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  • #68563
    Mahachi, Edith

    Mahachi, Edith




    Dear All
    I want to know if you have infection control link workers in your areas?
    If you do have:

    *Do they get protected time to undertake their roles?
    *How much time do they get and is it funded for?
    *What roles are they expected to do?
    *How often do you meet with them?
    *If you meet with them what do you discuss with them?

    All your contributions will be greatly appreciated.
    Edith Mahachi
    Infection Prevention and Control Nurse specialist
    Basildon and Thurrock Foundation Nhs Trust

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    Carien Coleman

    Carien Coleman




    Hi Edith,

    I have just recently stepped into the role of IC CNC at our hospital and have had one meeting with our LINK nurses. To answer your questions:

    * They do not get any protected time to undertake their roles.
    * Currently it will expected of them to do HH audit and IC environmental audits
    * They will be a resource for other staff on the wards (a role I would love to extended and for them to have some background knowledge, i.e. NHMRC online IC modules)
    * We meet bi-monthly 5 x year
    * I discuss the IC management plan, one area of focus for the year, factors contributing to HAI on the wards and also the results from the HH Audits. Needs identified from the clinical area.

    As mentioned I am still finding my feet. I have found though that there is very poor attendance of meeting, although we rotate the days of the meetings to accommodate everyone. They get a “protected” hour on Trendcare for the meetings. The general consensus is that there is not enough time during their shifts to do any extra workload.

    I trust this will be helpful.

    Kind regards,

    Carien Coleman | Infection Control CNC
    The Sunshine Coast Private Hospital
    Syd Lingard Drive | BUDERIM QLD 4556
    PO Box 5050 | Maroochydore BC QLD 4558
    T: (07) 5430 3245 | F: (07) 5430 3436

    Dear All

    I want to know if you have infection control link workers in your areas? If you do have:

    * Do they get protected time to undertake their roles?
    * How much time do they get and is it funded for?
    * What roles are they expected to do?
    * How often do you meet with them?
    * If you meet with them what do you discuss with them?
    All your contributions will be greatly appreciated.


    Edith Mahachi
    Infection Prevention and Control Nurse specialist
    Basildon and Thurrock Foundation Nhs Trust

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    Margaret Evans

    Margaret Evans




    Hi Edith
    At Royal Hospital for Woman in Sydney we have had an Infection Control Link Nurse/Midwife (ICLN/M) system running since mid 1990s. There is one (often more in the speciality areas) volunteer from every ward / unit.
    There are meetings monthly (which are never cancelled) where there is education, reviewing audits and discussion on problems they experience. I regularly send them interesting articles I come across. Many asked to be rostered on for the day of the meetings however people from small units, it often doesn’t work so I make a point of catching up with them keeping them in the loop & work with them individually on any issues they may have.

    In a couple of the larger speciality areas they are given dedicated time but this is not a common practice.

    Each month they are given an audit to do & majority have also chosen to be hand hygiene auditors as well.
    Audits done are sharp safety, environmental Infection Control Risk assessments, IV audits, waste audits & latex risk assessment
    Education given by all ICLN/M: annual infection prevention & control quiz, , glutaraldehyde safe management & risk assessment. According to their skills many choose to do regular in-services in their ward re issues or problems they are concerned about e.g. Reducing central line associated blood stream infections, hand hygiene, management of multi-resistant organisms, sharps management & compliance with appropriate PPE. Majority of the times they run their talks past me because they want to make sure they are on the right path or the want evidence for the problem. I have found this local ownership of IC issues has had a positive impact on reducing HAIs here

    I found that once their managers realised having this good ward based data was a great benefit for accreditation & OH&S reviews they supported the role of ICLN/M

    This system has also proved to be great for succession planning, they relieve me when on leave & some have moved on to become ICP or work in Public Health units. It is a lot of work to have ICLN/M but the gains are certainly worth it.

    Kind regards

    Margie Evans
    Infection Prevention & Control CNC
    Royal Hospital for Women
    Randwick 2031
    page 44075 or ph. 9382 6339

    Dear All

    I want to know if you have infection control link workers in your areas? If you do have:

    * Do they get protected time to undertake their roles?
    * How much time do they get and is it funded for?
    * What roles are they expected to do?
    * How often do you meet with them?
    * If you meet with them what do you discuss with them?
    All your contributions will be greatly appreciated.


    Edith Mahachi
    Infection Prevention and Control Nurse specialist
    Basildon and Thurrock Foundation Nhs Trust

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