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Re: Implant sets

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  • #68405
    Wishart, Michael

    Wishart, Michael




    Hi Tain

    Easiest way to discuss this is to refer to the CHRISP fact sheet, which is in accordance with the TGA information sheet on screw banks.

    I have seen ‘screw bank’ systems set up with individually packaged screws where each screw is disposed of if the package is opened within an operative field (not reprocessed and placed back in the ‘screw bank’). The main issue seems to be to try and get the surgeons used to using sizing charts and not actually handling different sizes of the screws before use.

    Hope this helps a bit.


    Michael Wishart

    Infection Control Coordinator
    Quality & Safety Unit | Greenslopes Private Hospital
    Newdegate St, Greenslopes QLD 4120
    tel: 07 3394 7919 | pager 047 | fax 07 3394 7985


    Ramsay Health Care is an environmentally responsible corporation, please consider the environment before printing this email.

    —–Original Message—–
    Good afternoon all
    I am wondering if you can supply me with supporting information in regards to implant sets. i.e. screw banks in particular.
    There is discussion with the reprocessing of screw banks that are supposedly single use devices and then not having them available anymore. This option is causing great concern.
    I would appreciate any information facilities are doing please.

    Tain Gardiner | Clinical Nurse Manager
    Infection Prevention & Management, Royal Darwin Hospital | Department of Health and Families
    Rocklands Drive, Casuarina, NT 0811 | ‘Postal Address’ PO Box 41326, Casuarina, NT 0811
    p… (08) 89228045 pager # 239| f… (08) 8928889 | e… |
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    Glenys.Harrington@HEALTH.VIC.GOV.AU Subject: Re: Implant sets In-Reply-To:

    Glenys.Harrington@HEALTH.VIC.GOV.AU Subject: Re: Implant sets In-Reply-To:





    Seems there is consensus around the issue in QLD and that the
    interpretation is similar/same as the TGA interpretation of the standard.

    However in Victoria the interpretation of the standard and recommendations
    are that “health services should move away from screw banks to a system
    that can identify and tract individual items to a patient”.

    As these individual items cannot be individually labelled/marked it seems
    that the only way to “track individual items” is to package them

    The matter needs to be clarified by the HE-023 Committee of Standards
    Australia which has responsibility for reviewing AS/NZS4187. I understand
    the matter had been discussed by the committee and as mentioned due to a
    reorganisation within Standards Australia there has been some delay in
    progressing the review and the clarification of the issue.

    Hopefully there will be a national consensus following completion of the
    review process.



    Glenys Harrington, Infection Control Consultant |Communicable Disease
    Prevention and Control | Public Health
    Department of Health | Level 14 50 Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria 3000
    t. 1300 651 160 (03 909 65123) | f. 03 909 69174 | e. |

    “Wishart, Michael”
    12/08/2010 06:24 PM
    Sent by:
    AICA Infexion Connexion

    Hi Tain

    Easiest way to discuss this is to refer to the CHRISP fact sheet, which is
    in accordance with the TGA information sheet on screw banks.

    I have seen ‘screw bank’ systems set up with individually packaged screws
    where each screw is disposed of if the package is opened within an
    operative field (not reprocessed and placed back in the ‘screw bank’). The
    main issue seems to be to try and get the surgeons used to using sizing
    charts and not actually handling different sizes of the screws before use.

    Hope this helps a bit.


    Michael Wishart

    Infection Control Coordinator
    Quality & Safety Unit | Greenslopes Private Hospital
    Newdegate St, Greenslopes QLD 4120
    tel: 07 3394 7919 | pager 047 | fax 07 3394 7985


    Ramsay Health Care is an environmentally responsible corporation, please
    consider the environment before printing this email.

    —–Original Message—–

    Good afternoon all
    I am wondering if you can supply me with supporting information in regards
    to implant sets. i.e. screw banks in particular.
    There is discussion with the reprocessing of screw banks that are
    supposedly single use devices and then not having them available anymore.
    This option is causing great concern.
    I would appreciate any information facilities are doing please.

    Tain Gardiner | Clinical Nurse Manager
    Infection Prevention & Management, Royal Darwin Hospital | Department of
    Health and Families
    Rocklands Drive, Casuarina, NT 0811 | ‘Postal Address’ PO Box 41326,
    Casuarina, NT 0811
    p… (08) 89228045 pager # 239| f… (08) 8928889 | e… |
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