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FW: READ: Dr. Jarvis Dinner Event – Broadcast Live on Wednesday, 14 August 2013

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  • #70351
    Tim Spencer

    Tim Spencer




    Reminder for Dr William Jarvis webinar tonight.

    See details below.


    Timothy R. Spencer, RN, APN, DipAppSci, Bach.Health, ICCert.
    Clinical Nurse Consultant, Central Venous Access & Parenteral Nutrition

    Conjoint Lecturer, South West Sydney Clinical School | Faculty of
    Medicine | University of NSW
    Dept of Intensive Care, Level 2, Clinical Building, Liverpool Hospital,
    Elizabeth Street, Liverpool, 2170, NSW, Australia
    Tel (+61) 2 8738 3603 | Fax (+61) 2 8738 3551 | Mob +61 (0)409 463 428 | |

    August 2013

    We have been overwhelmed by the level of interest to attend our upcoming
    dinner series with Dr. William Jarvis – hosting in both Melbourne &
    Sydney. To ensure that we could include those in other cities as well
    as cater to regional demand, we have arranged to have his Sydney dinner
    event – Wednesday, 14 August 2013 – broadcast. You will be able to
    connect to Dr. Jarvis presentation, hear him live as well as engage in a
    Q&A session post his presentation.

    Below is the link to connect live to Dr. Jarvis’s presentation as of
    6.30pm on Wednesday, 14 August 2013.


    If you have any questions or queries, please direct them to Tai Bouvieir
    ( or 0439 878 225 or myself – details below.

    We look forward to welcoming you on the night.

    Kind regards


    Rosalyn Harcourt | Regional Sales Manager (NSW/ACT)

    Johnson & Johnson Medical Pty Ltd ABN 85 000 160 403
    1-5 Khartoum Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Australia
    P.O. Box 134, North Ryde, NSW 1670 Australia

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