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Hydrotherapy pools

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    Sue Kelly

    Sue Kelly




    Does anyone have any good information or guidelines about the use of hydrotherapy pools for someone who has a plantar (or any other type) of wart.

    We have a patient, post knee replacement who has a wart and who wants/needs to use the pool for their rehabilitation program.

    We are considering covering the wart with two occlusive dressings, but am uncertain if that is sufficient to prevent cross contamination. The information from NSW Health ( PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL AND SPA POOL GUIDELINES June 1996) is particularly unhelpful, saying only:
    “Plantar warts are caused by a papovavirus through contaminated floor surfaces.”

    I have not searched any other health department sites.

    Any information would be really appreciated.

    Sue Kelly
    Quality Consultant and Infection Prevention & Control

    Wolper Jewish Hospital

    PO Box 844 Woollahra NSW 1350


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    Helen Scott

    Helen Scott




    There’s a rubber type sock you can buy from pharmacies to cover it. Waterproof dressings should be sufficient but they usually come off. There are some good British websites which cover this, but look up “verrucas” because that’s what we call them in England.
    Helen Scott
    Infection Control Co-ordinator &
    Acute Pain Service Co-ordinator
    Nepean Private Hospital
    0247 327333

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    >>> On 5/08/2011 at 2:08 pm, in message , Sue Kelly wrote:
    Does anyone have any good information or guidelines about the use of hydrotherapy pools for someone who has a plantar (or any other type) of wart.
    We have a patient, post knee replacement who has a wart and who wants/needs to use the pool for their rehabilitation program.

    We are considering covering the wart with two occlusive dressings, but am uncertain if that is sufficient to prevent cross contamination. The information from NSW Health ( PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL AND SPA POOL GUIDELINES June 1996) is particularly unhelpful, saying only:
    “Plantar warts are caused by a papovavirus through contaminated floor surfaces.”

    I have not searched any other health department sites.

    Any information would be really appreciated.

    Sue Kelly
    Quality Consultant and Infection Prevention & Control

    Wolper Jewish Hospital

    PO Box 844 Woollahra NSW 1350


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