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Re: Laundry detergent

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  • #69269
    Jennifer Benjamin

    Jennifer Benjamin




    I have been having this discussion with a psychiatrie facility. They wish to dispense with the current product that they use which disinfects at low temps as its expensive.
    Its the clients who wash their clothes but given that they have dubious personal hygiene and many have blood borne viruses, I am not happy to allow.
    Ill find out the product name, but Im not in town at present. Feel free to remind me offline!
    Jen Benjamin
    Infection Control Consultant
    Melbourne Pathology
    M: 0402 000 590
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    Good afternoon Everyone,
    Our Rehab Unit has purchased a washing maschine as part of their rehab program for inpatients. I need to find a detergent with disinfecting qualities. Is there anyone that can help me with the name of a product or company that I can contact?
    Thank you
    Marlize Senekal
    Infection Prevention and Control Coordinator
    St. Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital
    457 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill
    Ph. 07-3834 4444
    Ext. 4328, Pg. 0328


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