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Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

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  • #69545
    Joe-Anne Bendall

    Joe-Anne Bendall




    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique – wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall
    Infection Prevention and Control CNC
    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
    8 Macquarie St
    Sydney 2000


    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

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    Tim Spencer

    Tim Spencer





    Here are a few useful tools the VIP Score is probably the best around currently.

    It has been instituted in the UK across the whole NHS.



    Timothy R. Spencer, RN, APN, DipAppSci, Bach.Health, ICCert.
    Clinical Nurse Consultant, Central Venous Access & Parenteral Nutrition Service

    Conjoint Lecturer, South West Sydney Clinical School | Faculty of Medicine | University of NSW
    Dept of Intensive Care, Level 2, Clinical Building, Liverpool Hospital, Elizabeth Street, Liverpool, 2170, NSW, Australia
    Tel (+61) 2 8738 3603 | Fax (+61) 2 8738 3551 | Mob +61 (0)409 463 428 | |

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joe-Anne Bendall
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 4:12 PM
    Subject: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall

    Infection Prevention and Control CNC

    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital

    8 Macquarie St

    Sydney 2000

    Phone: 93827199

    Mobile: 0418984255

    Fax: 93827510

    Page: 21552

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    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

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    Paul Simpson

    Paul Simpson




    Hi Jo-anne,

    I have developed an iPad based audit tool using iAudit (a free app) for observational audit of IV insertion using the ANTT as a framework, happy to share. Obviously youll need an iPad!


    Paul Simpson, RN, MSc
    Infection Control Consultant

    [Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01CC5B6A.3AEF15F0]

    32 Gisborne Street, East Melbourne, 3002, VIC
    Tel: +613 9929 8523 | Pager: 366 | Fax: +613 9663 7203


    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joe-Anne Bendall
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 4:12 PM
    Subject: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall
    Infection Prevention and Control CNC
    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
    8 Macquarie St
    Sydney 2000

    Phone: 93827199
    Mobile: 0418984255
    Fax: 93827510
    Page: 21552


    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

    This email, and the files transmitted with it, are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not permitted to distribute or use this email or any of its attachments in any way. We also request that you advise the sender of the incorrect addressing.

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    Thomson, Rachel EA

    Thomson, Rachel EA




    Hi Rhea and others,

    So here is a thingit seems to me that quite a number of people may have a genuine interest in looking at your tool as discussed in a number of forums including the recent IC day in Melbourne. I wonder if you would be willing to post the tool through the Infexion Connexion list? Maybe others might like to do a similar thing so that people can build on their resources, share etc. Just a thought!!

    Cheers for now

    Rachel Thomson

    Nurse Unit Manager
    Infection Prevention & Control Unit
    Royal Hobart Hospital
    Ph: 03 62227882/8658

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Helen Scott
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 8:34 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi, Can I also please have a look,

    Helen Scott
    Infection Control Co-ordinator |
    Nurse Educator |
    Nepean Private Hospital
    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4725 8758 |

    Please consider the environment before printing this message

    >>> On 14/11/2012 at 5:08 pm, in message , “Moore, Genevieve (Health)” wrote:
    Hi Rhea
    Can you please share these audit tools with me also as I have looking for an audit tool for IV for a while

    Genevieve Moore

    Diabetes Educator

    Clinical Placement Coordinator

    Infection Control Link Nurse

    Southern Flinders Health – Crystal Brook Campus
    Country Health SA Local Health Network
    Edmund Terrace
    Crystal Brook SA 5523

    Tel: (08) 8636 1164

    Fax: (08) 8636 2077

    This email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access, use, distribute or copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It is the recipients responsibility to check the email and any attached files for viruses.

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of MARTIN, Rhea
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:19
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Craig,
    Would be happy to share audit tool with you. We use two, one audits insertion (use this in ED where there is plenty of action) and the other is a ward based audit tool which looks at management of IVs on the ward

    Rhea Martin
    Manager Infection Control Team
    Austin Health
    Studley Rd., Heidelberg
    Victoria, Australia 3084
    Phone 9496 5801
    Page 2556
    Mobile 0407 806 299

    From: Craig Boutlis [mailto:Craig.Boutlis@SESIAHS.HEALTH.NSW.GOV.AU]
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:37
    To: MARTIN, Rhea
    Subject: FW: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rhea,

    I’m pretty sure that you would be on this email list but I thought I should forward this to you just in case. Would you be happy to share the audit tool that you presented at the recent Melbourne Infection Control education day? If so, would you mind cc’ing me in too?

