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FW: PICC Line Dressings

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  • #69948
    Lawson, Chris

    Lawson, Chris




    Christine Lawson | RN

    Quality and Risk Manager | Caboolture Private Hospital
    Caboolture Private Hospital
    McKean Street, CABOOLTURE QLD 4510
    t: 07 5495 9418
    e: | w:

    We are currently using an antiseptic impregnated patch’ or similar and the education we received was that the patch was still effective even though blood stained and as such dressing change not required.

    Christine Lawson | RN

    Quality and Risk Manager | Caboolture Private Hospital
    Caboolture Private Hospital
    McKean Street, CABOOLTURE QLD 4510
    t: 07 5495 9418
    e: | w:








    Dear All,

    Could people please advise on the management of PICC line dressings when an antiseptic impregnated patch is used in regards to

    a) frequency of PICC line dressings

    b) antiseptic impregnated patches

    We have two streams guiding our discussion and management of PICC lines at the moment.
    I am receiving arguments that the ‘exist site’ cannot be observed properly with the patch insitu and the patch “always” requires changing next day as blood soaked. The patch product use recommends changing if blood stained.

    Is anyone dealing with a similar issue and how have they managed this?


    Phillipa Parsons
    Infection Prevention and Control Clinical Coordinator
    Cabrini Health
    183 Wattletree Rd
    Malvern Vic 3144
    03 9508 1577
    0400 369 741

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