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  • #69992
    Jennifer Benjamin

    Jennifer Benjamin




    Hi Michael,
    Can you please post the following job on the list for me?
    Infection Control Nurse Consultant- Thomas Embling Hospital. Fairfield, Victoria
    RPN5 (0.4 EFT – 16hrs/wk for 1st 6 mths then 0.2 EFT – 8hrs/wk for following 6 mths) 12 month contract

    The Infection Control Nurse Consultant provides expert, evidence based consultancy and promotes and coordinates infection control practices to ensure a safe environment for patients, staff and others. This position will play an important role in ensuring that all accreditation requirements related to infection control are met.

    For further information contact Louise Bawden, Director of Nursing on 9495 9140

    Jennifer Benjamin
    Infection Control Consulant
    Melbourne Pathology
    M: 0402000590
    Quality is in our DNA
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