    The NSW policy is out for review at the moment and I’m going to make sure that I contribute that we should be moving to credentialling statewide along the lines of your program (thanks for making me aware of it).


    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joe-Anne Bendall
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 4:12 PM
    Subject: [ACIPC_Infexion_Connexion] Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation
    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall
    Infection Prevention and Control CNC
    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
    8 Macquarie St
    Sydney 2000

    Phone: 93827199
    Mobile: 0418984255
    Fax: 93827510
    Page: 21552


    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

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    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

    This email, and the files transmitted with it, are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not permitted to distribute or use this email or any of its attachments in any way. We also request that you advise the sender of the incorrect addressing.

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    Phelan, Kimberley

    Phelan, Kimberley




    Hi Rhea,

    Please may I have a look too

    Thank you


    Kimberley Phelan| CNS|Infection Prevention and Control|Health Directorate|
    Level 4, Building 10|Canberra Hospital and Health Services | Garran ACT 2605
    Phone 02 61745615 | Fax 02 6244 4646 |Page 50339| Email
    Infection is the final insult to our patients
    care excellence collaboration integrity


    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Helen Scott
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 8:34 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi, Can I also please have a look,

    Helen Scott
    Infection Control Co-ordinator |
    Nurse Educator |
    Nepean Private Hospital
    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4725 8758 |

    Please consider the environment before printing this message

    >>> On 14/11/2012 at 5:08 pm, in message <>, “Moore, Genevieve (Health)” <Genevieve.Moore@HEALTH.SA.GOV.AU> wrote:
    Hi Rhea
    Can you please share these audit tools with me also as I have looking for an audit tool for IV for a while

    Genevieve Moore

    Diabetes Educator

    Clinical Placement Coordinator

    Infection Control Link Nurse

    Southern Flinders Health – Crystal Brook Campus
    Country Health SA Local Health Network
    Edmund Terrace
    Crystal Brook SA 5523

    Tel: (08) 8636 1164

    Fax: (08) 8636 2077

    This email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access, use, distribute or copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It is the recipients responsibility to check the email and any attached files for viruses.

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of MARTIN, Rhea
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:19
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Craig,
    Would be happy to share audit tool with you. We use two, one audits insertion (use this in ED where there is plenty of action) and the other is a ward based audit tool which looks at management of IVs on the ward

    Rhea Martin
    Manager Infection Control Team
    Austin Health
    Studley Rd., Heidelberg
    Victoria, Australia 3084
    Phone 9496 5801
    Page 2556
    Mobile 0407 806 299

    From: Craig Boutlis [mailto:Craig.Boutlis@SESIAHS.HEALTH.NSW.GOV.AU]
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:37
    To: MARTIN, Rhea
    Subject: FW: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rhea,

    I’m pretty sure that you would be on this email list but I thought I should forward this to you just in case. Would you be happy to share the audit tool that you presented at the recent Melbourne Infection Control education day? If so, would you mind cc’ing me in too?

    The NSW policy is out for review at the moment and I’m going to make sure that I contribute that we should be moving to credentialling statewide along the lines of your program (thanks for making me aware of it).


    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joe-Anne Bendall
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 4:12 PM
    Subject: [ACIPC_Infexion_Connexion] Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation
    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall
    Infection Prevention and Control CNC
    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
    8 Macquarie St
    Sydney 2000

    Phone: 93827199
    Mobile: 0418984255
    Fax: 93827510
    Page: 21552


    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

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    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

    This email, and the files transmitted with it, are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not permitted to distribute or use this email or any of its attachments in any way. We also request that you advise the sender of the incorrect addressing.

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    Michael Wishart

    Michael Wishart




    Hi Rachel

    I really think sharing such tools is a great idea!

    Unfortunately Infexion Connexion does not support attachments, so unless any files are hosted elsewhere, we cannot share them through this list.

    Maybe ACIPC could be approached to develop a portal that resources could be uploaded to, and then links could be posted on the list?

