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Tribe, Ingrid (Health).
16/02/2010 at 8:16 pm #68174
Tribe, Ingrid (Health)
Tribe, Ingrid (Health)Email:
Are there any healthcare facilities publicly reporting infection rates? If so, how are you reporting this information? Is anyone using the internet for this purpose?
> Kind Regards
> Ingrid Tribe
RN,BN,GDip QI HlthCare, MMedSci(ClinEpid)
Coordinator, Infection Control Service
Flinders Medical Centre
Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
T: 08-8204 5051
F: 08-8204 4733
W: ingrid.tribe@health.sa.gov.auMessages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and do not represent the opinion of AICA.
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You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to listserv@aicalist.org.au17/02/2010 at 8:57 am #68175Mitchell, Brett (TIPCU)
Mitchell, Brett (TIPCU)Email:
Hi Ingrid
In Tasmania, acute hospitals have infections rates for SAB, CDI, VRE,
hand hygiene etc published publicly. There are published on the
Tasmanian Infection Prevention & Control Unit’s website, which is
publicly available. The web address is very long so just do a search for
the unit on Google.For the first few reports, we did media releases and worked with the
media in understanding the reports e.g. we gave them a presentation!Thanks
BrettMr Brett Mitchell (RN, BN, MSc, CICP, MRCNA)
Director of Tasmanian Infection Prevention & Control Unit (TIPCU)—–Original Message—–
Behalf Of Tribe, Ingrid (Health)Are there any healthcare facilities publicly reporting infection rates?
If so, how are you reporting this information? Is anyone using the
internet for this purpose?
> Kind Regards
> Ingrid Tribe
RN,BN,GDip QI HlthCare, MMedSci(ClinEpid)
Coordinator, Infection Control Service
Flinders Medical Centre
Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
T: 08-8204 5051
F: 08-8204 4733
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You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to listserv@aicalist.org.au17/02/2010 at 9:50 am #68176Wishart, Michael
Wishart, MichaelEmail:
For those who wish to visit the website Brett refers to, visit the
following link:Cheers
MichaelMichael Wishart | GPH – Infection Control Coordinator
GPH – Quality & Safety Unit (Infection Control) | Greenslopes Private
Newdegate St, Greenslopes QLD 4120
t: 07 3394 7919 | pager 047 | f: 07 3394 7985
e: WishartM@ramsayhealth.com.au | w: http://www.ramsayhealth.com.auRamsay Health Care is an environmentally responsible corporation, please
consider the environment before printing this email.—–Original Message—–
Behalf Of Mitchell, Brett (TIPCU)Hi Ingrid
In Tasmania, acute hospitals have infections rates for SAB, CDI, VRE,
hand hygiene etc published publicly. There are published on the
Tasmanian Infection Prevention & Control Unit’s website, which is
publicly available. The web address is very long so just do a search for
the unit on Google.For the first few reports, we did media releases and worked with the
media in understanding the reports e.g. we gave them a presentation!Thanks
BrettMr Brett Mitchell (RN, BN, MSc, CICP, MRCNA)
Director of Tasmanian Infection Prevention & Control Unit (TIPCU)—–Original Message—–
Behalf Of Tribe, Ingrid (Health)Are there any healthcare facilities publicly reporting infection rates?
If so, how are you reporting this information? Is anyone using the
internet for this purpose?
> Kind Regards
> Ingrid Tribe
RN,BN,GDip QI HlthCare, MMedSci(ClinEpid)
Coordinator, Infection Control Service
Flinders Medical Centre
Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
T: 08-8204 5051
F: 08-8204 4733
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You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to listserv@aicalist.org.au17/02/2010 at 9:56 am #68177Craig Boutlis
Craig BoutlisEmail:
Hi Ingrid,
I’m not aware of anyone in NSW who has been able to negotiate this successfully but like you, would be interested to hear.
NSW recently had a “Garling Report” into our acute hospitals that has recommended every ward publically display new infection rates and hand hygiene rates on a monthly basis (these recommendations [reprinted below] were accepted by NSW Health and we are all obliged to implement them but it seems to me as though progress has been slow).
