Home › Forums › Infexion Connexion › Legionella and bacterial micro testing of chilled and instant hot water systems
- This topic has 2 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 6 months ago by
Jayne OConnor.
13/09/2017 at 9:55 am #74018
Good morning,
Just wondering if any facilities have instant chilled and boiling water systems for patients and staff to access for drinking water and hot tea/coffee in there lounges/kitchens.
If you do, how long have they been installed?
Do you undertake any legionella and bacterial micro testing on the cold and hot water from the system including the sink tap water that its connected to?
If you would be prepared to share what system you use and your results with us please contact me off line directly by email at marija.juraja@sa.gov.auKind Regards
Marija Juraja |Nurse Unit Manager -CALHN Infection Prevention & Control Unit|
Division of Acute Medicine (RN, GCNS Inf Ctrl, CICP-E)
The Royal Adelaide Hospital| Central Adelaide Local Health Network
8E Rm256 Port Road, ADELAIDE 5000
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital | Central Adelaide Local Health Network
Level 8 Tower Building | 28 Woodville Road, WOODVILLE SOUTH 5011
t: +61 8 7074 2810 (RAH) 8222 7588 (TQEH)| f: +61 8 7074 6228 (RAH) +61 8 8222 6461 (TQEH) | m: 0466 379 821|DX: 465432 (TQEH) |e:marija.juraja@sa.gov.au |web: IPCU Intranet Site and Resources
Adjunct Clinical Lecturer | University of South Australia | Division of Health SciencesThis email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access , use, distribute or copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It is the recipient’s responsibility to check the email and any attached files for viruses.
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13/09/2017 at 10:37 am #74019Morning,
We now only have hot & ambient water available to staff due to issues with our previous water coolers, however we are currently trialling some new water coolers that use UV lights I can’t remember the brand but I can find out for you if the trial is successful then we will install some additional units throughout the hospital & where there had been the ‘Zippy’ taps with hot & chilled water we have removed the chilled water component and installed a ambient filtered water tap instead. If these water coolers are installed then they will be put on a routine testing schedule as we do our Ice and bottled water that we provide patients with.
With kind regards,
Lynette CribbInfection Control Coordinator
Direct 07 3834 4328 | mobile 0427141223 | Fax 0738344599
SAWMH.ICC@uchealth.com.au | standrewshospital.com.au
[Bugs-and-tear LR]
Remember to protect your patients, family and yourself by getting the Influenza vaccinationGood morning,
Just wondering if any facilities have instant chilled and boiling water systems for patients and staff to access for drinking water and hot tea/coffee in there lounges/kitchens.
If you do, how long have they been installed?
Do you undertake any legionella and bacterial micro testing on the cold and hot water from the system including the sink tap water that its connected to?
If you would be prepared to share what system you use and your results with us please contact me off line directly by email at marija.juraja@sa.gov.auKind Regards
Marija Juraja |Nurse Unit Manager -CALHN Infection Prevention & Control Unit|
Division of Acute Medicine (RN, GCNS Inf Ctrl, CICP-E)
The Royal Adelaide Hospital| Central Adelaide Local Health Network
8E Rm256 Port Road, ADELAIDE 5000
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital | Central Adelaide Local Health Network
Level 8 Tower Building | 28 Woodville Road, WOODVILLE SOUTH 5011
t: +61 8 7074 2810 (RAH) 8222 7588 (TQEH)| f: +61 8 7074 6228 (RAH) +61 8 8222 6461 (TQEH) | m: 0466 379 821|DX: 465432 (TQEH) |e:marija.juraja@sa.gov.au |web: IPCU Intranet Site and Resources
Adjunct Clinical Lecturer | University of South Australia | Division of Health SciencesThis email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access , use, distribute or copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It is the recipient’s responsibility to check the email and any attached files for viruses.
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13/09/2017 at 11:06 am #74020We use plumbed in water coolers now. We recently isolated Legionella incidentally from a water cooler that was not plumbed in in our ICU as part of a Pseudomonas issue in which we were testing multiple water outlets – no Pseudomonas was found. The cooler has a charcoal pre-filter which attracts Legionella growth our microbiologist advised.
Our hospital undertakes a rigorous legionella testing regime from the hot water supply but only tests water and shower heads – not hand washing or drinking outlets.Cheers
[IPC logo for email signature]Ruth Barratt RN, BSc, MAdvPrac (Hons)
Clinical NurseSpecialist Infection Prevention and Control
Community Liaison Infection Prevention
*: ruth.barratt@cdhb.health.nz
*: + 64 3 3640 083 or ext.80083
[1098272744j4O36h]: 0275 263175
Level 5, Riverside Building
Christchurch Hospital | Private Bag 4710, Christchurch
Clean Hands Save Lives!Morning,
We now only have hot & ambient water available to staff due to issues with our previous water coolers, however we are currently trialling some new water coolers that use UV lights I can’t remember the brand but I can find out for you if the trial is successful then we will install some additional units throughout the hospital & where there had been the ‘Zippy’ taps with hot & chilled water we have removed the chilled water component and installed a ambient filtered water tap instead. If these water coolers are installed then they will be put on a routine testing schedule as we do our Ice and bottled water that we provide patients with.