    Michael Wishart
    ACPCI Infexion Connexion Administrator

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Thomson, Rachel EA (DHHS)
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 8:31 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rhea and others,

    So here is a thingit seems to me that quite a number of people may have a genuine interest in looking at your tool as discussed in a number of forums including the recent IC day in Melbourne. I wonder if you would be willing to post the tool through the Infexion Connexion list? Maybe others might like to do a similar thing so that people can build on their resources, share etc. Just a thought!!

    Cheers for now

    Rachel Thomson

    Nurse Unit Manager
    Infection Prevention & Control Unit
    Royal Hobart Hospital
    Ph: 03 62227882/8658

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Helen Scott
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 8:34 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi, Can I also please have a look,

    Helen Scott
    Infection Control Co-ordinator |
    Nurse Educator |
    Nepean Private Hospital
    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4725 8758 |

    Please consider the environment before printing this message

    >>> On 14/11/2012 at 5:08 pm, in message , “Moore, Genevieve (Health)” wrote:
    Hi Rhea
    Can you please share these audit tools with me also as I have looking for an audit tool for IV for a while

    Genevieve Moore

    Diabetes Educator

    Clinical Placement Coordinator

    Infection Control Link Nurse

    Southern Flinders Health – Crystal Brook Campus
    Country Health SA Local Health Network
    Edmund Terrace
    Crystal Brook SA 5523

    Tel: (08) 8636 1164

    Fax: (08) 8636 2077

    This email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access, use, distribute or copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It is the recipients responsibility to check the email and any attached files for viruses.

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of MARTIN, Rhea
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:19
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Craig,
    Would be happy to share audit tool with you. We use two, one audits insertion (use this in ED where there is plenty of action) and the other is a ward based audit tool which looks at management of IVs on the ward

    Rhea Martin
    Manager Infection Control Team
    Austin Health
    Studley Rd., Heidelberg
    Victoria, Australia 3084
    Phone 9496 5801
    Page 2556
    Mobile 0407 806 299

    From: Craig Boutlis [mailto:Craig.Boutlis@SESIAHS.HEALTH.NSW.GOV.AU]
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:37
    To: MARTIN, Rhea
    Subject: FW: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rhea,

    I’m pretty sure that you would be on this email list but I thought I should forward this to you just in case. Would you be happy to share the audit tool that you presented at the recent Melbourne Infection Control education day? If so, would you mind cc’ing me in too?

    The NSW policy is out for review at the moment and I’m going to make sure that I contribute that we should be moving to credentialling statewide along the lines of your program (thanks for making me aware of it).


    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joe-Anne Bendall
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 4:12 PM
    Subject: [ACIPC_Infexion_Connexion] Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation
    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall
    Infection Prevention and Control CNC
    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
    8 Macquarie St
    Sydney 2000

    Phone: 93827199
    Mobile: 0418984255
    Fax: 93827510
    Page: 21552


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    Matt Mason

    Matt Mason




    Have to agree with Rachel,
    Might be worth investigating a page on the ACIPC website where members could post various tools for sharing and comment?
    Cheers Matt

    Matt Mason
    RN, BNSci, Grad Dip (Remote Health), M Rural Health, M Adv Prac (Inf Cont), CICP

    Lecturer/Campus Co-ordinator
    School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
    James Cook University
    Thursday Island
    Qld, 4875

    P: (07) 4069 2670
    I: +61 7 4069 2670
    F: (07) 4069 2627

    JCU CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J

    Note: The contents of this email transmission, including any attachments, are intended solely for the named addressee and are confidential; any unauthorised use, reproduction or storage of the contents and any attachments is expressly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error please delete it and any attachments from your system immediately and advise the sender by return email or telephone. James Cook University does not warrant that this email and any attachments are error or virus free.

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Thomson, Rachel EA (DHHS)
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 8:31 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rhea and others,

    So here is a thingit seems to me that quite a number of people may have a genuine interest in looking at your tool as discussed in a number of forums including the recent IC day in Melbourne. I wonder if you would be willing to post the tool through the Infexion Connexion list? Maybe others might like to do a similar thing so that people can build on their resources, share etc. Just a thought!!

