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  • #68544
    Jane Barnett

    Jane Barnett




    I received the following response back from our IV nurse educator
    (Elizabeth Culverwell) here in Canterbury to the query about line bungs
    which may be of interest:

    The recommendation for Smartsite Plus positives displacement device is
    72hly or 100 activations – manufacturers recommendations (we do this
    Tues & Fridays) This testing was carried out inhouse by Alaris & from
    memory it was according to the ISO standards( I know I have that info
    somewhere) this was to test the devices integrity over 100 activations
    or greater to see if it compromised the silicone dome -leaks.

    The CDC 2002 recommend changes 72hly & the INS ‘An evidence based
    approach’ 2010 recommend to change positive displacement devices no more
    frequently than 72hrs. If for eg the catheter was accessed 1x weekly
    then the device would be changed 1x weekly. The key to infection
    prevention is not the changing of a device but the vigorous cleaning
    with approved antimicrobial before accessing it. There are many
    different devices on the market so it is important to understand how any
    particular device is constructed & what is necessary to maintain its
    integrity Regards Elizabeth —–

    Jane Barnett

    Clinical Nurse Specialist

    Infection Prevention & Control

    Christchurch Women’s Hospital

    Private Bag 4711, Christchurch

    Infection Prevention and Control is Everyone’s Business

    Check out our web site:

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