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Healthcare Infection – calls for papers

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  • #69033
    Mitchell, Brett (TIPCU)

    Mitchell, Brett (TIPCU)




    Dear ACICP list members,

    Healthcare Infection continues to grow from strength to strength. I encourage you to be part of this and consider submitting an article. We are close to hitting almost 40 000 downloads of papers from the journal’s website.

    A range of article types are available, research (full research or a short article), review, case reports and letters to the Editor. If you have just completed a piece of research or have undertaken something novel in your area, I would strongly encourage you to share this with your colleagues.

    Healthcare Infection is indexed/abstracted in Google Scholar, Scopus, Australasian Medical Index, Cinahl, Embase, EMCare and an application for ISI indexation will be occurring in coming months.

    If you need any assistance in writing an article, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    For persons submitting an abstract for the ACIPC conference, I would encourage you to submit a article with Healthcare Infection concurrently.

    Kind regards

    Brett Mitchell
    Editor-in-Chief, Healthcare Infection


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