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Re: terminal cleaning

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  • #68155
    Jane Hellsten

    Jane Hellsten




    Hello Phillipa,
    at Bendigo Health we now use a single step cleaner/sanitiser, bleach based. This product is being used in all acute care units for routine cleaning including terminal cleaning. The product is not washed off and is being used on all surfaces presently except floor surfaces. Neutral detergent is still used on floor surfaces.However during a recent Norovirus outbreak we did use the product on bathroom and toilet floors. This product was introducted due to increases in VRE transmission in 2009.
    Jane Hellsten
    Manager, IPCU
    Bendigo Health

    —–Original Message—–

    Good afternoon, here at the Canberra hospital we have a 2 step process forterminal cleaning. Rooms are initially cleaned with detergent & water thendiluted bleach and left to dry- however our cleaners are wanting to to washoff the diluted bleach. I am wondering what happens in other hospitals? Thanks

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