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Hand Hygiene Australia (HHA) Gold Standard Auditor Forum

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  • #68435
    RUSSO, Philip

    RUSSO, Philip




    All Hand Hygiene Australia Gold Standard auditors are invited to attend
    a Hand Hygiene Australia (HHA) Gold Standard Auditor Forum to be held in
    your local area soon.
    The forum is only available for those who are HHA Gold Standard
    Auditors, and runs for approximately 4.5 hours.
    The forum will cover the following areas:
    – National & local update on the National Hand Hygiene Initiative
    – Recent changes to HHA manual, guidelines & education resources
    – Gold Standard & Auditor validation processes
    – Data management
    – Training others to be auditors
    A large component of the forum will also be dedicated to
    troubleshooting, FAQ & discussion to ensure participants get as much
    valuable information as possible.
    Executive members from your facility are also invited to attend the
    national & local update to see the latest data & information from HHA.
    This session will take place at the start of the forum and run for
    approximately 50 mins.
    For more information, and to register for the Hand Hygiene Australia
    Gold Standard Auditor Forum please register online at:
    Places are limited so please ensure you register. This will also assist
    with catering requirements.
    held in 2011. Apologies for any inconvenience.

    Phil Russo, M.Clin.Epid
    Hand Hygiene Australia
    National Project Manager
    P: +61 3 9496 3587 | M: +61 411 659 486 |F: +61 3 9496 6677 |E:
    Hand Hygiene Australia, c/- Austin Health Infectious Diseases Dept. PO
    5555 Heidelberg, VIC, Australia 3084


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