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PPE Donning & removal Anterooms & single rooms

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  • #69973
    Julie Hunt

    Julie Hunt




    Dear Colleagues,

    There has been discussion with our Haematology and Infectious Diseases colleagues regarding where PPE is removed. It has been suggested in single rooms with an anteroom that the ante room should be kept ‘clean’ for donning PPE but that PPE should be removed inside the patient room (apart from mask if worn) before exiting to the anteroom (patients are generally isolated due to MROS, respiratory viruses or a combination).

    Infection Prevention & Control recommend PPE be both donned & removed in the anteroom. It is worth noting that some of our anterooms are shared between two single rooms.

    If it is a standard single room & the patient has an MRO we remove at the door, or outside the room if the patient has a respiratory virus.

    The Australian Infection Control Guidelines, NSW Health Guidelines & CDC all state that PPE should be removed at the door or anteroom, it is my understanding that it is written this way to cover both single rooms with & without anterooms.

    I am aware that during the SARS outbreak, Ontario Infection prevention & Control documents stipulated separate areas for donning & removing PPE (donning outside the anteroom & removing in the anteroom).

    Lastly, the Australian Government training DVD for the Influenza Pandemic showed PPE being both donned & removed outside a single room

    I am interested in knowing how other healthcare facilities or haematology units manage this practice.



    Julie Hunt
    Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Prevention and Control
    Royal North Shore Hospital, Reserve Rd, St Leonards 2065
    Tel 02 99264339 or 99264490

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    Jo Tallon

    Jo Tallon




    Hi Julie,

    Here at Westmead in our BMT unit we don the PPE in the anteroom and remove all (except for the mask) in the patient’s room, we also have shared anterooms between two single rooms.



    Jo Tallon
    Clinical Nurse Consultant
    Infection Control
    Pager 09868
    Phone 98459192
    Mobile 0423000169

    >>> Julie Hunt 4/29/2013 9:46 am >>>
    Dear Colleagues,

    There has been discussion with our Haematology and Infectious Diseases colleagues regarding where PPE is removed. It has been suggested in single rooms with an anteroom that the ante room should be kept ‘clean’ for donning PPE but that PPE should be removed inside the patient room (apart from mask if worn) before exiting to the anteroom (patients are generally isolated due to MROS, respiratory viruses or a combination).

    Infection Prevention & Control recommend PPE be both donned & removed in the anteroom. It is worth noting that some of our anterooms are shared between two single rooms.

    If it is a standard single room & the patient has an MRO we remove at the door, or outside the room if the patient has a respiratory virus.

    The Australian Infection Control Guidelines, NSW Health Guidelines & CDC all state that PPE should be removed at the door or anteroom, it is my understanding that it is written this way to cover both single rooms with & without anterooms.

    I am aware that during the SARS outbreak, Ontario Infection prevention & Control documents stipulated separate areas for donning & removing PPE (donning outside the anteroom & removing in the anteroom).

    Lastly, the Australian Government training DVD for the Influenza Pandemic showed PPE being both donned & removed outside a single room

    I am interested in knowing how other healthcare facilities or haematology units manage this practice.



    Julie Hunt

    Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Prevention and Control
    Royal North Shore Hospital, Reserve Rd, St Leonards 2065
    Tel 02 99264339 or 99264490

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    Rita Roy

    Rita Roy




    Dear Julie,
    In our hospital, we have just one room (which is a negative pressure room)that has an anteroom. In our HCF, PPE is donned and removed in the anteroom. Again, we only get the occasional haematology patient, and they generally never are in this single room.

    CNC Infection Control | Hornsby & Ku-ring-gai Health Service
    Palmerston Road,
    Tel 02 9477 9232 | Pager 52533|

    >>> Julie Hunt 29/04/2013 9:46 am >>>
    Dear Colleagues,

    There has been discussion with our Haematology and Infectious Diseases colleagues regarding where PPE is removed. It has been suggested in single rooms with an anteroom that the ante room should be kept ‘clean’ for donning PPE but that PPE should be removed inside the patient room (apart from mask if worn) before exiting to the anteroom (patients are generally isolated due to MROS, respiratory viruses or a combination).

    Infection Prevention & Control recommend PPE be both donned & removed in the anteroom. It is worth noting that some of our anterooms are shared between two single rooms.

    If it is a standard single room & the patient has an MRO we remove at the door, or outside the room if the patient has a respiratory virus.

    The Australian Infection Control Guidelines, NSW Health Guidelines & CDC all state that PPE should be removed at the door or anteroom, it is my understanding that it is written this way to cover both single rooms with & without anterooms.

    I am aware that during the SARS outbreak, Ontario Infection prevention & Control documents stipulated separate areas for donning & removing PPE (donning outside the anteroom & removing in the anteroom).

    Lastly, the Australian Government training DVD for the Influenza Pandemic showed PPE being both donned & removed outside a single room

    I am interested in knowing how other healthcare facilities or haematology units manage this practice.



    Julie Hunt
    Clinical Nurse Consultant | Infection Prevention and Control
    Royal North Shore Hospital, Reserve Rd, St Leonards 2065
    Tel 02 99264339 or 99264490

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