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Please help with our survey – Infection control practice for MRGNBs

Home Forums Infexion Connexion Please help with our survey – Infection control practice for MRGNBs

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  • #69524
    Sally Havers

    Sally Havers




    Dear Colleagues,

    We would really appreciate your help with our survey! There is a vast range of different practices in Australia for infection prevention management of multi-resistant GNBs. In order to better quantify this diversity, identify areas for future research and potentially monitor changes in policy over time, we are undertaking a national survey of infection control practice for GNBs.

    * We would like responses from all adult acute care hospitals in Australia, small and large, public and private.

    * We only require a single response from each institution. Hence, we would ask that the ‘Director/Head’ of infection control at each hospital complete the survey, or nominate someone else to do so. The questions could be answered by a senior member of your team who is involved in day-to-day infection control practice, and has a working knowledge of hospital policy.

    * If you are not the ‘Director/Head’ of infection control then please forward this email to them as a reminder!

    * If you are involved with a hospital (such as smaller private institutions) where the appropriate person may not be on Ozbug or ACIPC Infexion Connexion (AICA) list, please forward this email to them.

    * The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes.

    * A Koko Black Gourmet Chocolate Hamper will be offered to one randomly selected infection control service completing the survey as a token of appreciation for participation.

    This study has been approved by the Internal Ethics Review Committee, School of Medicine, The University of Queensland. Attached is a the formal invitation and participant information sheet.

    The direct link to the survey is:

    Many thanks in advance for your time.

    Kind Regards,
    Dr Ben Rogers & Ms Sally Havers
    Infection and Immunity Theme, UQCCR.

    Sally Havers I Senior Clinical Research Manager l
    Paterson Group I UQ Centre for Clinical Research (UQCCR) l
    Level 8, Building 71/918 Royal Brisbane Hospital, Herston QLD 4029 l
    * +61 466 153 479 l 7 +61 7 3346 5598 l *

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