    Cheers for now

    Rachel Thomson

    Nurse Unit Manager
    Infection Prevention & Control Unit
    Royal Hobart Hospital
    Ph: 03 62227882/8658

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Helen Scott
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 8:34 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi, Can I also please have a look,

    Helen Scott
    Infection Control Co-ordinator |
    Nurse Educator |
    Nepean Private Hospital
    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4725 8758 |

    Please consider the environment before printing this message

    >>> On 14/11/2012 at 5:08 pm, in message <>, “Moore, Genevieve (Health)” <Genevieve.Moore@HEALTH.SA.GOV.AU> wrote:
    Hi Rhea
    Can you please share these audit tools with me also as I have looking for an audit tool for IV for a while

    Genevieve Moore

    Diabetes Educator

    Clinical Placement Coordinator

    Infection Control Link Nurse

    Southern Flinders Health – Crystal Brook Campus
    Country Health SA Local Health Network
    Edmund Terrace
    Crystal Brook SA 5523

    Tel: (08) 8636 1164

    Fax: (08) 8636 2077

    This email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access, use, distribute or copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It is the recipients responsibility to check the email and any attached files for viruses.

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of MARTIN, Rhea
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:19
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Craig,
    Would be happy to share audit tool with you. We use two, one audits insertion (use this in ED where there is plenty of action) and the other is a ward based audit tool which looks at management of IVs on the ward

    Rhea Martin
    Manager Infection Control Team
    Austin Health
    Studley Rd., Heidelberg
    Victoria, Australia 3084
    Phone 9496 5801
    Page 2556
    Mobile 0407 806 299

    From: Craig Boutlis [mailto:Craig.Boutlis@SESIAHS.HEALTH.NSW.GOV.AU]
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:37
    To: MARTIN, Rhea
    Subject: FW: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rhea,

    I’m pretty sure that you would be on this email list but I thought I should forward this to you just in case. Would you be happy to share the audit tool that you presented at the recent Melbourne Infection Control education day? If so, would you mind cc’ing me in too?

    The NSW policy is out for review at the moment and I’m going to make sure that I contribute that we should be moving to credentialling statewide along the lines of your program (thanks for making me aware of it).


    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joe-Anne Bendall
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 4:12 PM
    Subject: [ACIPC_Infexion_Connexion] Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation
    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall
    Infection Prevention and Control CNC
    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
    8 Macquarie St
    Sydney 2000

    Phone: 93827199
    Mobile: 0418984255
    Fax: 93827510
    Page: 21552


    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

    This email, and the files transmitted with it, are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not permitted to distribute or use this email or any of its attachments in any way. We also request that you advise the sender of the incorrect addressing.

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    The information in this transmission may be confidential and/or protected by legal professional privilege, and is intended only for the person or persons to whom it is addressed. If you are not such a person, you are warned that any disclosure, copying or dissemination of the information is unauthorised. If you have received the transmission in error, please immediately contact this office by telephone, fax or email, to inform us of the error and to enable arrangements to be made for the destruction of the transmission, or its return at our cost. No liability is accepted for any unauthorised use of the information contained in this transmission.
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    Matt Mason

    Matt Mason




    Thanks Paul,
    Maybe you could upload it as an app to one of the app stores and retire at an early age?
    Cheers Matt

    Matt Mason
    RN, BNSci, Grad Dip (Remote Health), M Rural Health, M Adv Prac (Inf Cont), CICP

    Lecturer/Campus Co-ordinator
    School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition
    James Cook University
    Thursday Island
    Qld, 4875

    P: (07) 4069 2670
    I: +61 7 4069 2670
    F: (07) 4069 2627

    JCU CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J

    Note: The contents of this email transmission, including any attachments, are intended solely for the named addressee and are confidential; any unauthorised use, reproduction or storage of the contents and any attachments is expressly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error please delete it and any attachments from your system immediately and advise the sender by return email or telephone. James Cook University does not warrant that this email and any attachments are error or virus free.

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Paul Simpson
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 8:23 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Jo-anne,

    I have developed an iPad based audit tool using iAudit (a free app) for observational audit of IV insertion using the ANTT as a framework, happy to share. Obviously youll need an iPad!


    Paul Simpson, RN, MSc
    Infection Control Consultant

    [Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01CC5B6A.3AEF15F0]

    32 Gisborne Street, East Melbourne, 3002, VIC
    Tel: +613 9929 8523 | Pager: 366 | Fax: +613 9663 7203

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joe-Anne Bendall
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 4:12 PM
    Subject: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall
    Infection Prevention and Control CNC
    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
    8 Macquarie St
    Sydney 2000

    Phone: 93827199
    Mobile: 0418984255
    Fax: 93827510
    Page: 21552


    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

    This email, and the files transmitted with it, are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not permitted to distribute or use this email or any of its attachments in any way. We also request that you advise the sender of the incorrect addressing.

