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  • #68569
    Mitchell, Brett (TIPCU)

    Mitchell, Brett (TIPCU)




    Tasmanian Infection Control Association – 4th Biennial Conference-
    “Keeping it Clean”
    29th – 30th September 2011, Wrest Point Casino Hobart
    The conference program has almost been finalised and will be posted on
    the website soon. TICA have an exceptional list of speakers from across
    Australia and have also secured a well known and respected international
    speaker, Dr Stephanie Dancer. Dr Dancer recently presented at the
    International Hospital Infection Society Conference and Lancet
    Infectious Diseases conferences on issues related to environmental
    cleanliness and HAIs. Conference registration starts from just $175!
    This conference has been endorsed by Royal College of Nursing,
    Australia, according to approved criteria. Attendance attracts 10.5 RCNA
    Continuing Nurse Education (CNE) points as part of RCNA’s Life Long
    Learning Program (3LP)”
    Conference web address for further information and online registration:
    Brett Mitchell (TICA President) on behalf of the TICA organising

    Brett Mitchell
    President Tasmanian Infection Control Association


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