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- This topic has 4 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 8 months ago by
Gerald Cha.
12/06/2013 at 4:34 pm #70073
Has anybody had any experience with installation of hand dryers (warm
blowing air) in clinical areas?
We are building a new facility, the question has been raised can we
install hand dryers instead of paper towel in clinical areas at the hand
washing sinks?
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?Lyn
Infection Prevention and Control Manager
Echuca Regional Health
17 Francis Street
Echuca 3564Helping Everyone To Be And Stay Healthy
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13/06/2013 at 9:32 am #70074Maree Sommerville
Maree SommervilleEmail:
Dear Lyn,
Our neonatal unit considered hand dryers as an option to paper towels a
couple of years ago.The 2 issues that we raised were uncontrolled air dispersal and the
noise factor (and they are so noisy…. Imagine hearing the hum of
dryers all day….)To choose a dryer in a clinical setting would very much depend on that
setting.In our neonatal nursery, the hand basins are within the ward, we have
carpeted floors, and the dryers potentially could disperse hand bacteria
and, depending on design, could disperse bacteria lurking in the carpet.My organisation adopted a paper recycling process for the paper towels.
Hand dryers are relegated to public areas and not clinical ones.
* The NSW hand hygiene policy directive states ‘no hand dryers’.
* A study funded by Dyson (hand dryer company) supports their
claims that their product is superior to other hand dryers however they
are noisy.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3017747/
* HHA have a ‘sample hand hygiene procedure’ that includes the
possibility of using a hand dryerhttp://www.hha.org.au/UserFiles/file/Manual/Generic%20Hand%20Hygiene%20G
uidelines_final%20_4_.pdfI wish you the best in making a final decision.
Maree Sommerville
Infection Control Coordinator
Mercy Hospital for Women
Behalf Of Lyn A. Golden
Has anybody had any experience with installation of hand dryers (warm
blowing air) in clinical areas?
We are building a new facility, the question has been raised can we
install hand dryers instead of paper towel in clinical areas at the hand
washing sinks?Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Infection Prevention and Control Manager
Echuca Regional Health
17 Francis Street
Echuca 3564Helping Everyone To Be And Stay Healthy
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13/06/2013 at 10:06 am #70076Michael Wishart
Michael WishartEmail:
Hi Lyn
Apart from the possible air disruption / bacterial dispersion issues, there has been some discussion in the past about the speed and efficiency of electric hand driers in clinical areas. You would need to ensure you were not setting up your staff for longer drying times (or even worse, less adequate drying because it takes too long), and also increased skin care issues for staff due to excessive drying of the skin. If you do decide to support electric hand dryers in clinical areas, I would really encourage you to propose a solid trial phase and review the impact on both hand hygiene practices (are staff discouraged from hand hygiene with soap and water because of the dryers?) and also impact on staff skin integrity.
Good luck with whichever decision is made.
MichaelMichael Wishart
CNC Infection Control
Holy Spirit Northside Private Hospital
627 Rode Road, Chermside, Qld 4032
t: (07) 3326 3068 | f: (07) 3607 2226
e: Michael.Wishart@hsn.org.au
Please consider the environment before printing this emailFrom: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Maree Sommerville
Sent: Thursday, 13 June 2013 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: Mechanical Hand dryers at clinical staff sinksDear Lyn,
Our neonatal unit considered hand dryers as an option to paper towels a couple of years ago.
The 2 issues that we raised were uncontrolled air dispersal and the noise factor (and they are so noisy. Imagine hearing the hum of dryers all day.)
To choose a dryer in a clinical setting would very much depend on that setting.
In our neonatal nursery, the hand basins are within the ward, we have carpeted floors, and the dryers potentially could disperse hand bacteria and, depending on design, could disperse bacteria lurking in the carpet.
My organisation adopted a paper recycling process for the paper towels.
Hand dryers are relegated to public areas and not clinical ones.The NSW hand hygiene policy directive states no hand dryers.
http://www0.health.nsw.gov.au/policies/pd/2010/pdf/PD2010_058.pdfA study funded by Dyson (hand dryer company) supports their claims that their product is superior to other hand dryers however they are noisy.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3017747/HHA have a sample hand hygiene procedure that includes the possibility of using a hand dryer
http://www.hha.org.au/UserFiles/file/Manual/Generic%20Hand%20Hygiene%20Guidelines_final%20_4_.pdfI wish you the best in making a final decision.
Maree Sommerville
Infection Control Coordinator
Mercy Hospital for Women
From: ACIPC Infexion Connexion [mailto:AICALIST@AICALIST.ORG.AU] On Behalf Of Lyn A. Golden
Sent: Wednesday, 12 June 2013 4:34 PM
Subject: Mechanical Hand dryers at clinical staff sinksHas anybody had any experience with installation of hand dryers (warm blowing air) in clinical areas?
