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National Press Club address by Dr Janette Randall on antibiotic resistance: 26 April 2012

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  • #68951
    Claire Boardman

    Claire Boardman




    Received from National Prescribing Service 23/4/12

    With very short notice Dr Janette Randall, Chair of NPS, has been invited to address the National Press Club in Canberra this week on the issue of antibiotic resistance.

    As you all well know, antibiotic resistance is a global issue but one that affects each and every one of us. To address it and preserve the miracle of antibiotics we ultimately need a whole of sector response and to use the tools and knowledge we have to turn things around. NPS has this week launched its consumer awareness campaign about antibiotic resistance which encourages individuals to sign up to become resistance fighters.

    We hope that you will support this important event and come along if at all possible. It would also be greatly appreciated if you could spread the word about the event within your own networks.

    Information about Janettes address can be found here. Individual seats or tables are available for purchase. To register, go to

    Please do not hesitate to contact me should you like more information or if you have any questions.
    Kind regards

    Kerren Hosking
    Corporate Affairs Manager
    Corporate Affairs
    Level 7 / 418a Elizabeth St
    Surry Hills NSW 2010
    PO Box 1147
    Strawberry Hills
    NSW 2012
    P. (02) 8217 8796
    F. (02) 8217 8765
    M. 0408 226 397

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