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  • #68149
    Wishart, Michael

    Wishart, Michael




    Dear members of the Infection Prevention and Control Community,

    When the AICAlist went offline earlier this year there was widespread
    disappointment however, the AICA executive used this ‘downtime’ to
    review this key area of member communication and on behalf of the AICA
    Executive I am very pleased to present you with an early Christmas gift,
    the new look, new name AICAlist. After extensive review and testing of
    the new list server functions the AICA list is now ready to use and goes
    live today. We invite you to all rejoin the new list to stay in touch
    and connected using:


    Some features of the new AICAlist include:

    * Full web interface:

    – subscription via email web interface

    – ability to send messages, read messages, view list archive,
    search list archive, all for web

    * Full email control: send commands, review subscription options

    * Fully moderated discussion list where the moderator can edit
    posts before sending them to list

    * Digest mode with options for how often to receive digest

    Infexion_Connexion now has the ability to easily send announcements to
    all members who have a registered email address. This has been provided
    to AICA previously through the State/ and Territory membership

    All the subscription information is also available via the AICA website
    but please use the instructions below to get started.

    On behalf of the AICA Executive I would like to extend sincere thanks to
    Michael Wishart (ICPAQ President and List moderator) who has remained
    committed to seeing this project through despite some significant

    There are two ways to subscribe to AICA Infexion Connexion (AICAlist)

    1) send an email to with the subject Subscribe
    and in the body of the message ‘subscribe aicalist’ (without the
    quotes). This is the quickest and easiest method for users, but doesn’t
    give you access to the web interface and archives. You can always
    register with the web interface after subscribing by email, though.


    2) visit and register your email address
    on the website by clicking on the ‘get a new LISTSERV password’ link in
    the text. You need to confirm the request in an email (click on the
    link), then log in to the website with your new details. Once you are
    logged in click on AICALIST under List Name and them choose Join or
    Leave AICALIST. Here you can choose subscription options, then at the
    bottom of the page choose the Join button. Once subscribed to AICALIST
    you can set your own preferences for the website using the Preferences
    button next to Log Out.

    If you have any problems with the subscription process you can send an
    email to Further detailed instructions
    about this list are contained in the List Subscribers manual:

    Please forward this email onto your colleagues far and wide who may be
    interested in subscribing to our new list.

    Seasons Greetings
    On a personal note I am ‘defecting’ from Victoria to take a position in
    the Torres Strait based on Thursday Island. My family and I will be
    relocating to the far north of Queensland in January. I will continue in
    my role as AICA President and can still be contacted via our secretariat
    on email: My new work address from 1/2/10 will be

    Best wishes to all for the Festive Season.



    Claire Boardman
    President, Australian Infection Control Association (AICA)
    BN, Cert IC, MPH, CICP
    GPO Box 3254, Brisbane Queensland 4001

    Tel 61 (07) 3211 4695
    Fax 61 (07) 3211 4900
    Mob 61 (0) 419 549 834

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    Any views expressed within this communication are those of
    the individual sender, except where the sender specifically
    states them to be the views of Ramsay Health Care.
    This communication should not be copied or disseminated
    without permission.

    Messages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and do not represent the opinion of AICA.
    Archive of all messages are available at – registration and login required.

    You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to

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