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    Mitchell, Brett (TIPCU)

    Mitchell, Brett (TIPCU)




    Thanks Michael. This is clearly a topic of interest for many. Following on from Rachels post, which I agree with, perhaps, rather than emailing the entire ACIPC list to request a copy of something, people could contact the relevant person directly – an email is provided when you post a message.


    Brett Mitchell I Asst Director of Nursing Infection Control, TIPCU RN, BN, M.Adv.Prac, CICP, MRCNA
    Population Health I Department of Health and Human Services
    Post GPO Box 125 Hobart Tas 7001 | Email
    Phone (03) 6222 7779 | Fax (03) 6233 0553
    A fair and healthy Tasmania

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Michael Wishart
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 10:42 AM
    Subject: Re: [ACIPC_Infexion_Connexion] Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rachel

    I really think sharing such tools is a great idea!

    Unfortunately Infexion Connexion does not support attachments, so unless any files are hosted elsewhere, we cannot share them through this list.

    Maybe ACIPC could be approached to develop a portal that resources could be uploaded to, and then links could be posted on the list?

    Michael Wishart
    ACPCI Infexion Connexion Administrator

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Thomson, Rachel EA (DHHS)
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 8:31 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rhea and others,

    So here is a thingit seems to me that quite a number of people may have a genuine interest in looking at your tool as discussed in a number of forums including the recent IC day in Melbourne. I wonder if you would be willing to post the tool through the Infexion Connexion list? Maybe others might like to do a similar thing so that people can build on their resources, share etc. Just a thought!!

    Cheers for now

    Rachel Thomson

    Nurse Unit Manager
    Infection Prevention & Control Unit
    Royal Hobart Hospital
    Ph: 03 62227882/8658

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Helen Scott
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 8:34 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi, Can I also please have a look,

    Helen Scott
    Infection Control Co-ordinator |
    Nurse Educator |
    Nepean Private Hospital
    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4725 8758 |

    Please consider the environment before printing this message

    >>> On 14/11/2012 at 5:08 pm, in message <>, “Moore, Genevieve (Health)” <Genevieve.Moore@HEALTH.SA.GOV.AU> wrote:
    Hi Rhea
    Can you please share these audit tools with me also as I have looking for an audit tool for IV for a while

    Genevieve Moore

    Diabetes Educator

    Clinical Placement Coordinator

    Infection Control Link Nurse

    Southern Flinders Health – Crystal Brook Campus
    Country Health SA Local Health Network
    Edmund Terrace
    Crystal Brook SA 5523

    Tel: (08) 8636 1164

    Fax: (08) 8636 2077

    This email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access, use, distribute or copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It is the recipients responsibility to check the email and any attached files for viruses.

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of MARTIN, Rhea
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:19
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Craig,
    Would be happy to share audit tool with you. We use two, one audits insertion (use this in ED where there is plenty of action) and the other is a ward based audit tool which looks at management of IVs on the ward

    Rhea Martin
    Manager Infection Control Team
    Austin Health
    Studley Rd., Heidelberg
    Victoria, Australia 3084
    Phone 9496 5801
    Page 2556
    Mobile 0407 806 299

    From: Craig Boutlis [mailto:Craig.Boutlis@SESIAHS.HEALTH.NSW.GOV.AU]
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:37
    To: MARTIN, Rhea
    Subject: FW: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rhea,

    I’m pretty sure that you would be on this email list but I thought I should forward this to you just in case. Would you be happy to share the audit tool that you presented at the recent Melbourne Infection Control education day? If so, would you mind cc’ing me in too?

    The NSW policy is out for review at the moment and I’m going to make sure that I contribute that we should be moving to credentialling statewide along the lines of your program (thanks for making me aware of it).


    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joe-Anne Bendall
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 4:12 PM
    Subject: [ACIPC_Infexion_Connexion] Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation
    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall
    Infection Prevention and Control CNC
    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
    8 Macquarie St
    Sydney 2000

    Phone: 93827199
    Mobile: 0418984255
    Fax: 93827510
    Page: 21552


    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

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    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

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    Lee, Rosie

    Lee, Rosie




    That’s great. It would be great to see your app, Paul and I share
    Michael’s suggestion for ACIPC to pursue a portal for sharing tools.