With kind regards,
Lynette CribbInfection Control Coordinator
Direct 07 3834 4328 | mobile 0427141223 | Fax 0738344599
SAWMH.ICC@uchealth.com.au | standrewshospital.com.au
[Bugs-and-tear LR]
Remember to protect your patients, family and yourself by getting the Influenza vaccinationGood morning,
Just wondering if any facilities have instant chilled and boiling water systems for patients and staff to access for drinking water and hot tea/coffee in there lounges/kitchens.
If you do, how long have they been installed?
Do you undertake any legionella and bacterial micro testing on the cold and hot water from the system including the sink tap water that its connected to?
If you would be prepared to share what system you use and your results with us please contact me off line directly by email at marija.juraja@sa.gov.auKind Regards
Marija Juraja |Nurse Unit Manager -CALHN Infection Prevention & Control Unit|
Division of Acute Medicine (RN, GCNS Inf Ctrl, CICP-E)
The Royal Adelaide Hospital| Central Adelaide Local Health Network
8E Rm256 Port Road, ADELAIDE 5000
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital | Central Adelaide Local Health Network
Level 8 Tower Building | 28 Woodville Road, WOODVILLE SOUTH 5011
t: +61 8 7074 2810 (RAH) 8222 7588 (TQEH)| f: +61 8 7074 6228 (RAH) +61 8 8222 6461 (TQEH) | m: 0466 379 821|DX: 465432 (TQEH) |e:marija.juraja@sa.gov.au |web: IPCU Intranet Site and Resources
Adjunct Clinical Lecturer | University of South Australia | Division of Health SciencesThis email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access , use, distribute or copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It is the recipient’s responsibility to check the email and any attached files for viruses.
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13/09/2017 at 11:14 am #74021Morning Marija,
We use Zip taps hot and cold for some patient areas and some staff areas, they are not tested as per our legionella policy, but are treated and tested monthly as it comes from our potable water supply, the water is also filtered , hot water is supplied at boiling point at point of use. Makes and models I would need to look up as we use a number of different one, happy to forward to you once I know.
Kind regards
Jayne O’Connor RN,BSc.Inf.Cont.
IPC Co-Ordinator
Sydney Adventist Hospital
185 Fox Valley Rd.,
Wahroonga 2076Tel DD: (02) 9487 9732
[Description: 5 moments hand hygiene]
Good morning,
Just wondering if any facilities have instant chilled and boiling water systems for patients and staff to access for drinking water and hot tea/coffee in there lounges/kitchens.
If you do, how long have they been installed?
Do you undertake any legionella and bacterial micro testing on the cold and hot water from the system including the sink tap water that its connected to?
If you would be prepared to share what system you use and your results with us please contact me off line directly by email at marija.juraja@sa.gov.auKind Regards
Marija Juraja |Nurse Unit Manager -CALHN Infection Prevention & Control Unit|
Division of Acute Medicine (RN, GCNS Inf Ctrl, CICP-E)
The Royal Adelaide Hospital| Central Adelaide Local Health Network
8E Rm256 Port Road, ADELAIDE 5000
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital | Central Adelaide Local Health Network
Level 8 Tower Building | 28 Woodville Road, WOODVILLE SOUTH 5011
t: +61 8 7074 2810 (RAH) 8222 7588 (TQEH)| f: +61 8 7074 6228 (RAH) +61 8 8222 6461 (TQEH) | m: 0466 379 821|DX: 465432 (TQEH) |e:marija.juraja@sa.gov.au |web: IPCU Intranet Site and Resources
Adjunct Clinical Lecturer | University of South Australia | Division of Health SciencesThis email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access , use, distribute or copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It is the recipient’s responsibility to check the email and any attached files for viruses.
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18/09/2017 at 4:42 pm #74023Good Afternoon,
I would always include the filtered water when putting together a testing programme for any healthcare building. The carbon filters do (in my experience) tend to have a build-up of bacteria in them, and they also get rid of residual chlorine in the water supply that passes through them. If they are present, then they should be maintained as per the manufacturer’s instructions, and filters changed in line with this. The source tap water should also be tested at some point, as only then do you know if the filter is the issue, or if it is an issue with supply water. If they are needed or not should be part of the Legionella/potable water risk assessment for the facility.
I’m going to be speaking at the national conference on Legionella, on the Tuesday just before lunch.
Hopefully I can cover this, but, if anyone else has any burning questions that they would like to know the answer to, please get in touch and I will see how much I can include to make my presentation as useful as possible for everyone.
