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FW: Tuesday tutorial webinar: The challenges of managing problematic complex water systems whilst minimising the impact on patient care

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    Matthew, John

    Matthew, John




    Hello Everyone:

    The challenges of managing problematic complex water systems whilst minimising the impact on patient care, by George McCracken (Belfast Health & Social Care Trust)

    Some of you may already be on the RSPH mailing list, but for those of you who are new to the topic and may be interested in healthcare water systems and its impact on patient care, below is an invitation to attend a free webinar being held tonight by the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH), who hold a series of water-related webinars through their summer, some of which are healthcare-related, others to do with food prep, swimming pools, spas, etc. The live webinars unfortunately occur in the middle of the night for us here in ANZ, but by registering we will still have access for 24 hours after the live presentation. After this time, the webinars are available to RSPH members only.

    To clarify:

    – this would be midnight tonight 24:00 AEDT Tues 15 NOV 2016 (technically, 00:00 AEDT Wed 16 NOV 2016); they are currently 11 hours behind MEL/SYD.

    – the session is recorded but not downloadable; it is available as a video stream, free for 24H after the live presentation to those who register via the button below.

    – it is also available as a video stream (but not downloadable) for 12 months from the date of the presentation, for RSPH members.

    – if the speaker has made available slides or notes for dissemination to the audience at the time of the live presentation, these will also normally be available for download onto your device during the 24 free period. After this period, access to these materials will be restricted to RSPH members only.

    For those interested, please click on the pink Register your free place now button below.

    Thanks, and regards

    John Matthew
    Marketing & Strategic Leader
    Pall Medical, ANZ
    M: +61 419 130 668


    From: Royal Society for Public Health []
    Sent: Friday, 7 October 2016 10:12 PM
    To: Matthew, John
    Subject: Tuesday tutorial webinar: The challenges of managing problematic complex water systems whilst minimising the impact on patient care

    October 2016

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    The challenges of managing problematic complex water systems whilst minimising the impact on patient care

    Tuesday 15 November 2016

    1.00 – 2.00pm BST


    When waterborne pathogens such as Legionella are detected in non-healthcare premises, in most cases the facility can be closed for remedial works or they can be carried out overnight to reduce the impact on normal business activities. In healthcare buildings, however, particularly if they are specialist centres treating very ill patients, closing a unit would have far reaching implications with the potential to adversely affect patient outcomes.

    This webinar will outline some of the challenges and practicalities which face healthcare organisations in dealing with serious problems, while at the same time maintaining a high standard of clinical care.

    Speaker: George McCracken, Senior Estates Manager, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

    Chaired by: Dr Rosalind Stanwell-Smith FRSPH, Hon. Senior Lecturer, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


    [Rounded Rectangle: Register your free place now]

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