    Rosie Lee
    RN. BSc. CICP

    Coordinator – Infection Prevention & Management
    SMH Service – Royal Perth Hospital

    Ph + 61 8 9224 2805 Fax + 61 8 9224 1989

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    Behalf Of Paul Simpson

    Hi Jo-anne,

    I have developed an iPad based audit tool using iAudit (a free app) for
    observational audit of IV insertion using the ANTT as a framework, happy
    to share. Obviously you’ll need an iPad!


    Paul Simpson, RN, MSc

    Infection Control Consultant

    Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01CC5B6A.3AEF15F0

    32 Gisborne Street, East Melbourne, 3002, VIC


    Behalf Of Joe-Anne Bendall

    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for
    improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit
    tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique – wound
    dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall

    Infection Prevention and Control CNC

    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital

    8 Macquarie St

    Sydney 2000

    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local
    Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus)
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    Thomson, Rachel EA

    Thomson, Rachel EA




    Thanks Michael (and Matt),

    I will happily approach ACIPC and bring this idea forward!


    Rachel Thomson

    Nurse Unit Manager
    Infection Prevention & Control Unit
    Royal Hobart Hospital
    Ph: 03 62227882/8658

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Michael Wishart
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 10:42 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rachel

    I really think sharing such tools is a great idea!

    Unfortunately Infexion Connexion does not support attachments, so unless any files are hosted elsewhere, we cannot share them through this list.

    Maybe ACIPC could be approached to develop a portal that resources could be uploaded to, and then links could be posted on the list?

    Michael Wishart
    ACPCI Infexion Connexion Administrator

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Thomson, Rachel EA (DHHS)
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 8:31 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rhea and others,

    So here is a thingit seems to me that quite a number of people may have a genuine interest in looking at your tool as discussed in a number of forums including the recent IC day in Melbourne. I wonder if you would be willing to post the tool through the Infexion Connexion list? Maybe others might like to do a similar thing so that people can build on their resources, share etc. Just a thought!!

    Cheers for now

    Rachel Thomson

    Nurse Unit Manager
    Infection Prevention & Control Unit
    Royal Hobart Hospital
    Ph: 03 62227882/8658

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Helen Scott
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 8:34 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi, Can I also please have a look,

    Helen Scott
    Infection Control Co-ordinator |
    Nurse Educator |
    Nepean Private Hospital
    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4725 8758 |

    Please consider the environment before printing this message

    >>> On 14/11/2012 at 5:08 pm, in message , “Moore, Genevieve (Health)” wrote:
    Hi Rhea
    Can you please share these audit tools with me also as I have looking for an audit tool for IV for a while

    Genevieve Moore

    Diabetes Educator

    Clinical Placement Coordinator

    Infection Control Link Nurse

    Southern Flinders Health – Crystal Brook Campus
    Country Health SA Local Health Network
    Edmund Terrace
    Crystal Brook SA 5523

    Tel: (08) 8636 1164

    Fax: (08) 8636 2077

    This email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access, use, distribute or copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It is the recipients responsibility to check the email and any attached files for viruses.

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of MARTIN, Rhea
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:19
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Craig,
    Would be happy to share audit tool with you. We use two, one audits insertion (use this in ED where there is plenty of action) and the other is a ward based audit tool which looks at management of IVs on the ward

    Rhea Martin
    Manager Infection Control Team
    Austin Health
    Studley Rd., Heidelberg
    Victoria, Australia 3084
    Phone 9496 5801
    Page 2556
    Mobile 0407 806 299

    From: Craig Boutlis [mailto:Craig.Boutlis@SESIAHS.HEALTH.NSW.GOV.AU]
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:37
    To: MARTIN, Rhea
    Subject: FW: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rhea,

    I’m pretty sure that you would be on this email list but I thought I should forward this to you just in case. Would you be happy to share the audit tool that you presented at the recent Melbourne Infection Control education day? If so, would you mind cc’ing me in too?

    The NSW policy is out for review at the moment and I’m going to make sure that I contribute that we should be moving to credentialling statewide along the lines of your program (thanks for making me aware of it).