We are building a new facility, the question has been raised can we install hand dryers instead of paper towel in clinical areas at the hand washing sinks?Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Infection Prevention and Control Manager
Echuca Regional Health
17 Francis Street
Echuca 3564Phone: 54855340
Fax: 54855390
E-mail: lgolden@erh.org.auHelping Everyone To Be And Stay Healthy
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13/06/2013 at 10:43 am #70077Hi Lyn
We have recently released the latest version of the Hand Hygiene
Australia Manual.http://www.hha.org.au/UserFiles/file/Manual/HHAManual_2010-11-23.pdf
In Section 3.2 we state:
Both soap and ABHR products are necessary for the introduction of a HH
program;a soap and water wash is required if hands are visibly soiled, and
either productcan be used if hands are visibly clean. As wet hands can more readily
acquire and spread microorganisms, the proper drying of hands is an
integral part of routinehand hygiene (1).
Paper towels, cloth towels, and air dryers are commonly used to dry
washed hands. There is currently conflicting evidence as to the
efficacy of each method for removing bacteria from washed hands (23-25).
Ideally, hands should be dried using either individual paper towels, or
hand driers which can dry hands as effectively and as quickly as it can
be done with paper towels (26). Hand driers used in healthcare should be
proven not to be associated with the aerosolisation of pathogens (1),
for example using hospital grade HEPA filtration to minimise airborne
microorganisms (27).(References are listed in the manual)
I would also support Maries comments regarding noise (day and night),
and also add that regular cleaning and maintenance of these machines
must also be considered.Hope this helps your decision.
Kind regards
Phil Russo, M.Clin.Epid
Hand Hygiene Australia
National Project Manager
P: +61 3 9496 3587 | M: +61 411 659 486 |E: philip.russo@austin.org.au
Hand Hygiene Australia, c/- Austin Health Infectious Diseases Dept. PO
5555 Heidelberg, VIC, Australia 3084Behalf Of Lyn A. Golden
Has anybody had any experience with installation of hand dryers (warm
blowing air) in clinical areas?
We are building a new facility, the question has been raised can we
install hand dryers instead of paper towel in clinical areas at the hand
washing sinks?Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Infection Prevention and Control Manager
Echuca Regional Health
17 Francis Street
Echuca 3564Helping Everyone To Be And Stay Healthy
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19/06/2013 at 8:06 pm #70086Glenys Harrington
Glenys HarringtonEmail:
Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)State:
Hi Lyn,
My understanding is that they are too noisy for clinical areas particularly
at night.Regards
Glenys Harrington
Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)
PO Box 5202
Middle Park
Victoria, 3206
H: +61 3 96902216
M: +61 404 816 434
ABN 47533508426
Of Lyn A. Golden
sinksHas anybody had any experience with installation of hand dryers (warm
blowing air) in clinical areas?
We are building a new facility, the question has been raised can we install
hand dryers instead of paper towel in clinical areas at the hand washing
sinks?Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Infection Prevention and Control Manager
Echuca Regional Health
17 Francis Street
Echuca 3564Helping Everyone To Be And Stay Healthy
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20/06/2013 at 8:51 am #70087From my experience, many facilities I have been to actually turn off the hand dryers at night because they are too noisy. The question has to then be asked ….how do they dry their hands? On their uniforms?
Kind Regards
Judy Forrest
RN,CIC (Syd Hosp), Grad Cert. (Communicable Diseases), FCN, CPM FAAPM
Managing Director
[High Res – Screen]
Bug Control (Aust) Pty Ltd
Infection Control Advisory Service
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Hi Lyn,
My understanding is that they are too noisy for clinical areas particularly at night.
Glenys Harrington
Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)PO Box 5202
Middle Park
Victoria, 3206
H: +61 3 96902216
M: +61 404 816 434
ABN 47533508426Has anybody had any experience with installation of hand dryers (warm blowing air) in clinical areas?
We are building a new facility, the question has been raised can we install hand dryers instead of paper towel in clinical areas at the hand washing sinks?Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Infection Prevention and Control Manager
Echuca Regional Health
17 Francis Street
Echuca 3564Helping Everyone To Be And Stay Healthy
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20/06/2013 at 11:00 am #70091Our experience here was that nurses in the clinical setting stated they
do not have time to stand and air dry their hands and we have re-
installed paper dispensers.
RegardsGill Wheaton
Peri-operative Services Manager
St John of God Hospital
136 Botanic Road (PO Box 316)
Warrnambool 3280>>> Judy Forrest 20/06/13 8:51 AM >>>
From my experience, many facilities I have been to actually turn off
the hand dryers at night because they are too noisy. The question has
to then be asked .how do they dry their hands? On their uniforms?Kind Regards
Judy Forrest
RN,CIC (Syd Hosp), Grad Cert. (Communicable Diseases), FCN, CPM FAAPM
Managing DirectorBug Control (Aust) Pty Ltd
Infection Control Advisory Service
PO Box 406 GORDON NSW 2072 Australia
Bug Control New Zealand Ltd
Infection Control Advisory Service
PO Box 42024 Tower Junction CHRISTCHURCH New Zealand
Providing Comprehensive Infection Prevention and Control Service for
Healthcare, Emergency Services, Residential Care, Children’s Services,
Cleaning, Catering and Laundry Services
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scanner before opening.Behalf Of Glenys Harrington
Hi Lyn,
My understanding is that they are too noisy for clinical areas
particularly at night.
