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FW: Invitation to make a submission to the NHMRC about the draft Infection Control Guidelines

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  • #68156
    Wishart, Michael

    Wishart, Michael




    The draft national Infection Control Guidelines are now available for comment to the public. AICA members could either individually send in comments, or contact their State / Territory Association to submit comments as part of a group submission.

    Since attachments are not permitted on this discussion list, please visit the website listed below to view the draft guidelines.


    Michael Wishart

    Infection Control Coordinator
    Quality & Safety Unit | Greenslopes Private Hospital
    Newdegate St, Greenslopes QLD 4120
    tel: 07 3394 7919 | pager 047 | fax 07 3394 7985


    Ramsay Health Care is an environmentally responsible corporation, please consider the environment before printing this email.

    —–Original Message—–
    Dear Colleagues,


    The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), in partnership
    with the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare (the
    Commission), has released for public comment the Australian Infection
    Control Guidelines: preventing and managing infection in health care (the
    draft Guidelines).

    The draft Guidelines have been developed to assist a coordinated approach
    to the management of health care associated infection (HAI) in Australia
    by supporting the Commission’s other HAI priority program initiatives.

    To facilitate this approach, the draft Guidelines are written from a care
    delivery perspective, focussing on safety and quality and using a risk
    management framework. This approach differs from the current Department ofHealth and Ageing (DoHA) 2004 Infection control guidelines for the
    prevention of transmission of infectious diseases in the health care
    setting which are disease and setting specific.

    You are invited, under paragraph 13(1)(b) of the National Health and
    Medical Research Council Act 1992, to make a submission to the NHMRC aboutthe draft guidelines.

    How to make your submission

    Electronic submissions using the web address are stronglypreferred.

    If this is not possible, please make your submission in writing
    (preferably typed or word processed) and submit by mail to:

    Stephanie Goodrick
    Strategic Partnerships
    National Health and Medical Research Council
    GPO Box 1421

    Please ensure that the author of the submission and organisation (if
    applicable) is clearly stated. If you would like your submission to be
    treated as confidential, please indicate this clearly (for example, by
    marking CONFIDENTIAL on each page of your written submission). Submissionsmay be subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. All
    submissions will have personal contact details removed prior to becoming
    publicly available on the NHMRC website.

    Please include information sources and references used in your submission
    for the NHMRC to consider.

    For further information on the draft Guidelines please contact Stephanie
    Goodrick on 02 6217 9466.

    The closing date for submissions is 10 March 2010

    Please find attached a copy of the draft guidelines if you are unable to
    access the NHMRC web site.

    For more information please go to Consultation page on the NHMRC web site

    This information is also available on the home page of the Commission’s
    web site under “Latest News”


    Susanne Panasko

    You are receiving this email because you are on the ACSQHC HAI
    distribution list. If you would to unsubscribe from this list please send
    a return email with “Please unsubscribe me from the HAI distribution list”in the subject heading.

    Susanne Panasko | Project Officer | Australian Commission on Safety and
    Quality in Health Care |
    ’02 9263 3641 | 702 9263 3613 |8|
    *GPO BOX 5480 SYDNEY NSW 2001

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    Any views expressed within this communication are those of
    the individual sender, except where the sender specifically
    states them to be the views of Ramsay Health Care.
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    Messages posted to this list are solely the opinion of the authors, and do not represent the opinion of AICA.
    Archive of all messages are available at – registration and login required.

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