    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joe-Anne Bendall
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 4:12 PM
    Subject: [ACIPC_Infexion_Connexion] Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation
    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall
    Infection Prevention and Control CNC
    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
    8 Macquarie St
    Sydney 2000

    Phone: 93827199
    Mobile: 0418984255
    Fax: 93827510
    Page: 21552


    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

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    Tim Spencer

    Tim Spencer




    HI All,

    I have emailed a few member some of this requested information off-list, though its a shame that the list wont accept PDFs, as they are easily distributable.

    The ICUConnect list allows for attachments (which is very handy at times however they are size limited)

    Please email me directly if you would like these files.


    Timothy R. Spencer, RN, APN, DipAppSci, Bach.Health, ICCert.
    Clinical Nurse Consultant, Central Venous Access & Parenteral Nutrition Service

    Conjoint Lecturer, South West Sydney Clinical School | Faculty of Medicine | University of NSW
    Dept of Intensive Care, Level 2, Clinical Building, Liverpool Hospital, Elizabeth Street, Liverpool, 2170, NSW, Australia
    Tel (+61) 2 8738 3603 | Fax (+61) 2 8738 3551 | Mob +61 (0)409 463 428 | |

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Michael Wishart
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 10:42 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rachel

    I really think sharing such tools is a great idea!

    Unfortunately Infexion Connexion does not support attachments, so unless any files are hosted elsewhere, we cannot share them through this list.

    Maybe ACIPC could be approached to develop a portal that resources could be uploaded to, and then links could be posted on the list?


    Michael Wishart

    ACPCI Infexion Connexion Administrator

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Thomson, Rachel EA (DHHS)
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 8:31 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rhea and others,

    So here is a thingit seems to me that quite a number of people may have a genuine interest in looking at your tool as discussed in a number of forums including the recent IC day in Melbourne. I wonder if you would be willing to post the tool through the Infexion Connexion list? Maybe others might like to do a similar thing so that people can build on their resources, share etc. Just a thought!!

    Cheers for now


    Rachel Thomson

    Nurse Unit Manager

    Infection Prevention & Control Unit

    Royal Hobart Hospital

    Ph: 03 62227882/8658


    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Helen Scott
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 8:34 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi, Can I also please have a look,


    Helen Scott

    Infection Control Co-ordinator |

    Nurse Educator |

    Nepean Private Hospital

    Kingswood, NSW.
    Tel 02 4725 8758 |

    Please consider the environment before printing this message

    >>> On 14/11/2012 at 5:08 pm, in message , “Moore, Genevieve (Health)” wrote:

    Hi Rhea

    Can you please share these audit tools with me also as I have looking for an audit tool for IV for a while



    Genevieve Moore

    Diabetes Educator

    Clinical Placement Coordinator

    Infection Control Link Nurse

    Southern Flinders Health – Crystal Brook Campus

    Country Health SA Local Health Network

    Edmund Terrace

    Crystal Brook SA 5523

    Tel: (08) 8636 1164

    Fax: (08) 8636 2077


    This email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access, use, distribute or copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It is the recipients responsibility to check the email and any attached files for viruses.


    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of MARTIN, Rhea
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:19
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Craig,

    Would be happy to share audit tool with you. We use two, one audits insertion (use this in ED where there is plenty of action) and the other is a ward based audit tool which looks at management of IVs on the ward


    Rhea Martin

    Manager Infection Control Team

    Austin Health

    Studley Rd., Heidelberg

    Victoria, Australia 3084

    Phone 9496 5801

    Page 2556

    Mobile 0407 806 299

    From: Craig Boutlis [mailto:Craig.Boutlis@SESIAHS.HEALTH.NSW.GOV.AU]
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 16:37
    To: MARTIN, Rhea
    Subject: FW: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Rhea,

    I’m pretty sure that you would be on this email list but I thought I should forward this to you just in case. Would you be happy to share the audit tool that you presented at the recent Melbourne Infection Control education day? If so, would you mind cc’ing me in too?

    The NSW policy is out for review at the moment and I’m going to make sure that I contribute that we should be moving to credentialling statewide along the lines of your program (thanks for making me aware of it).



    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joe-Anne Bendall
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 4:12 PM
    Subject: [ACIPC_Infexion_Connexion] Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall

    Infection Prevention and Control CNC

    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital

    8 Macquarie St

    Sydney 2000

    Phone: 93827199

    Mobile: 0418984255

    Fax: 93827510

    Page: 21552


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    Lynne Sinclair

    Lynne Sinclair




    Hi Paul,
    Very interested in audit app
    Can anyone access your audit through the app
    How easy is it to make up an audit??

