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HICSIG update Nov 2011

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  • #68799
    John Ferguson

    John Ferguson




    Apologies for cross-postings!
    Dear all,
    It has been a while since we updated you on HICSIG business.
    HICSIG and the new Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control
    HICSIG will be changing its modus operandi to some extent in order to maximise collaboration and support for the new national organisation. Further discussions are to take place at the APSIC meeting this week. Draft revised HICSIG objectives are now displayed at this page: .
    ASID Membership and HICSIG
    Non-ASID members who wish to be HICSIG members are asked to join ASID as Associate Members. This is in accord with a recent directive from the ASID Council. ASID is offering HICSIG members, free ASID Associate Membership for 1 year. If you wish to take up this offer, please go to where you can apply. The fee will be waived.
    If you are already an ASID HICSIG member, you have had your HICSIG membership identified on your Member page (we edited your entry!). If you no longer wish to be a member of HICSIG, then we would suggest that you navigate to your ASID member page and adjust the SIG preference detail. Alternatively let Michelle or myself know.
    If you are an ASID Member who wishes to join HICSIG, navigate to your Member Profile page from the Members tab and update your SIG preference at the bottom.
    Subsequent Newsletters
    With the new ASID website, subsequent HICSIG newsletters/updates will be sent out from the ASID website to HICSIG members. Please update your email address on the ASID website if it has changed. Please also note that Michelle keeps a rolling update of IPC and AMS news and publications from around the world. This is accessible via the HICSIG Wiki (
    HICSIG Meetings
    The Steering Committe held a teleconference in August, the minutes are avavilable at A General Meeting was also held at ASID conference. The minutes are at
    There will be a special symposium that focuses on residential aged care IPC and AMS at the ASID Scientific meeting in Perth next year.
    The development of the MRSA Control in Long Term Care Facilities document continues. This should hopefully be completed early next year
    – ASID (HICSIG)/AICA CAUTI position statement published
    – ASID (HICSIG)/AICA C. difficile IPC position statement published
    – ANZ AICA C difficile lab survey and best practice recommendations in print July Pathology
    Thank you,
    John Ferguson & Michelle Taylor (HICSIG Technical Support Officer, )

    Dr John Ferguson
    Director, Infection Prevention & Control, Hunter New England Health
    Infectious Diseases Physician, Division of Medicine, John Hunter Hospital
    Clinical Microbiologist, Hunter Area Pathology, Pathology North
    Conjoint Associate Professor, University of Newcastle, University of New England
    Locked Bag 1, Newcastle Mail Centre, NSW 2310
    Tel 61 2 4921 4444 | Fax 61 2 4921 4440 | Mob +61 428 885 573 | |

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