities/ service had been using 2%CHG in
    70% ETOH (tinted pink /red/blue) for skin antisepsis for their pt. s
    for insertions of CVADs or preop skin prep? and if so were you notified
    of the change to the physical labelling from it previously being
    labelled for use as skin prep – ‘use as a preoperative treatment of
    unbroken skin’ to it at some date being relabelled as a “hospital
    grade disinfectant ” “with the direction “of apply to hard surfaces e.g
    walls and floors”

    Can I ask then if you were aware can I ask are you still using it as a
    skin antisepsis even with the label change or have you stopped using
    for this purpose… and if so what are you now using instead?

    Any advice or feedback would be grateful

    Many thanks



    Lindy Ryan

    Infection control CNC

    Nepean Hospital NBMLHD

    Phone 4724 2228


    Infection Prevention and control is everyones business


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