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Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

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  • #69548
    CAMERON, Donna

    CAMERON, Donna




    Hi Joe-anne,
    We have used a UK High Impact Interventions audit tool for observing IV insertions. The link is below. When I just went to the website it said all of the tools are supeseded but I don’t know if there are updated tools – I couldn’t find them. You can still download these tools anyway which are the ones we used. They also have Excel spreadsheets you can use to calculate the data for you if you use the tool in the same format. We did slightly adapt and now that we have changed ort insertion protocol we have changed it again, but the tool is very simple and easy to adapt if required. It gives you the framework at least for what you should include in an audit tool.

    Donna Cameron
    Infection Control Clinical Nurse Consultant

    Austin Health
    P.O. Box 5555
    HEIDELBERG Vic 3968
    * 9496 6625


    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique – wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall

    Infection Prevention and Control CNC

    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital

    8 Macquarie St

    Sydney 2000


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    CAMERON, Donna

    CAMERON, Donna




    Dear All,
    If you are looking for an audit tool you can access now and start using
    then go to the UK High Impact Interventions site
    ionsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_124265 ). As I mentioned below they are listed
    as superseded but they can still be downloaded and are certainly still
    relevant. This is what Rhea and I based out tools on with slight
    adaptations for local protocols (i.e. we now use sterile gloves for
    peripheral IV insertions). I shall also provide our own versions of the
    tools to ACIPC as suggested in a previous email.

    Donna Cameron
    Infection Control Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Austin Health
    P.O. Box 5555
    HEIDELBERG Vic 3968
    9496 6625

    —–Original Message—–
    Behalf Of CAMERON, Donna

    Hi Joe-anne,
    We have used a UK High Impact Interventions audit tool for observing IV
    insertions. The link is below. When I just went to the website it said
    all of the tools are supeseded but I don’t know if there are updated
    tools – I couldn’t find them. You can still download these tools anyway
    which are the ones we used. They also have Excel spreadsheets you can
    use to calculate the data for you if you use the tool in the same
    format. We did slightly adapt and now that we have changed ort insertion
    protocol we have changed it again, but the tool is very simple and easy
    to adapt if required. It gives you the framework at least for what you
    should include in an audit tool.

    Donna Cameron
    Infection Control Clinical Nurse Consultant


    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for
    improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit
    tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique – wound
    dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall

    Infection Prevention and Control CNC

    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital

    8 Macquarie St

    Sydney 2000


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