Sarah Bailey MSc, PGDip Med Myc
[QED Environmental Services]
[NATA Certified]
1300 400 733
0415 879 028
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Just wondering if any facilities have instant chilled and boiling water systems for patients and staff to access for drinking water and hot tea/coffee in there lounges/kitchens.
If you do, how long have they been installed?
Do you undertake any legionella and bacterial micro testing on the cold and hot water from the system including the sink tap water that its connected to?
If you would be prepared to share what system you use and your results with us please contact me off line directly by email at marija.juraja@sa.gov.auKind Regards
Marija Juraja |Nurse Unit Manager -CALHN Infection Prevention & Control Unit|
Division of Acute Medicine (RN, GCNS Inf Ctrl, CICP-E)
The Royal Adelaide Hospital| Central Adelaide Local Health Network
8E Rm256 Port Road, ADELAIDE 5000
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital | Central Adelaide Local Health Network
Level 8 Tower Building | 28 Woodville Road, WOODVILLE SOUTH 5011
t: +61 8 7074 2810 (RAH) 8222 7588 (TQEH)| f: +61 8 7074 6228 (RAH) +61 8 8222 6461 (TQEH) | m: 0466 379 821|DX: 465432 (TQEH) |e:marija.juraja@sa.gov.au |web: IPCU Intranet Site and Resources
Adjunct Clinical Lecturer | University of South Australia | Division of Health SciencesThis email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access , use, distribute or copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It is the recipient’s responsibility to check the email and any attached files for viruses.
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19/09/2017 at 10:21 am #74024Hi Sarah,
We recently had our accreditation all good with our water testing however they did ask how we tested our ice machines, frequency etc., not the ice for consumption but that used for equipment.
We hadn’t previously tested the ice machine but will do now following their observation. Any information you have in regards to ice water testing would be greatly appreciated.
Look forward to hearing your talk in November.
Kind regards
Jayne O’Connor RN,BSc.Inf.Cont.
IPC Co-Ordinator
Sydney Adventist Hospital
185 Fox Valley Rd.,
Wahroonga 2076Tel DD: (02) 9487 9732
[Description: 5 moments hand hygiene]
Good Afternoon,
I would always include the filtered water when putting together a testing programme for any healthcare building. The carbon filters do (in my experience) tend to have a build-up of bacteria in them, and they also get rid of residual chlorine in the water supply that passes through them. If they are present, then they should be maintained as per the manufacturer’s instructions, and filters changed in line with this. The source tap water should also be tested at some point, as only then do you know if the filter is the issue, or if it is an issue with supply water. If they are needed or not should be part of the Legionella/potable water risk assessment for the facility.
I’m going to be speaking at the national conference on Legionella, on the Tuesday just before lunch.
Hopefully I can cover this, but, if anyone else has any burning questions that they would like to know the answer to, please get in touch and I will see how much I can include to make my presentation as useful as possible for everyone.
Sarah Bailey MSc, PGDip Med Myc
[QED Environmental Services]
[NATA Certified]
1300 400 733
0415 879 028
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This communication contains information which is confidential and the copyright of QED Environmental Services Pty Ltd (ACN 060 866 720) (QED) or a third party. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication please delete and destroy all copies and contact QED immediately. If you are the intended recipient of this communication you should not copy, disclose or distribute this communication without the authority of QED. Except as required at law, QED does not represent, warrant and/or guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained nor that the communication is free of errors, virus, interception or interference. The information contained in this communication is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and others authorised to receive it. It may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by responding to this email and then delete it from your system. QED is neither liable for the proper and complete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt.Good morning,
Just wondering if any facilities have instant chilled and boiling water systems for patients and staff to access for drinking water and hot tea/coffee in there lounges/kitchens.
If you do, how long have they been installed?
Do you undertake any legionella and bacterial micro testing on the cold and hot water from the system including the sink tap water that its connected to?
If you would be prepared to share what system you use and your results with us please contact me off line directly by email at marija.juraja@sa.gov.auKind Regards
Marija Juraja |Nurse Unit Manager -CALHN Infection Prevention & Control Unit|
Division of Acute Medicine (RN, GCNS Inf Ctrl, CICP-E)
The Royal Adelaide Hospital| Central Adelaide Local Health Network
8E Rm256 Port Road, ADELAIDE 5000
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital | Central Adelaide Local Health Network
Level 8 Tower Building | 28 Woodville Road, WOODVILLE SOUTH 5011
t: +61 8 7074 2810 (RAH) 8222 7588 (TQEH)| f: +61 8 7074 6228 (RAH) +61 8 8222 6461 (TQEH) | m: 0466 379 821|DX: 465432 (TQEH) |e:marija.juraja@sa.gov.au |web: IPCU Intranet Site and Resources
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