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Mould in the Bathroom

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  • #69287
    Lynley King

    Lynley King




    Hi Team,

    Just wondering if anyone has had mould growing across the entire ceiling (almost, anyway) in a shared bathroom in the Maternity Unit.
    If so I have three queries:

    How did you get rid of the mould?
    Did you in fact close the area until the issue was solved?
    Are their standards I can use as supporting material to either close the area or at least support the cost of fixing the problem?

    Thank you for your help.

    Kind regards,

    Lynley King
    Acting Clinical Nurse Specialist
    Infection Control
    Alice Springs Hospital

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    Matthias Maiwald (KKH)

    Matthias Maiwald (KKH)




    Hi Lynley,

    Not purporting to be able to answer your question in its entirety, but this is potentially serious. I am not aware of any formal guidelines or standards, but by applying principles I would say that (a) a maternity unit is fortunately not a high-risk area for mould infections, but (b) but the amount of mould spores in the air from a ceiling with macroscopically visible mould growth must be very (!) high.

    I was once at a conference in an interesting infection control case presentation where the speaker presented a case of mould growth in a haem-onc unit on a false wall or ceiling (you know that kind of wall with a plasterboard where something is behind). It was found that this was due to a water pipe breakage behind that false wall, and only fixing the leakage and cleaning up everything behind the false wall was able to fix the problem.

    So my prime suspect would be a water pipe leakage or other type of water seepage or other constant moisture source behind the bathroom tiles or behind a false wall. Plumbing alone may not fix this; the entire room/wall/ceiling may have to be checked and redone.

    Best regards, Matthias.

    Matthias Maiwald, MD, FRCPA
    Consultant in Microbiology
    Adj. Assoc. Prof., Natl. Univ. Singapore
    Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
    KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital
    100 Bukit Timah Road
    Singapore 229899
    Tel. +65 6394 8725 (Office)
    Tel. +65 6394 1389 (Laboratory)
    Fax +65 6394 1387

    Hi Team,

    Just wondering if anyone has had mould growing across the entire ceiling (almost, anyway) in a shared bathroom in the Maternity Unit.
    If so I have three queries:

    * How did you get rid of the mould?
    * Did you in fact close the area until the issue was solved?
    * Are their standards I can use as supporting material to either close the area or at least support the cost of fixing the problem?

    Thank you for your help.

    Kind regards,

    Lynley King
    Acting Clinical Nurse Specialist
    Infection Control
    Alice Springs Hospital

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