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  • #68889
    Avatar photoMichael Wishart

    Michael Wishart

    Infection Control Coordinator

    St Vincent's Private Hospital Northside


    Apologies for any list subscribers trying to send messages to the list, or access the list website, during the past 24 hours or so. Apparently an enterprising Romanian spammer was successful in infiltrating the server and using it to send out lots of spam. This resulted in the server being shut down for a while, as well as some spam lists recording the server and blocking delivery of emails from it.

    Hopefully no members have actually been unsubscribed from the list in this process (they won’t know if they don’t get this email, will they? 🙂 ), but apologies to anyone who tried to access the website or send messages today.

    Hopefully we have improved security enough to stop this from happening in the future.

    Michael Wishart
    AICAList Administrator

    Messages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and do not represent the opinion of AICA.

    Archive of all messages are available at – registration and login required.

    Replies to this message will be directed back to the list. To create a new message send an email to

    To send a message to the list administrator send an email to

    You can unsubscribe from this list be sending ‘signoff aicalist’ (without the quotes) to

    Michael Wishart
    Infection Control Coordinator
    St Vincent's Private Hospital Northside & St Vincent's Private Hospital Brisbane
    Brisbane, QLD

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