The other big ticket item from the Garling report was the creation of a “Bureau of Health Information” that is tasked with becoming the interface between NSW Health and the public on reporting. They have only just appointed a Canadian CEO (Diane Watson) who is busily compiling lists of how and what people would like to see reported. She’s actively recruiting analysts and research officers currently – I have the job applications if anyone wants them.
Recommendation 90 (c):
NSW Health to consider PD2007-084 and if
appropriate, to rewrite it, to include material about and requirements for
infection prevention which needs to include as a minimum, the following:(c) each ward must publicly display statistics and results compiled
monthly and updated throughout the year showing, at least:(i) the rate of hospital acquired infection per patient on the ward;
(ii) the rate of compliance with hand washing techniques (and any
other applicable hygiene techniques)separately for each group of
health care workers caring for patients.————-
Craig Boutlis
Director, IMACS
Infection Management and Control Service (IMACS)
Level 1, Lawson House
The Wollongong Hospital
LMB 8808
SCMC NSW 2521—–Original Message—–
Are there any healthcare facilities publicly reporting infection rates? If so, how are you reporting this information? Is anyone using the internet for this purpose?
> Kind Regards
> Ingrid Tribe
RN,BN,GDip QI HlthCare, MMedSci(ClinEpid)
Coordinator, Infection Control Service
Flinders Medical Centre
Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
T: 08-8204 5051
F: 08-8204 4733
W: ingrid.tribe@health.sa.gov.auMessages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and do not represent the opinion of AICA.
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You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to listserv@aicalist.org.au18/02/2010 at 9:44 am #68178Craig Boutlis
Craig BoutlisEmail:
Hello again Ingrid,
Forgive my second post, but I’ve just come across the best example of accessible public reporting that I’ve ever seen anywhere (suggest start with hospital reports / maps). What’s more, they’ve routinely included one of the most controversial indicators of performance routinely (the health standardised mortality rate). It’s well worth a look and I think it’s a worthy aspirational goal for all of us.
—–Original Message—–
Are there any healthcare facilities publicly reporting infection rates? If so, how are you reporting this information? Is anyone using the internet for this purpose?
> Kind Regards
> Ingrid Tribe
RN,BN,GDip QI HlthCare, MMedSci(ClinEpid)
Coordinator, Infection Control Service
Flinders Medical Centre
Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
T: 08-8204 5051
F: 08-8204 4733
W: ingrid.tribe@health.sa.gov.auMessages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and do not represent the opinion of AICA.
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You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to listserv@aicalist.org.au18/02/2010 at 3:30 pm #68179Tribe, Ingrid (Health)
Tribe, Ingrid (Health)Email:
Additionally, Canada has a comprehensive web site for reporting communicable diseases activity. Is NSW planning something similar?
Ingrid Tribe
RN,BN,GDip QI HlthCare, MMedSci(ClinEpid)
Coordinator, Infection Control Service
Flinders Medical Centre
Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
AustraliaT: 61-(0)8-8204 5051
F: 61-(0)8-8204 4733
W: ingrid.tribe@health.sa.gov.auThe information contained in this email may be confidential and may also be the subject of legal professional privilege or public interest immunity. If you are not the intended recipient, use, disclosure or copying of this email and / or its attachments is unauthorised. If you have received this email in error, please email or telephone the above signatory.
—–Original Message—–
Hello again Ingrid,
Forgive my second post, but I’ve just come across the best example of accessible public reporting that I’ve ever seen anywhere (suggest start with hospital reports / maps). What’s more, they’ve routinely included one of the most controversial indicators of performance routinely (the health standardised mortality rate). It’s well worth a look and I think it’s a worthy aspirational goal for all of us.
—–Original Message—–
Are there any healthcare facilities publicly reporting infection rates? If so, how are you reporting this information? Is anyone using the internet for this purpose?
> Kind Regards
> Ingrid Tribe
RN,BN,GDip QI HlthCare, MMedSci(ClinEpid)
Coordinator, Infection Control Service
Flinders Medical Centre
Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
T: 08-8204 5051
F: 08-8204 4733
W: ingrid.tribe@health.sa.gov.auMessages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and do not represent the opinion of AICA.
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