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IFIC Survey on Faeces and Urine

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    Michael Wishart

    Michael Wishart




    [Posted on behalf of Marija Juraja, ACIPC President – Moderator]

    IFIC Survey on Faeces and Urine

    This short survey explores how faeces (more importantly than urine) is handled in your facility.
    The opening paragraph to the survey states that faeces (and to a smaller extent urine) can transport germs and infect other patients. Excretion of multi antibiotic resistant organisms via faeces is a recognised risk. Therefore, knowledge about the handling of faeces and urine in hospitals is of great interest, but very little is known on a worldwide basis.

    IFIC has decided to undertake a small study to gather more information about this issue, to understand the likely problems in different continents, areas and countries in the world and define realistic aims to improve the situation. The research results they hope will help to provide recommendations and assist in developing guidelines in defining training and education in this area for healthcare professionals.

    The questions take less than 5 minutes and the survey results go back to Professor Dr. Walter Popp, Hospital Hygiene, University Clinics of Essen, Hufelandstr. 55, 45122 Essen, Germany (

    MEIKO – an IFIC Strategic Partner – is offering 25 free print copies of the textbook: IFIC Basic Concepts of Infection Control, to participants who reply to the survey by end of March 2013. Winners will be chosen by lot from the respondents who have answered by that date and have provided a contact email.

    Link to survey

    Kind Regards

    Marija Juraja
    RN, Grad Cert IC, CICP
    President, ACIPC

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