Glenys Harrington
Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)
PO Box 5202
Middle Park
Victoria, 3206
H: +61 3 96902216
M: +61 404 816 434
ABN 47533508426Behalf Of Lyn A. Golden
staff sinksHas anybody had any experience with installation of hand dryers (warm
blowing air) in clinical areas?
We are building a new facility, the question has been raised can we
install hand dryers instead of paper towel in clinical areas at the hand
washing sinks?
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Infection Prevention and Control Manager
Echuca Regional Health
17 Francis Street
Echuca 3564
Helping Everyone To Be And Stay Healthy
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20/06/2013 at 2:18 pm #70095Hi Lyn,
I’ve recently reviewed the proposed use of “ultra-rapid” hand dryers for my hospital for clinical areas (my comments are thus specific to this area and do not cover its use in general public areas such as public toilets, etc).
The use of HEPA filter filtration for the new hand dryers has to be seen in the proper context…
If the machine (“ultra-rapid” discussed here and not the conventional hand dryers) produces high velocity filtered air within a small confined area, that air needs to have an avenue to be exhausted out otherwise it gets channeled back at the user’s face (this based on the current “hands facing downwards” design)… thus the sides to the machine are left exposed to allow air (with water droplets from the user’s hands) to be channeled away from the user.
This would result in potential contamination of the immediate area surrounding the hand dryer (floor, wall, etc.) as water from the user’s hands gets aerosolised or propelled off.
The HEPA filtration in the dryer filters the propelled air but not the air that gets exhausted post contact with the user’s hands to the surrounding environment (so if you get users with extremely bad hand washing techniques i.e. no soap used post contact with gastro patient… this will then be an issue in a clinical environment).
Some studies such as:
Comparative evaluation of the hygienic efficacy of an ultra-rapid hand dryer vs conventional warm air hand dryers. (English) By: Snelling AM; Saville T; Stevens D; Beggs CB, Journal Of Applied Microbiology [J Appl Microbiol], ISSN: 1365-2672, 2011 Jan; Vol. 110 (1), pp. 19-26; PMID: 20887403
speak favorably regarding the new “ultra-rapid” hand dryers (kindly note that the study was funded by Dyson Limited, Malmesbury, UK.).
A comparative study of different hand drying methods: paper towel, warm air dryer, jet air dryer (2009). By: Redway K & Fawdar S. School of Biosciences, University of Westminster, London.compared paper towels vs conventional warm air dryers vs the newer “ultra rapid” hand dryers and found paper towels to be the superior option (also note that this study was sponsored by the European Tissue Symposium (ETS) Brussels).
The Mayo Clinic did an extensive review of current evidence in 2012:
The hygienic efficacy of different hand-drying methods: a review of the evidence. (English) By: Huang C; Ma W; Stack S, Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Mayo Clinic [Mayo Clin Proc], ISSN: 1942-5546, 2012 Aug; Vol. 87 (8), pp. 791-8; PMID: 22656243
and is a great read as you explore the various options available.
Hope that helps and all the best with your hospital’s final decision to the matter.
Kind regards,
GeraldGerald Chan
Coordinator Infection ControlSt John of God Murdoch Hospital
100 Murdoch Drive
MURDOCH. WA 6150P: 9366 1552
M: 0405 495 906 (7804)
F: 9311 4604
E: Gerald.Chan@sjog.org.au
W: http://www.sjog.org.au/murdochfacebook.com/stjohnofgodmurdoch ( http://www.facebook.com/stjohnofgodmurdoch )
twitter.com/sjgh_murdoch ( http://www.twitter.com/sjgh_murdoch )
>>> Glenys Harrington 19/06/2013 6:06 PM >>>Hi Lyn,
My understanding is that they are too noisy for clinical areas particularly at night.
Glenys Harrington
Infection Control Consultancy (ICC)
PO Box 5202
Middle Park
Victoria, 3206
H: +61 3 96902216
M: +61 404 816 434
ABN 47533508426Has anybody had any experience with installation of hand dryers (warm blowing air) in clinical areas?
We are building a new facility, the question has been raised can we install hand dryers instead of paper towel in clinical areas at the hand washing sinks?
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Infection Prevention and Control Manager
Echuca Regional Health
17 Francis Street
Echuca 3564
Helping Everyone To Be And Stay Healthy
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