    Lynne Sinclair
    Quality Improvement Manager Boort District Health PO Box 2 Boort 3537
    ‘ 03 5451 5200 | 7 03 5455 2502 |
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    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Paul Simpson
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 9:23 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Jo-anne,

    I have developed an iPad based audit tool using iAudit (a free app) for observational audit of IV insertion using the ANTT as a framework, happy to share. Obviously youll need an iPad!


    Paul Simpson, RN, MSc
    Infection Control Consultant

    [Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01CC5B6A.3AEF15F0]

    32 Gisborne Street, East Melbourne, 3002, VIC
    Tel: +613 9929 8523 | Pager: 366 | Fax: +613 9663 7203

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joe-Anne Bendall
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 4:12 PM
    Subject: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall
    Infection Prevention and Control CNC
    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
    8 Macquarie St
    Sydney 2000

    Phone: 93827199
    Mobile: 0418984255
    Fax: 93827510
    Page: 21552


    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

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    Chris Braden

    Chris Braden




    Hi Paul,

    Would love to share your audit tool please



    Christine Braden

    Assistant Director of Nursing/

    Infection Control Practitioner CNS

    Djerriwarrh Health Service


    Ph- 53 67 2000

    Mobile – 0402 242 651

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Paul Simpson
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 9:23 AM
    Subject: Re: [ACIPC_Infexion_Connexion] Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Jo-anne,

    I have developed an iPad based audit tool using iAudit (a free app) for observational audit of IV insertion using the ANTT as a framework, happy to share. Obviously youll need an iPad!


    Paul Simpson, RN, MSc

    Infection Control Consultant

    Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01CC5B6A.3AEF15F0

    32 Gisborne Street, East Melbourne, 3002, VIC
    Tel: +613 9929 8523 | Pager: 366 | Fax: +613 9663 7203


    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joe-Anne Bendall
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 4:12 PM
    Subject: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall

    Infection Prevention and Control CNC

    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital

    8 Macquarie St

    Sydney 2000

    Phone: 93827199

    Mobile: 0418984255

    Fax: 93827510

    Page: 21552


    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

    This email, and the files transmitted with it, are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not permitted to distribute or use this email or any of its attachments in any way. We also request that you advise the sender of the incorrect addressing.

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    Joe-Anne Bendall

    Joe-Anne Bendall




    Hi Paul
    What is it called? I think a lot of ICPs would be interested in looking at it



    Joe-anne Bendall
    Infection Prevention and Control CNC
    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
    8 Macquarie St
    Sydney 2000

    Phone: 93827199
    Mobile: 0418984255
    Fax: 93827510
    Page: 21552

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Paul Simpson
    Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2012 9:23 AM
    Subject: Re: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi Jo-anne,

    I have developed an iPad based audit tool using iAudit (a free app) for observational audit of IV insertion using the ANTT as a framework, happy to share. Obviously youll need an iPad!


    Paul Simpson, RN, MSc
    Infection Control Consultant


    32 Gisborne Street, East Melbourne, 3002, VIC
    Tel: +613 9929 8523 | Pager: 366 | Fax: +613 9663 7203

    From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Joe-Anne Bendall
    Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 4:12 PM
    Subject: Observational Audit Tools for IV Cannulation

    Hi everyone

    I have a very keen medical officer who wants to be a champion for improving IV cannula insertion. Does anyone have an observational audit tool they would like to share?

    I have an observational audit tool for aseptic technique wound dressing I would be willing to swap for IV cannula insertion!



    Joe-anne Bendall
    Infection Prevention and Control CNC
    Sydney Hospital and Sydney Eye Hospital
    8 Macquarie St
    Sydney 2000

    Phone: 93827199
    Mobile: 0418984255
    Fax: 93827510
    Page: 21552


    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

    This email, and the files transmitted with it, are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not permitted to distribute or use this email or any of its attachments in any way. We also request that you advise the sender of the incorrect addressing.

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    Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, South East Sydney Local Health District and Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick Campus) Confidentiality Notice

    This email, and the files transmitted with it, are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not permitted to distribute or use this email or any of its attachments in any way. We also request that you advise the sender of the incorrect addressing.

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